Syria Updates: The Fall of Bashar al-Assad

Garaad Awal

Former African
I think the next logical step for the Syrian govt is to request support from their Turkish brothers who are NATO. Syria will rebuild its airforce and air defences with the help of its Turkish brothers inshallah. The Turks in the air and Syrians focus on their new drone programs.
> CIA MI6 MOSSAD fund proxy warfare against Assad by arming Syrian rebels

> Syrian government collapses

> Israel & NATO invade Syria to “stabilize the region” & “prevent it from falling into the hands of Islamic extremists” (who they funded)

> Greater Israel project moves forward

The west has lost its moral compass. A mad empire in its final stage.
One can only hope, nigga. Wallahi, those saaxiibs get shit done:

I would sooner be ruled by them than some grinning pseudo secularist tuug. @Angelina sorry, walaashay, you and the other Somali sisters can go to college during the next century. We need basic infrastructure up in this b*tch.

Sorry Home Alone GIF by filmeditor
There should be a qashin option for posts like this. Atleast a thumbs down option. Mods better make a new one

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
The first thing "Israel" did is destroy all of the Russian and Soviet military infrastructure built up over the course of decades that actually protected Syria.

They were waiting like vultures for this opportunity. They didn't even wait for a second.

Syria has been castrated and humiliated and the supposed transitional goverment has done nothing, they've yet to acknowledge the borders of Syria have been further violated and that "Israeli" tanks and artillery postion are stationed 40kms from Damascus.

Syria will never again have control over it's sovereign airspace, they are the new Lebanon and worse they have no one to protect them. Not Iran, Not Hezbollah, not Houthis. No One.

In less than three days Syria has been set back decades in terms of millitary technology and advancement.

Where are all the terrorist and rebel cheerleaders now?

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
Enough joolani is the new king of Syria he toppled baashir al asad without a blood 🅰️ shed … syria 🇸🇾 should have democratic government were the citizens choose thier leaders no more tyrant dictatorship rule 🙏🏽

Alawite are not even Muslim 😂baalo ku ciyaadhe
No shame wllhi this niggas switched faster than Assad's prime minister is this Muse Suldan dhaqan? Changing kastuumo left and right?


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Turkish President Recep Erdogan - whose country hosts the most Syrian refugees of any other - says Syria should not be divided again.
Turkey has become home to millions Syrian refugees during its civil war and supported some armed groups operating in the country.
Speaking earlier this monring, Erdogan says his country will stand against any attacks on the "integrity of (Syria's) lands".
"From now on, we cannot allow Syria to be divided again... Any attack on the freedom of the Syrian people, the stability of the new administration, and the integrity of its lands will find us standing against it


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