Syrians Starving to death- Warning graphic

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I know you are here but Abdi isn't responding to you but maybe I should! We don't care about Arabs okay get that in your thick head and stop bending for Arabs or I will stop you. I'm enjoying the Syrian civil war because it's finally the Arabs get a taste of their own medicine.

Bro you're a gay 17 year old Atheist who has a poster of Bill Maher on his bedroom wall.

Your opinion means literally nothing to me.


not so sad after all
What happened AbdiJohnson?

Did an Arab kid bully you back in high-school? Why do you feel the constant need to bring them up and lampoon them on every single occasion? We could be talking about Kobe Bryant vs Lebron James and you'll somehow insert Arabs into the conversation. Because you're sick, your cuqdad against these people is downright disgusting and I feel ashamed that you hail from the same sub-clan as myself.

I honestly belief these guys hatred stems from a feeling of inferiority and not superiority. hence why they are willing to refer to other somalis as slaves and "bootyclappers". :browtf:
You're mad because you were just exposed as the deeply hateful, sickening person you are.

Don't you dare lecture anyone on morals when you just used the deaths of little children to make a political point.

Show me where I did. The first comment I made on this thread was the word "sad".

@Kaafiye you show more concern for Arabs than you do of Somalis. Why do you not say anything when Somalis bootyclap for war in Somali regions where people are killed but you bark the loudest when an Arab is in the picture? Why do you hate your own Somalis but love Arabs?

I think you're shameless.
You're mad because you were just exposed as the deeply hateful, sickening person you are.

Don't you dare lecture anyone on morals when you just used the deaths of little children to make a political point.
Morals are man-made @AbdiJohnson doesn't have to give an F about Syrians and I agree with him. It's finally a time when we stood up to you Arab cock suckers and stopped you. If I saw a Syrian kid drowning I would let it drown because I could careless. One less Jihadist to worry about.
Morals are man-made @AbdiJohnson doesn't have to give an F about Syrians and I agree with him. It's finally a time when we stood up to you Arab cock suckers and stopped you. If I saw a Syrian kid drowning I would let it drown because I could careless. One less Jihadist to worry about.

Brain washed little khaniis boy.:pacspit::pacspit::pacspit:
I honestly belief these guys hatred stems from a feeling of inferiority and not superiority. hence why they are willing to refer to other somalis as slaves and "bootyclappers". :browtf:
Nope I feel superior to you actually wouldn't mind putting you in concentration camps and testing on you religious idiots all day and night long.
I honestly belief these guys hatred stems from a feeling of inferiority and not superiority. hence why they are willing to refer to other somalis as slaves and "bootyclappers". :browtf:

He's a slave. Deep down, Abdi-Johnson is mad because at one point in his life, he was violated by an Arab...hence why he resorts to bringing up Arabs every 5 minutes.

I assure you, we Somali-Canadians don't really think about Arabs. We get on with our day and don't spend too much time thinking about them. And I only know a small handful of Arabs personally (mainly from Lebanon and Iraq).

But Abdi Johnson spends every waking hour obsessing over them, cursing them in his sleep, and figuring out ways to bring them up in conversation. He could be shukaansing a pretty Somali girl and somehow bring up his deep hatred of Arabs into the conversation. He's THAT mental.
Show me where I did. The first comment I made on this thread was the word "sad".

@Kaafiye you show more concern for Arabs than you do of Somalis. Why do you not say anything when Somalis bootyclap for war in Somali regions where people are killed but you bark the loudest when an Arab is in the picture? Why do you hate your own Somalis but love Arabs?

I think you're shameless.

Who's the bootyclapper? Me or you?

I rarely ever talk about Arabs. I almost never bring them up. But you bring them up every 5 minutes. So if anyone's a "bootyclapper", it's you.

Accept the label you effeminate loser.


Your superior
this guy is annoying

complete jke
I could careless about Syrians and I care about Africans only because we share the same continent. I give no F's about Arabs like or not. Let them beg to Saudi Arabia but they aren't getting a dime of food.

you are a c*nt
Morals are man-made @AbdiJohnson doesn't have to give an F about Syrians and I agree with him. It's finally a time when we stood up to you Arab cock suckers and stopped you. If I saw a Syrian kid drowning I would let it drown because I could careless. One less Jihadist to worry about.

Read the bolded part.

This is the type of shit Abdi-Johnson agrees with. He should be stripped of his Mod privileges entirely.


not so sad after all
Nope I feel superior to you actually wouldn't mind putting you in concentration camps and testing on you religious idiots all day and night long.
ummm...ok... :browtf:
wasn't even talking about you, although I find your views towards these children disgusting, I was referring to the somalis on this forum and others who have an unhealthy obsession with arab people and inject them into ever somali problem somehow that to me demonstrates insecurity.
Yes of Western values.

You hate the West but live a Western life at Jane and Wilson. At least I'm not a hypocrite

1. I live in Etobicoke
2. I don't hate the West at all.

But keep bootyclapping you inferiority-complex ridden slave. Let your hatred consume you.
ummm...ok... :browtf:
wasn't even talking about you, although I find your views towards these children disgusting, I was referring to the somalis on this forum and others who have an unhealthy obsession with arab people and inject them into ever somali problem somehow that to me demonstrates insecurity.
Because this is a Syrian thread and also Islam has become a plague in Somalia and it will be stopped pretty soon.
Sad emotional @Kaafiye. I would save any child that is in trouble while you don't say anything when Somali famine victims are teased by others. I'm a mod because I am competent, not because of my views. I am here often and reliable to carry out my mod duties. Don't be emotional and say loving Arabs more than myself should be a requirement to be a mod.
Sad emotional @Kaafiye. I would save any child that is in trouble while you don't say anything when Somali famine victims are teased by others. I'm a mod because I am competent, not because of my views. I am here often and reliable to carry out my mod duties. Don't be emotional and say loving Arabs more than myself should be a requirement to be a mod.


I'm calling you out on your lie. You're just saying this to save face, but we know deep down that you'd let a Syrian kid drown and think nothing of it.
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