Syria Updates: The Fall of Bashar al-Assad

The Israel Defense Force has announced that Forces have entered the Golan Heights of Southwestern Syria, in order to assist a United Nation’s Outpost near the Town of Hader that is currently under Attack by Unknown Gunmen. Israeli Air and Ground Forces are assisting U.N. Peacekeepers to repel the Attack.


Infinite Loop Looping GIF by CmdrKitten
I highly doubt he will announce his step down; maybe he will try to pull an Erdogan 2016 move, but we all know it's too late for that, and he will only embarrass himself. I can't see this bloodthirsty dilaa accepting defeat live on TV.

I highly doubt he will announce his step down; maybe he will try to pull an Erdogan 2016 move, but we all know it's too late for that, and he will only embarrass himself. I can't see this bloodthirsty dilaa accepting defeat live on TV.

Are we about to see the AI video we were warned about kkk