Taliban bans the sound of women’s voices

This isn’t just in the Dunya, they also mock Muslim women by creating laws that abuse us in this world and then mock us by saying we’re most likely to go hell. So hell on earth and hell in hereafter.

I just need people to take a second and to truly think about how such people can really argue that worship Allah who is all merciful for all of his creations.

What do we call a disorder, where men hate women, and call other men, variations of 'Daddy'.
A disorder, that wants women hidden from the world, dumb and mute, so the only functions they can perform, is procreation and maid duties. Doesn't it remind you of the ancient Greeks and Pederasty??


Women threaten their masculinity, just by existing. Imagine that kind of power, just by being alive, you make a man shake in his boots.

I think this is all fuel for women, to go harder at everything, get your education up and get your coins up. And most importantly, get your deen knowledge, and spread it to other women.

Remember, every second you win, a misogynist weeps. If this isn't fuel, I don't know what is.


Internet Nomad

Its sad when a muslim Afghanistani women can practice her deen and live her life with less abuse and stigma in the west than in her home country.

This is the same for large parts of the muslim world where women are still treated like second class citizens.

We need an islamic revivalist movement not to “reform” islam but to remove these harmful cultural practices and biases from the religion.
Its sad when a muslim Afghanistani women can practice her deen and live her life with less abuse and stigma in the west than in her home country.

This is the same for large parts of the muslim world where women are still treated like second class citizens.

We need an islamic revivalist movement not to “reform” islam but to remove these harmful cultural practices and biases from the religion.
i call it the taliban culture. their cultural tribal people that includes abusing women. if they acted according to islam they woudnt abuse their wives

Internet Nomad

i call it the taliban culture. their cultural tribal people that includes abusing women. if they acted according to islam they woudnt abuse their wives
True but its not solely a taliban thing we got muslim men in the west saying muslim women shouldn’t be educated.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
These man gotta be khaniis

Even the extremists in Somalia wouldnt be moving like this Asians and Arabs are just different


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
the crazier thing is that they are by far the most moderate of all the islamist insurgencies in the last decades, a state run by an alqeada affiliate like al shabaab or isis would make Afghanistan look like a women's right paradise
They're not at all moderate compared to other "islamists" these Asians and Arabians love inserting their cultures into their "Islamic states". Many things that are considered abhorrent for us Somalis.
Why is every Islamist insurgency so hateful towards women and how can Muslim men expect Muslim women to support any so called Islamic group when we’re the first group to be mistreated?

Wallahi this is definitely impacting the imaan and the morale of women. No women even the most practicing is ever going to be happy living under those terms.

Of course you are in here crying and attacking a Muslim country over banning female singers which is a valid Islamic opinion.

You do not speak for Muslim women. You speak for feminists whose religion stems not from Islam but the liberal west, and is losing everywhere. Keep up with the times. You rhetoric is outdated and may have tricked some people in the earlier 2000's. Not any longer.

But you are nowhere to be seen in this thread about a country next door banning Hijab, Eid celebrations, and trying to stomp out Islam.

You are not even able to keep up a consistent face in your upholding of your feminist religion.

For those Muslims who care about the Deen and real oppression against Muslims, you can see how deranged these people are and that their goal clearly is to attack Islam and Muslims.

They will not say a peep about Muslim women being banned from Hijab and Muslims generally having their Masjids closed, Eid and all manner of Islam banned in the next door country.

But ever since the occupational american forces pulled out she has been crying on here and attacking Afghanistan. I bet if anyone were to look it up she was not highlighting the plight of Afghan women being killed and raped when the country was occupied but started to pipe up like the zionists when they left.

Banning women from singing in a Muslim country is not oppression it is valid islamically but banning the hijab is. The hypocrisy and agenda against Islam and Muslims is clear here for all to see.

Who even takes these ridiculous rants seriously on here anymore?
Of course you are in here crying and attacking a Muslim country over banning female singers which is a valid Islamic opinion.

