Syrians are the whitest arab


This isn't a shock btw. Unless you actually think Arab is a kind of ethnic group and not a linguistic/religious grouping like Hispanic. The Levant is hugely heterogeneous. Kurds, Persians, Circassian, Albanian, Turkmen, Bosniaks, etc....
This isn't a shock btw. Unless you actually think Arab is a kind of ethnic group and not a linguistic/religious grouping like Hispanic. The Levant is hugely heterogeneous. Kurds, Persians, Circassian, Albanian, Turkmen, Bosniaks, etc....
self hatin niggas go crazy when they see a white passing person speak arabic/talk about islam ,

let some guy from cameroon/congo do the same and it wont even get a single like
Lebanese and Syrian Arabs are the most European looking people but the Levant was settled by everybody from Europeans, Turks, other Arabs, Berbers, caucasians escaping Russian empire they all mixed.
Can WE import alot of Syrians to intermarry with Somalis? It has to be Somali Farah marrying Syrian women tho- not the other way round to preserve the landheer or langhaab improve looks
Interesting this mindset was why Latin America is the way it is they imported whites to whiten the black population a Somali woman suggested importing the 2 million afghanis to whiten the Somali population also so this inferiority complex Somalis have and their obsession with race lets me know my people see themselves as less then none blacks and especially Arabs and wish they weren’t black.
Why the interest in less common phenotypes? :browtf: In one thread, you had someone asking about the occurrence of coloured eyes in Somalis and half-Somalis and this one. You have a fixation with outliers. Sometimes, I wonder why you ask these sorts of questions. This isn't Quora.

Though rare, you would never find a natural platinum blonde among them. He's dirty blonde at most. He's also shorter. I would say he looks more Slav rather than Scandi.
Inferiority complex this person sadly hates themselves deep down because for those of us who love ourselves and see the beauty in our people we never think about others.


We finally beat Medicare 🎊 🎉
Thank you for this information

What do you want us to do with your observation that Syrians are the whitest Arabs?
Literally found a picture of some random mfer and asked us to comment. For all we know this kid could be Swedish and not Syrian 🤣
Literally found a picture of some random mfer and asked us to comment. For all we know this kid could be Swedish and not Syrian 🤣
Saxib I’ve linked the vid but it wouldn’t pop out hence why I send the pic. If you wanted to known more then press the link also he is Syrian with probably Balkan or Chechens background.
This @niggaibnh weirdo has done this before. He posted some random European/White chicks & tried to claim they’re Arab lmao.
I haven’t + also ain’t you the ana arab kiddo ?
less common phenotypes are interesting because you would want to know how it came to them. The same way you would find bit pale green eye north Yemeni and you would know it’s probably from the Persians .

Syrians are very different also it’s 0% chance it came from the crusaders

View attachment 305869Interesting you could mistake him as Northern European.

Can anyone explain to me the genes why some Syrians are like that ? Lebanese is literally close to Greek/turkish and they don’t look like this.

(Also if your interesting what he is saying I think he is giving Salam to prophet saw in Arabic)
Is this the first time you saw a blonde Levantines?? Blonde and blue eyes are common among Syrians Palestinians Jordanians and Lebanese peoples and doesn't mean they're from other ethnic minority groups or mixed with them as majority are just Arabized Levants not so surprising about that if you ever been in middle east kkk 😂
self hatin niggas go crazy when they see a white passing person speak arabic/talk about islam ,

let some guy from cameroon/congo do the same and it wont even get a single like
If Cameroon/congo has madow blonde blue eyes child walking around and I could 100% tell that child is probably gonna be one of the most famous people in the world. Blonde and blue aint supposed to be fine That region in Africa except North Africans.

The same way you wouldn’t find Afro 4C black with wide nose in Northern European
Is this the first time you saw a blonde Levantines?? Blonde and blue eyes are common among Syrians Palestinians Jordanians and Lebanese peoples and doesn't mean they're from other ethnic minority groups or mixed with them as majority are just Arabized Levants not so surprising about that if you ever been in middle east kkk 😂
No I haven’t met them except one but he was mixed with cadaans.

Every leveant whether they be Lebanese palastinen, Jordon Syria all of them tend to have the same look. Different to gulf but lighter with brownish/black hair big nose
Outliers. I know of a Syrian family where everyone but one looks typical, and that one is a pale-skinned ginger.
Another outlier among Levants is that you will find two siblings where one has brown dark hair olive skin and the other is pale white skin blonde hair with blue eyes and shit made me confusing seeing some of my syrian and palestnian friends families looking like that kk
No I haven’t met them except one but he was mixed with cadaans.

Every leveant whether they be Lebanese palastinen, Jordon Syria all of them tend to have the same look. Different to gulf but lighter with brownish/black hair big nose
The point is it isn't uncommon to see blonde Syrians or Palestinians as its very common just like dark hair olive skin
The point is it isn't uncommon to see blonde Syrians or Palestinians as its very common just like dark hair olive skin
I think I will say rare (probably 1-4% of Syria ) and I wondering the Genes for those rare breeds. Also it tends to be the shias who looks like this
Is this the first time you saw a blonde Levantines?? Blonde and blue eyes are common among Syrians Palestinians Jordanians and Lebanese peoples and doesn't mean they're from other ethnic minority groups or mixed with them as majority are just Arabized Levants not so surprising about that if you ever been in middle east kkk 😂
"Common" is a strong statement. It exists, but it is not too regular. Similar to how you will find Norwegians with Italian phenotype, dark eyes, dark hair, and tanish skin.

What is more prevalent is green or hazel eyes. That is something you will see throughout the Levant, in minor frequencies as well.

I've spotted a ginger Egyptian, too.

Acknowledging the effects frequency bias has on our judgments of recalling what sticks out rather than regularities is needed.
I think I will say rare (probably 1-4% of Syria ) and I wondering the Genes for those rare breeds. Also it tends to be the shias who looks like this
Dude it's common and you will know that if you lived with them or went there like you have Gulf Arab men going to Jordan to marry a fair looking blonde Syrian girls in refugee camps

"The men are usually between 50 and 80, and they ask for girls who have white skin and blue or green eyes. They want them very young, no older than 16."
Another outlier among Levants is that you will find two siblings where one has brown dark hair olive skin and the other is pale white skin blonde hair with blue eyes and shit made me confusing seeing some of my syrian and palestnian friends families looking like that kk
This is kind of similar to how the average Somali household has siblings with often very differently shaded skin colors. There are people who I knew somewhat who also knew my brother and almost did not believe we were actual brothers.:mjlol:
"Common" is a strong statement. It exists, but it is not too regular. Similar to how you will find Norwegians with Italian phenotype, dark eyes, dark hair, and tanish skin.

What is more prevalent is green or hazel eyes. That is something you will see throughout the Levant, in minor frequencies as well.

I've spotted a ginger Egyptian, too.

Acknowledging the effects frequency bias has on our judgments of recalling what sticks out rather than regularities is needed.
It's not the majority but it's a common sight among Levantines to see one with blonde hair and ginger like anywhere else except for Ireland maybe, it's rarest phenotype in that region.

