Syria Updates: The Fall of Bashar al-Assad

Just like your uncle Barre was chased so will Assad. HTS will lead Syria just like the IEA leads Afghanistan.

Even if it means hundreds of thousands of people die in the process and the country leveled to the ground. The country being taken advantage by foreign powers?

Yes you succeeded in chasing them out. At what cost? what did you gain? How did it benefit them?

Yes you do. Authoritarian dictators turn you on.

Somaliland has pretty much morphed into an authoritarian regime but worse it's just a tribal regime run on oligarchic–corporate power.

Somaliland's authoritarian turn: oligarchic–corporate power and the political economy of de facto states​

Your hatred for authoritarian regimes leads you to support an equally authoriatian kleptocratic regime. Your rabbid barking makes really good sense

And? They fought against a tribal commie regime and it was halal to rebel against him.

Is it the government that represented every Somali that's tribal or is it the rebels that organized themselves around tribal sectarian lines and couldn't attract Somalis from other clans? despite trying?

Oppose the regime , but do it through legitimate means and come with separate vision or policy plan that everyone can get behind. Non of them could express a different belief or ideology from Siad Barre's regime they just lead with blind hatred and nothing else.

So i am point out the hypocrisy.

Lying doesn’t help your case btw.

Dr. Abdi Omar Elmi Dihoud the Founder of SNM was a christian.

Dr. Omar Elmi Dihod, 67, passed away on 02 April 2016 in Hargeisa Somaliland.

Dr. Omar, the only visible Christian in the Somali politics since the last 26 years died unexpectedly.

I'm just pointing out the hilarity of symphatizing with rebel groups that was led by commies/marxists, secularist and christians, while disparaging Siad Barre regime in the same vain

They weren't opposing Siad from religious grounds at all. Heck they were more communist and marxist than he was, while Siad Barre was just a nominal socialist.

SNM hasn’t done anything close to what Siad Barre had done. Siad Barre just like Assad enjoyed aerial bombarding civilians using artillery to deliberately target civilians etc. His soldiers deliberately massacred Isaaq civilians as a tribal retribution.This is why you are a Assadist because he just does what Barre does but on a larger scale because Afweyne was a retarded African dictator. Alawite domination = MOD domination
Before the collapse of the government.

SNM did a combined assualt with ethiopian forces and bombed a school in Borama many kids and hundreds of civilians died. Bombed Hargeisa and attacked camps and border town with combines ethiopian assults.

Then between 1984-1986 they began to fight amongst themselves and started assassinating eachother.

After the collapse of the Government:

They commited massacres during the 1991 that killed thousands in Borama and Dilla.

Then they proceeded to set up a political structure built on tribal exclusion. So it's kinda ironic and hypocritical for the ones that marginalize others , to chirp up about MOD. To me it will always seem like projection and self-confession if anything.

Overthrowing Afweyne was a good thing. What happened to the South is the failure of the Southern groups not having a plan and not resorting to traditional Somali governance strategies to find peace like in the North with the various Shirs/Conferences between all the clans including pro-govt clans like the Darod.

It was a good thing huh . It didn't result in the northern part of the country both Hargeisa and Burco destroyed, hundreds of thousands becoming diplaced refugees, tens of thousands of lives lost. Rebel militias committing massacres like we saw in Dila and Borama.

When they overthrew Siad Barre the SNM from 1991 -1995 , was infighting amongst themselves, and turned into tribal militias fighting one another. You had Egal and Tur raging a full blown civil war against one another. Had the other seek refuge among Aidiid and try to ally with him.

The only thing that separates the south from the north is the level foreign interference. There was no black hawk down or 2006 invasion.

Syrian Rebels have learned their lessons. They will overthrow Assad and remove all foreign terroristic groups from the Lebanese Hizbollah to the Turkish PKK.

The rebels are just proxies backed by the US or others. They are not working towards serving the interest of the syrian people.
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Why do they continue to flee? I don't understand. They knew HTS was going to launch an offensive in the near future, so why are they acting so surprised and abandoning their defensive positions? Are they low on resources, manpower, or morale? I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed such a rapid collapse, with positions falling one after another


Garaad Awal

Former African
Seems like the Iranian backed Iraqi Shia Militias in Eastern Syrian Deserts will be tied down fighting the Da3ish dogs (may they wipe each other out)


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