You do not speak for Muslim women. You speak for feminists whose religion stems not from Islam but the liberal west, and is losing everywhere. Keep up with the times. You rhetoric is outdated and may have tricked some people in the earlier 2000's. Not any longer.

But you are nowhere to be seen in this thread about a country next door banning Hijab, Eid celebrations, and trying to stomp out Islam.

You are not even able to keep up a consistent face in your upholding of your feminist religion.

For those Muslims who care about the Deen and real oppression against Muslims, you can see how deranged these people are and that their goal clearly is to attack Islam and Muslims.

They will not say a peep about Muslim women being banned from Hijab and Muslims generally having their Masjids closed, Eid and all manner of Islam banned in the next door country.

But ever since the occupational american forces pulled out she has been crying on here and attacking Afghanistan. I bet if anyone were to look it up she was not highlighting the plight of Afghan women being killed and raped when the country was occupied but started to pipe up like the zionists when they left.
I’ve mentioned that many times. But let’s see, since Afghan women have been r-worded and abused by Gaalo, now you think it’s okay for the regime to abuse them further and stop them getting an education?

People like you are nothing but Xoolo, that need to lie about people being okay with things they’re obviously not okay with to mask the fact that you’re a raging lunatic who thinks it’s okay to force children to not learn.

Do not play with me or try me with your whataboutism.
Banning women from singing in a Muslim country is not oppression it is valid islamically but banning the hijab is. The hypocrisy and agenda against Islam and Muslims is clear here for all to see.
Why are you a liar? It clearly also says reading? So why only focusing on singing? Because you’re a natural slanderer who wants to imply my issue is women not be able to sing when I have never and I mean never mentioned that.

Your types do not fear Allah. You’re mentally ill DH Fans who lack any form of integrity.
Who even takes these ridiculous rants seriously on here anymore?
You’re a nasty liar. My issue is their banning of women’s education you hateful troll.

I can’t be asked to debate with someone who omits the truth and twists things. Why the hell would I be okay with singing when it’s haram for both genders?

Get out of here warya.

I can’t be bothered to debate with imbeciles.

If you’re going to attack me, attack for what I’ve been saying the whole time: lack of an education being an issue. Dont you dare attack me for the nonsense like lack of singing.
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You’re a nasty liar. My issue is their banning of women’s education you hateful troll.

I can’t be asked to debate with someone who omits the truth and twists things. Why the hell would I be okay with singing when it’s haram for both genders?

Get out of here warya.

I can’t be bothered to debate with imbeciles.

Where were your incessant feminist ramblings in this thread? About a Muslim country banning the Hijab for Muslim women? I noticed you were absent in every thread about real oppression against Muslim women but are here ranting and raving about every thread about Afghanistan.

Save your crocodile tears your feminists ramblings may work on liberals but not on Muslims.

Not a peep about Tajikistan but a years worths rants about Afghanistan. The hypocrisy and agenda is CLEAR.

Where were your incessant feminist ramblings in this thread? About a Muslim country banning the Hijab for Muslim women? I noticed you were absent in every thread about real oppression against Muslim women but are here ranting and raving about every thread about Afghanistan.
Whataboutism. Why would I be okay with a country banning hijab when I’m a hijabi you animal. Lack of hijab impacts ME more than you. But you’re using that instead of addressing what these threads about which is Afghanistan not allowing women’s education and reading.

You’re an immoral individual who needs to lie and slander to get your point across
Save your crocodile tears your feminists ramblings may work on liberals but not on Muslims.

Not a peep about Tajikistan but a years worths rants about Afghanistan. The hypocrisy and agenda is CLEAR.

Yes, women not being allowed to get an education is now feminism. Tell your sister and your hooyo that you animal.

May Allah deal with your abusive types who hide behind the deeen to oppress women.

You’re talking to me about Tajikistan like I’ll be okay with lack of Hijab. You see how much of a liar you are? You tried to act like I was okay with singing, and now you’re acting like I’d be okey with a country in which women can’t wear the hijab I wear!

According to @Galool women not being allowed an education isn’t oppression and that all women who complain about that are feminists!

