Syria Updates: The Fall of Bashar al-Assad

Garaad Awal

Former African
You should be concerned about Druze groups who have a history of being really close to Israel racing to get to Damascus before the actual rebels. I dont know but that seems concerning.

It seems Israel wants the Kurdish SDF to link with the Druze in the south and create a "corridor".

But apparently is runs through a lot of Sunni arab territory and im sure Turkey would be deathly against it for the Kurdish group so inshaAllah it will fail.

Druze are Syrians and have also been oppressed by the Regime. All sects can live in peace in Syria inshallah. Kurds are Sunni Muslims and also Syrians. After the fall of Assad, the various groups will need to discuss and agree upon the future of the Syrian State and the Syrian people who are tired of war!

Garaad Awal

Former African

Southern Rebels quickly becoming a grave threat to Assad. This also helps the rebels fighting in Homs as it requires Assad to keep his troops in Damascus instead of sending reinforcements to Homs.

Garaad Awal

Former African
This reminds me of when SNM took the brunt of the Somali Army while USC finished the job near the capital. I predict it will be the Southern Rebels that will deal the final blow to Assad.


Even if Assad falls, the syrian civil war is far from over. I heard hadith that says armageddon will happen in 'ard al sham' aka Syria. There will be infidels boots on the ground, probably israelis, americans and westerners who will fight the final battle of mankind. Truth vs falsehood. The blessed mujjahidins will no doubt defeat the infidels. Thus bring victory to Truth and Islam. Syria is where the Messiah prophet ISA aleyhi salam (known to christians as jesus) will land on the wings of two angels, and pray and lead the believers against zionists false god one eyed illimunati dajjal. Great powers will collide in Syria.


Druze are Syrians and have also been oppressed by the Regime. All sects can live in peace in Syria inshallah. Kurds are Sunni Muslims and also Syrians. After the fall of Assad, the various groups will need to discuss and agree upon the future of the Syrian State and the Syrian people who are tired of war!

I mean nothing of the actual Syrian people and the different groups. It is undeniable how close druze are with the zionists though, so it is a cause for concern. We will see how it plays out though.


Quite the Islamist.
Druze are Syrians and have also been oppressed by the Regime. All sects can live in peace in Syria inshallah. Kurds are Sunni Muslims and also Syrians. After the fall of Assad, the various groups will need to discuss and agree upon the future of the Syrian State and the Syrian people who are tired of war!
Get a secularist out ..just to agree to another one on the helm?

The goal should be a sheriah rule in Syria..otherwise the effing region would continue geting cucked.

The Islamists still at homs is worrying now that others are making moves...

Garaad Awal

Former African
@World Your buddies seem to mistaken Syria for Southern Lebanon. Why do they want to fight Sunnis instead of liberating Southern Lebanon from the ceasefire breaking IDF?


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