Syria Updates: The Fall of Bashar al-Assad


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Wahabi tranny @Bison anytime there is war civilians will die unfortunately
Estimates of the number of people who have died in Somalia's civil war range from 450,000 to 1.5 million. The war has caused widespread destruction and death, and has forced hundreds of thousands of civilians to flee their homes.


It’s impressive how Al Nusrah survived by rebranding into HTS and controlling Idilib whilst ISIS their related group quickly surfaced and subsequently collapsed.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Abu sufiyan For two decades he was a chief antagonist of the Prophet ﷺ, only to be forgiven and given a position of leadership for the sake of the greater cause.
Astagfirullah what is your point? Are you gonna insult Umar ibn Khattab who intended to kill Rasulallah before he accepted Islam? Khalid bin Waleed? Even Abu Jahl’s son ended up becoming Muslim.

tread lightly, this is the deen, I want better for you.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Astagfirullah what is your point? Are you gonna insult Umar ibn Khattab who intended to kill Rasulallah before he accepted Islam? Khalid bin Waleed? Even Abu Jahl’s son ended up becoming Muslim.

tread lightly, this is the deen, I want better for you.
Salafist terriost wahabi 😂 I didn’t insult him I just say what he was before he accept muslim…
Wahabi tranny @Bison anytime there is war civilians will die unfortunately
Estimates of the number of people who have died in Somalia's civil war range from 450,000 to 1.5 million. The war has caused widespread destruction and death, and has forced hundreds of thousands of civilians to flee their homes.
Jolani will liberate Syria and us Wahabis will taste the fruits of Damascus. Glory to Banu Tamim glory to the Salaf glory to the Umayyads glory to the muslims
Salafist/wahabi are mossad labdog 🐶
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Forza Somalia!
Praise be to God, after years of displacement and security persecution, I arrived at my home, and took selfie with my old pic when I was five years old


Garaad Awal

Former African
It’s impressive how Al Nusrah survived by rebranding into HTS and controlling Idilib whilst ISIS their related group quickly surfaced and subsequently collapsed.
It wasn’t just a rebranding, that’s why it survived. There was a large ideological shift largely led by Jolani.

Even when its predecessor JN existed, there was a big difference between them & Da3ish. Da3ish didn’t believe in collaborating with other Syrian Rebels who they treated as “apostate” enemies. HTS also doesn’t force convert minorities or enslave them. JN didn’t really practice Sharia Law in the territory they controlled unlike the hardcore version of Sharia that Da3ish practiced in very town they controlled.

HTS removed its AQ ideology, co-operates with other rebels and isn’t led by a zealous moron. Jolani took these last few years to essentially build a professional army, lots of military innovation & a state in Idlib. Assad is in grave danger, to survive he requires Russian air power and more Twelever foreign militias provided by Iran.

"He fulfilled His promise, granted victory to His slave and defeated the confederates alone."
Sunan Ibn Majah 3074

I agree with him, it can also make Syria potentially occupied more by foreign governments and the proxy wars are never intended to return stability and power back to the people.

It really sounds like hopeless situation for them. I don't why people are rejoicing.

Garaad Awal

Former African
I agree with him, it can also make Syria potentially occupied more by foreign governments and the proxy wars are never intended to return stability and power back to the people.

It really sounds like hopeless situation for them. I don't why people are rejoicing.
We know why you stand with Assad you Afweyne apologist. You have a thing for Commie Gaalo dictators
We know why you stand with Assad you Afweyne apologist. You have a thing for Commie Gaalo dictators

I stand with the Syrian people and i stand with the Somali people.

Both Siad Barre and Assad can go tomorrow but what will the people be left with? A protracted conflict, a proxy war where foreign governments fund and arm different factions fighting eachother will just result in many more civilian lives lost , death and destruction. With no power sharing plan, it will see the factions fight internally amongst themselves.

But the Syrian people and their lives is not what people care about, they have just animosity and hatred for Assad and only lead with this, with no consideration for whats going to happen to the country and it's people.

I have a thing for commie gaalo dictators, you say. I suppose the rebel groups who were secular, had a christian founder(SNM) , espoused marxism (SDDF), (USC) and acted as proxies by an enemy christian nation(Ethiopia). They are symbols of Islamic resistance. I suppose they also didn't brutalize, suppress and massacre the population when they took power worse than any repressive dictator and duke it out internally amongst eachother. They were on the Haqq , lets all symphatize with the rebels. They did the right thing.
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