Tensions in Ceerigaabo

Ximan iyo Xadeed

1 dead , 2 SL ciidan injured. The elders will have a talk about this soon most likely the usual nabad talk. They get Harti SL military/police men , a couple of elders in a room and Isaaq call for wada nolaasho when SL started it unprovoked
1 dead , 2 SL ciidan injured. The elders will have a talk about this soon most likely the usual nabad talk. They get Harti SL military/police men , a couple of elders in a room and Isaaq call for wada nolaasho when SL started it unprovoked
Is the police force there mixed or majority MI?

Ximan iyo Xadeed

This was my thoughts as I always see there’s barely any SL celebrations there too. I’m sorry but I don’t understand why people want to split the city
Imma keep it real

If us as Reer Ceerigaabo stop listening to outsiders this will never happen I will say this with certainty shacab the original shacab not post 1990 people that entered the city they do the most buuq and people from other cities stop interfering this will never happen.

We used to refer to each other by our family names before the politics divided the city
Imma keep it real

If us as Reer Ceerigaabo stop listening to outsiders this will never happen I will say this with certainty shacab the original shacab not post 1990 people that entered the city they do the most buuq and people from other cities stop interfering this will never happen.

We used to refer to each other by our family names before the politics divided the city
People will use you guys for political gain, once it’s done they’ll throw you away. at the end of the day Ceerigaabo is the only city hosting multiple clans without green lines, where else do you see this in Somalia? Don’t take this for granted.

From the outside looking in, it looks like a leadership issue. Mayor Nour is old af nowadays it doesn’t matter who the future leader is HY dhulo warsan as long as the peace is kept