DH fanboys have mental health issues. Even your own mother warya wouldn’t want that for her daughters.

You’re a sick incel who needs to touch grass.
For all the Muslim readers, notice these incessant feminist ramblings and rage directed at Muslims and Afghanistan constantly by the same characters is absent where it matters like here:

That is all you need to know about these people to know what their agenda is.
For all the Muslim readers, notice these incessant feminist ramblings and rage directed at Muslims and Afghanistan constantly by the same characters is absent where it matters like here:

That is all you need to know about these people to know what their agenda is.
Shut up. I didn’t see this thread you evil liar. Ive been on this forum long enough to comment on Denmark banning hijab for kids which I thought was an attack on the Muslim community and the French ban.

You’re using one thread which many posters might not have seen because newsflash I’m not always on here and I was traveling in June.

The thing is, I’m a Hijabi and can say hands on heart I’m horrified by such a ban, but you could never muster any sympathy for your sisters in Islam not being allowed an education because you’re corrupted by evil redpillers like DH.

If I’m not a raging feminist, then you’re a raging redpiller.
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Between the two of us, we know who has the agenda. If anyone was to ask me about the evils of Muslim women not being able to wear a hijab, I’d be able to say in affirmative that such a thing is horrendous. Your argument against me is a stark example of misogyny. You’re delusional enough to think you a man are more upset about a hijab ban than a woman who has been wearing hijab since she was 8 yrs old. This is what Muslim women have to deal with. If we’re against the oppression of you animals, you’ll lie and say we’re okay with gaal r-wording us or people banning us from wearing hijab when it’s us women who wear hijab for the sake of Allah and it’s us women who get attacked for it when you devils like DH and you beg friends with right wingers and give people like Andrew Tate a platform and then you have right wingers trying to pull the hijab from our heads. The recent UK riots is an example of that. Andrew Tate was flaming the situation with no concern for the safety of Muslim women but it was you people who was defending him and making takfir on Muslim women for this man!

Throughout the 20 yrs of me wearing hijab, I’ve been spat at, had people try and pull my hijab of my head and now I have an incel like you try and say I’m okay with a hijab ban because I dared to question animals like you who want to stop us from getting an education.

I hope Muslim women can see these clowns for what they are. We have the gaals trying to attack us for being visible Muslims, yet people like him also want to doubly oppress us.

I won’t forgive your types on the DOJ and Allah is surely our witness!
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People must be brain dead to think that women’s voice is awrah. Please explain how women spoke to the Prophet s.a.w? How did Muslim women conduct business? How did they communicate with shop keepers? How did they advocate for themselves in court?

My biggest issue with some extreme Muslim men is the fact that they’re incredibly ahistorical. They create a narrative that is devoid of facts and try to create a lifestyle that even the female Sahabas didn’t even lead. How was it possible for Aisha to teach Hadith, how was it possible for Nusaba to fight in battle and defend the Prophet s.a.w. How was it possible for Umar R.A to appoint Shifa and Samrah both women as some sort of controller of the market which was obviously a role that meant they’d be out of their homes and using their voices to interact. How did the battle of the camel even happen? We all know that was an event that shouldn’t have happened, but Aisha was indeed the one that was part of this skirmish/battle. How did it even happen in the first place if women were under lock and key with a voice that’s awrah?

The only way, you can say that the way the Taliban conducts itself is Islamic is by denying history, deny the role of women we see in the Seerah ect.

Telling women to be soft in speech and to not flirt doesn’t mean women’s voice is awrah. The two aren’t even the same.
Taliban are a Pashtun group where in their culture women are just best kept inside of the house and they're trying to apply that custom throughout the country but I don't think it will ever last as other ethnic groups won't agree to that


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most Islamic scholars agree that the women’s voice is awrah and she shouldn’t speak too softly in front of non mahrams since it can lead to temptation however the taliban took it too far banning them from talking is crazy 😭

what’s the reason you quoted this ayat when it’s clearly addressed to “wives of the Prophet”?

Why did Allah say you are not like any other woman, if he addressed this to all women?

Why are you low IQ?