Taliban performs humiliation ritual on USA


How embarrassing. How do these people pay taxes and look at themselves in the mirror. Pathetic! I equate this to some guy posting you your wife's onlyfans videos with him as the guest star and charging you a fee.

How embarrassing. How do these people pay taxes and look at themselves in the mirror. Pathetic! I equate this to some guy posting you your wife's onlyfans videos with him as the guest star and charging you a fee.

Is that modern equipment that a NATO army would use?


How embarrassing. How do these people pay taxes and look at themselves in the mirror. Pathetic! I equate this to some guy posting you your wife's onlyfans videos with him as the guest star and charging you a fee.

🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
they're just celebrating their win. US does the same thing every fourth of July. kaffirs need to just learn not to attack Muslim countries and move on. at the very least, I think they've learned a lesson about trying to fight the Afghans. people can hate those Pashtuns all they want but beating two superpowers back to back is a big deal.
they're just celebrating their win. US does the same thing every fourth of July. kaffirs need to just learn not to attack Muslim countries and move on. at the very least, I think they've learned a lesson about trying to fight the Afghans. people can hate those Pashtuns all they want but beating two superpowers back to back is a big deal.
I love Afghanistan. Always supported the taliban.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I love Afghanistan. Always supported the taliban.

I love Afghanistan and I have no reason to apologize for supporting Muslims over kaffirs. I don't speak Pashto and I as a general rule don't like to talk about the internal politics of countries that I don't know the language of. That's why I basically never have anything to say about Somali politics- I don't know Somali. Same with Malaysia and Indonesia. Bangladesh is different as I have read up on it and I'm pretty confident in my view on Sheikh Hasina.

As far as Afghanistan, I don't really understand all that much. I support Muslims fighting defensive struggle against invasions by kaffirs- on principle- but I have no comment either way as to the policies of the Taliban, I don't know all that much and I wish the best for Afghanistan but they represent a different viewpoint than mine as far as interpretation of Islam. They are Hanafi Deobandis I believe and I belong to a different way of thought.
but they represent a different viewpoint than mine as far as interpretation of Islam. They are Hanafi Deobandis I believe and I belong to a different way of thought.
This is the beauty of Islam. Minor differences always existed in Islam even at the time of the tabiceen and the generations that came afterwards. As your knowledge in Islam increases you will understand this is Rahma from Allah bestowed on the ummah

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I love Afghanistan and I have no reason to apologize for supporting Muslims over kaffirs. I don't speak Pashto and I as a general rule don't like to talk about the internal politics of countries that I don't know the language of. That's why I basically never have anything to say about Somali politics- I don't know Somali. Same with Malaysia and Indonesia. Bangladesh is different as I have read up on it and I'm pretty confident in my view on Sheikh Hasina.

As far as Afghanistan, I don't really understand all that much. I support Muslims fighting defensive struggle against invasions by kaffirs- on principle- but I have no comment either way as to the policies of the Taliban, I don't know all that much and I wish the best for Afghanistan but they represent a different viewpoint than mine as far as interpretation of Islam. They are Hanafi Deobandis I believe and I belong to a different way of thought.

btw in case anyone thinks I'm waffling here- I've heard wildly different things as to the girl's/women's education topic as far as what's going on there and it's very confusing.
If you don't mind me asking What was your opinion about the government of Afghanistan wasn't their situation just as similar as the current government of Somalia?

Yeah the gov of Afghanistan was similar to the current government of Somalia. Having said this, Taliban is completely different from shabaab. Taliban have Allah’s support while shabaab is funded by the devil himself. The closest thing we had to the Taliban was the ICU and the Dervishes etc

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
This is the beauty of Islam. Minor differences always existed in Islam even at the time of the tabiceen and the generations that came afterwards. As your knowledge in Islam increases you will understand this is Rahma from Allah bestowed on the ummah

Islam is great and beautiful but I'm not cosigning onto the elimination of girls' education if that really is their policy. I'm against secular atheist liberal lgbt type education- I'm not against education in and of itself as long as they're promoting Islam and adhering to shari guidelines.
Islam is great and beautiful but I'm not cosigning onto the elimination of girls' education if that really is their policy. I'm against secular atheist liberal lgbt type education- I'm not against education in and of itself as long as they're promoting Islam and adhering to shari guidelines.
Girls education is important in Islam but that’s not priority at the moment for the Afghans. They have other more important things to worry about like security.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Girls education is important in Islam but that’s not priority at the moment for the Afghans. They have other more important things to worry about like security.

Like I said- I'm not cosigning anti girls education stuff. I've seen multiple times where people try to cite me and make it seem like I support their views in order to try to win some sort of religious credibility or something. I'm with Muslims as far as winning independence from kaffirs but I'm not endorsing whatever it is the Taliban is up to.


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