Syria Updates: The Fall of Bashar al-Assad


this post is from a somali minister in the fgs related to Hassan Sheekh called ‘Cali Balcad’
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I dont understand how people are comparing the two at all, even in this very thread. Whenever you call it out, they automatically think your defending all the bad things barre did
That’s a Somali minister that posted that in English. He has no idea how it will be interpreted by people who don’t know the nuances of what happened in Somalia. Very dumb of him and now he’s being called out by Turks and others soon I’m sure. What an embarrassment.

Garaad Awal

Former African
Wrong wording he used. He should have said him and Putin stood out to the west when others were subserviant. His wording of choice comes off as authoritarian. But Erdogan and Putin indeed playing 5D chess against the global world order. They stood their grounds and worked on their own interests instead. Muslim leaders should learn from Erdogan how the game is played. Dude is in Nato yet hardcore islamist Sunni at the same time. The ideal modern Muslim identity for the new age we live in. Turkey saved from chaos, liberated and rebuild Libya, Somalia and soon Syria despite strong western oppositions.
Erdogan has also played Putin himself but people are giving too much credit. Syria is free mostly because of Joulani and his organization. The Turkish backed rebels were absolutely useless on their own.
I see people talking about how the loans that were taken out during the kacaan are finally being forgiven, then they go on to equate it to how the kacaan messed up somalia or something.
These guys have absolutely no clue what their talking about.

These loans were used to develop the country and had the foreign funded USC who began the coup, and later got played like a fool along with all the other idiotic played warlords not ruined somalia, they wouldve been repaid easily as somalia developed.
I mean thats how modern day business works, you get some borrowed money and with that money you develop and pay it back later. You could save up money, but that would take a long time and the kacaan had inherited the ailing colonial propped government.

Well they also need to stay from that riba trap that modern countries are trapped into as well.

Garaad Awal

Former African
I see people talking about how the loans that were taken out during the kacaan are finally being forgiven, then they go on to equate it to how the kacaan messed up somalia or something.
These guys have absolutely no clue what their talking about.

These loans were used to develop the country and had the foreign funded USC who began the coup, and later got played like a fool along with all the other idiotic played warlords not ruined somalia, they wouldve been repaid easily as somalia developed.
I mean thats how modern day business works, you get some borrowed money and with that money you develop and pay it back later. You could save up money, but that would take a long time and the kacaan had inherited the ailing colonial propped government.

Well they also need to stay from that riba trap that modern countries are trapped into as well.
Just like we still have Barre lovers like @CABDULWALI XASAN. we will continue to have annoying Assadists for the next few decades. Telling people of how amazing the shithole their fav dictator ruled and was actually on its way to become Wakanda



Saudi Arabia
The days of dictators is over. True democracy means majority rule and minorities rights protected. Islam and islamist will win landslide if true democracy is implemented in muslim countries. The west knows it thats why they keep these minorities as puppets to rule us instead and silence voices of dissent. They are afraid that power returns to the majority who are believers islamists following the tawhid and Sunnah.
The scenes from Sednaya prison is horrific and they haven’t even opened the doors on the lowest level yet.

They can see thousands of detainees in the lowest floor from the CCTV but they don’t know where the doors are and are begging the regime guards to come back to open them due to lack of ventilation after the generators were shut off.

No dictators ruling over the Muslim majority comes close to Assad in terms of brutality.
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It's like drinking cold fresh water after walking days in the desert to the faithful Muslim. Wallahi I have been sad over Syria for more than decade, and I always supported them over thier oppressor Assad. In just few days Allah gave them victory, the same will happen to Egypt, Palestinie, India, Pakistan, xim Jiang, Somalia and more.
The scenes from Sednaya prison is horrific and they haven’t even opened the doors on the lowest level yet.

They can see thousands of detainees in the lowest floor from the CCTV but they don’t know where the doors are and are begging the regime guards to come back to open them due to lack of ventilation after the generators were shut off.

No dictators ruling over the Muslim majority comes close to Assad in terms of brutality.
But bro sedanya prison images were made by Israeli Mossad using AI. You don’t get the bigger picture of international relations. You ain’t ain’t read the art of war or twelver Shia political philosophy.👀

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium

Bashar's families photo album allegedly found in his office shelf. Several photos of him with kids, and wife on vacation and Syria and some from late 90s and early 2000s of him doing eccentric things at his palace like riding a bike shirtless or driving a boat. Some pictures with his deceased brother and a photo of his late father was allegedly also in the book.

Bashar's families photo album allegedly found in his office shelf. Several photos of him with kids, and wife on vacation and Syria and some from late 90s and early 2000s of him doing eccentric things at his palace like riding a bike shirtless or driving a boat. Some pictures with his deceased brother and a photo of his late father was allegedly also in the book.
The only thing we care about Assad right now is dragging his giraffe ass to justice
Its a lot simpler. Bashar ran out of money. 🇸🇾 run at the top by a tiny Alawite minority and a middle class of sunni uncle Tom's paid for muscle. bashar kept paying the alawites and cut corners on the paychecks for the sunni seculars. No ideology. So they gave up to the islamists.

If HTS dont improve the economy and try to implement Sharia Law across the country you will see the Alawi/Christian/Middle class Sunni create an Assad 2.0

This isn’t accurate at all. Class wasn’t a factor except in maybe Aleppo where the middle class Sunnis didn’t support the revolt or the regime but in the rest of the country like in Damascus, urban middle class Sunnis sided with the opposition in very large numbers.

It’s also not right to describe these middle class ppl as secular. They’re very religious just like the rest of Arab sunni society. In fact pre war, the rural tribals of Raqqa were less religious than middle class urban folk. Basically, religiosity was taken from the towns and cities to the countryside


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
2025 is the year of Al Shabab's conquest unfortunately, i can already predict it.

One can only hope, nigga. Wallahi, those saaxiibs get shit done:

I can only hope regarding the last one, kkkkk. But yeah, I have a feeling that if there was a completely unfiltered al-Shabaab party running in Somalia they'd win in a landslide if it was 1-man-1-vote. These niggas get shit done, saaxiib. One of my abtis got some of his land given back to him by shabaabis. He suddenly got a call one day and they were like "Are you hebel hebel?" when he said yes they asked if so and so land was his and when he confirmed this they said he should present someone within the hour who can handle it for him or come down for it himself if he could. In about a day they threatened the people occupying his land with the terrifying wrath of holy men and my abti had his land back.

I would sooner be ruled by them than some grinning pseudo secularist tuug. @Angelina sorry, walaashay, you and the other Somali sisters can go to college during the next century. We need basic infrastructure up in this b*tch.

Sorry Home Alone GIF by filmeditor

