Taliban capture Kabul as the President flees the country


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Mashalah:it0tdo8: Let Taliban run it's country, let them set up a fair and competent government, overall, I support the resilience and battles hardness of Taliban, Allahu Akbar, guulaysta.:salute:
Mashalah:it0tdo8: Let Taliban run it's country, let them set up a fair and competent government, overall, I support the resilience and battles hardness of Taliban, Allahu Akbar, guulaysta.:salute:


Yes, it will be glorious when people are prevented from getting an education just because they're girls.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]

There's a world of difference between drawing the conclusion that the Taliban has popular support and openly celebrating their triumph.

I don't even consider my self a Muslim,but I support underground groups, let the Youth Shine and let's us see if they can make a difference after all

Also Sharia Law is probably what the regular Afghani wants judging by their wide support for Taliban, there is nothing wrong with Sharia Law.

At this point If communism,Totalitarian dictaraship and Manorchy is working for many countries, I don't see no harm if we try if Sharia law would be compitatable in Afghanistan, let us support them and see if this is actually doable rather than fighting with them and losing billions and thousands of lives again.:bell:

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
I don't even consider my self a Muslim,but I support underground groups, let the Youth Shine and let's us see if they can make a difference after all

Also Sharia Law is probably what the regular Afghani wants judging by their wide support for Taliban, there is nothing wrong with Sharia Law.

At this point If communism,Totalitarian dictaraship and Manorchy is working for many countries, I don't see no harm if we try if Sharia law would be compitatable in Afghanistan, let us support them and see if this is actually doable rather than fighting with them and losing billions and thousands of lives again.:bell:
Nigga how are you not a muslim and qabilist at the same time?
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Over the next 10 years we will see an ISIS like organisation strengthen in the region. Attacks in Europe will become common place and then another cycle of war.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump fucked over Afghanistan.

To the people celebrating here, f*ck you. Girls and women will be forced back into the Neolithic area and the economy of Afghanistan will crash like in the 90s.
Over the next 10 years we will see an ISIS like organisation strengthen in the region. Attacks in Europe will become common place and then another cycle of war.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump fucked over Afghanistan.

To the people celebrating here, f*ck you. Girls and women will be forced back into the Neolithic area and the economy of Afghanistan will crash like in the 90s.



A true king has spoken
And these guys went toe-to-toe with the United States (and NATO) for 20 years and are back as if they never left?

They are even stronger now then pre 9/11.

They did not control the northern regions at that time but now they are basically in total control of the country.

Afghanistan was a cosmopolitan, secular Nation that guaranteed full rights to women and minorities when it was a Soviet satellite State.

The United States changed all of that when they trained and unleashed the 'Mujahideen' in order to give the Soviets their own Vietnam. Afghanistan is essentially a casualty of geopolitical contest and machinations.

The 'Mujahideen' (precursors to the Taliban) would not have triumphed if the United States, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia didn't provide them with funding, training, support and intelligence coordination.

Here's a little known fact...Israel created Hamas in order to weaken the Palestinian cause; scary-looking, screeching, foaming at the mouth, fanatical religious 'extremists' are so much easier to vilify; take away their humanity (and credibility) and you'll have all the justification to take their lives, their land and their dignity.

Iran would still be a secular Nation today if the United States and Britain didn't overthrow Mohammed Mosaddegh -- which ultimately paved the way for the 'Islamic Revolution'.
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Over the next 10 years we will see an ISIS like organisation strengthen in the region. Attacks in Europe will become common place and then another cycle of war.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump fucked over Afghanistan.

To the people celebrating here, f*ck you. Girls and women will be forced back into the Neolithic area and the economy of Afghanistan will crash like in the 90s.

classic case of fear mongering
ISIS and Alqaeda are both products by western intelligence. Taliban never supported them they merely gave Osama refuge after he became a wanted man post 9/11 and ran away from Sudan. As for the afghani economy it’s currently being inflated by Western Aid and leads to government officials who are corrupt AF.


Afghanistan was a cosmopolitan, secular Nation that guaranteed full rights to women and minorities when it was a Soviet satellite State.

The United States changed all of that when they trained and unleashed the 'Mujahideen' in order to give the Soviets their own Vietnam. Afghanistan is essentially a casualty of geopolitical contest and machinations.

The 'Mujahideen' (precursors to the Taliban) would not have triumphed if the United States, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia didn't provide funding, training, support and intelligence coordination.

Little known fact; Israel created Hamas in order to weaken the Palestinian cause; scary-looking, fanatical religious 'extremists' are so much easier to vilify.

Iran would still be a secular State today if the United States and Britain didn't overthrow Mohammed Mosaddegh -- which ultimately paved the way for the 'Islamic Revolution'.
it was an hot bag of craphole and most afghans were rural and isolated and poor under the commies save for a small percentage of the population. secular afghan government was suffering from rural rebellion. you cant bring communism/state secularism to 99% muslims its impossible unless through russian esque genocide. most of afghanistan was poor and rural under the commies.

