Syria Updates: The Fall of Bashar al-Assad

Garaad Awal

Former African
The PKK are on the back foot against a SNA offensive. The SNA are a collection of Turkish backed Sunni Levantine Arab militias.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Syria's president has vowed to "defend [Syria's] stability and territorial integrity in the face of all terrorists and their backers"
🙏🏽🇸🇾🇸🇾 thank you Amir al mümin bashar al asad



The worst I have seen them come up with against the rebels is kicking a statue head around, someone pushing over a christmas tree, and old videos attributed to them which are lies.

Whilst the govt side is bombing towns with civilians. A lot of them are celebrating the idea of bombing residential neighbourhoods and hospitals and do not realize the irony of how that is similar to the zionists.

I havent seen any issues with the (minority) civilians reported in areas taken by rebels.
I hope the Turks brough some of the Somali officers-in-training to spectate and show them proper strategy and execution. Just now they've squeezed out the entire pocket south of Aleppo by encircling them.


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