Tensions in Ceerigaabo

The Somaliland that you are annoyed is moving troops into Ceerigabo. The Awdal Muse Bixi is currently in. You guys are aggitating forpolitics in Somalia that doesn't apply to anyone else except you really so you as much as your try and create a wedge between GX and other clans and Awdal and other regions you aren't having the break through. Politically the southerners have their own balance of power and you aren't even invited. You revolution is sputtering and running out of steam is my view Somaliland stands stronger than anything you can bring to bear.
The Somaliland that you are annoyed is moving troops into Ceerigabo. The Awdal Muse Bixi is currently in. You guys are aggitating forpolitics in Somalia that doesn't apply to anyone else except you really so you as much as your try and create a wedge between GX and other clans and Awdal and other regions you aren't having the break through. Politically the southerners have their own balance of power and you aren't even invited. You revolution is sputtering and running out of steam is my view Somaliland stands stronger than anything you can bring to bear.
You can believe your own lies but now even your Habar awal folks started realising that sland as a unified governmental structure is long gone, people are shifting allegiance to their clans with each clan having its own madani forces

GX are now mobilising and equipping the largest clan militia ever, and you know the good thing about this new development, we got only 2 options in November, either muuse hands over the kursi to cirro or ever madani will run their own territories

You can believe your own lies but now even your Habar awal folks started realising that sland as a unified governmental structure is long gone, people are shifting allegiance to their clans with each clan having its own madani forces

GX are now mobilising and equipping the largest clan militia ever, and you know the good thing about this new development, we got only 2 options in November, either muuse hands over the kursi to cirro or ever madani will run their own territories

Somalias divide and conquer strategy would be around 5 states to balance eachother out and in the end get nothing much for themselves. And magically, suddenly we realize that makes sense for us? In what sense? Give up the mind games please.

Militias are one thing and they have their purpose but as far forming micro states of Somalia you must be out of your mind and that's you main proposition is it not? These online states you are pushing are not really getting the traction because at the end of the day makes no sense. You think SL is gaining independence for fun? You go to Mogadishu and you maybe you realize there's a point to Somaliland after ll. You lot have your beliefs but you can practice them in Eastern Sool away from the rest of us. You can wait for your own ictiraaf from the failed FGS while we deal with the world as Somaliland and see who has a better outcome.
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Hassan Garguute Buldanana

AUG 25, 2023
This is pointless fighting. Cerigaabo has remained calm for decades with people living in peace. Harti should keep the peace as long as these idoor do the same. Also, we have seen from central Somalia how retarded Aano qabil is. You kill one or two today and they do the same or more the next day. No one wins and It never ends. Only the innocent suffer.

Warsangeli have already secured their lands in Sanaag and got rid of SNM terrorists and their horgals years ago. I'm sure Dhulos control where they live in Sanaag. Secure the land and keep and eye on Dhuso Bixi.
Degaanka Gahayle ee Sanaag

I can only recognize Midhisho, Marawade and Lassurad as Muuse Ismaciil deegan as well. Buq is way off, it's deep west of Ceerigaabo HY village I don't know how it got to this list. Maybe there are Gahayle families there who knows. I'm also not sure about Tuurta someone said it's on that narrow mountainous road from Ceerigaabo to Maydh but I could be wrong. @Ximan iyo Xadeed


I can only recognize Midhisho, Marawade and Lassurad as Muuse Ismaciil deegan as well. Buq is way off, it's deep west of Ceerigaabo HY village I don't know how it got to this list. Maybe there are Gahayle families there who knows. I'm also not sure about Tuurta someone said it's on that narrow mountainous road from Ceerigaabo to Maydh but I could be wrong. @Ximan iyo Xadeed
May be is different Buq, they told me that is their capital, Las Sureed definitely is their city, they lived there way before Musa Ismail moved in. Used be exclusive to Gahayle but now MI live there too. I watched Video from 1990s Gahayle Elders asking Egal to make Las Sureed a city, when he was president of Somaliland.
The typical qotti mentality in guriga moorgan

Only morons still believe so called somaliland is an entity to defend something, where were the so called sland when dhulbahante ransacked HJ towns? :mjlol:

Sland is no longer a viable state, every clan has its own madani, HJ had established a well armed SSB forces, dhulbahante and warsangalis already had formidable armies and garhajis woke up from the deep sleep of running after the kursi of a nonexistent state and arming their own madani militia, so garhajis is able to defend themselves against both harti and nuux baasto militia and no need to submit one of them, so you better stop smoking whatever substance you are on and embrace the reality😂😂😂

I missed this. If Somaliland is non existent what prevents you from attacking the city?
He's a retard not from Ceerigaabo lol, I saw him post a video of an Isaaq neighborhood saying it was Harti typical b*tch behavior

The first videos of you people vacating Ceerigaabo with that hideous orange hodeedh was of Hart, but like the retard your reposted the video and wrote Isaaq the description when the original video is older ... I'm originally from Sool but my sub clan also extends into Sanaag. You're the nacas posting militia posing for camera in Carmaale or Dalmaxagare when they're 100 km from Ceerigaabo city. You're like House Frey, always late and far from the action unless there are Cameras around.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

I missed this. If Somaliland is non existent what prevents you from attacking the city?

The first videos of you people vacating Ceerigaabo with that hideous orange hodeedh was of Hart, but like the retard your reposted the video and wrote Isaaq the description when the original video is older ... I'm originally from Sool but my sub clan also extends into Sanaag. You're the nacas posting militia posing for camera in Carmaale or Dalmaxagare when they're 100 km from Ceerigaabo city. You're like House Frey, always late and far from the action unless there are Cameras around.
Lol GX were the first to call for nabad don't let the videos fool you.

The 2nd video It's not Carmale it's Daarusalaam and Biyo Gudud closer to Ceeri than Damala Xagare 😂 but I excuse you got. You're a retard point blank , you see we vacated when our kids were on tiktok that day video horta ma dumar baa tahay what you posting women for but I excuse you HJ naag

2024 putting naagos as fkd material dayuus
Lol GX were the first to call for nabad don't let the videos fool you.

The 2nd video It's not Carmale it's Daarusalaam and Biyo Gudud closer to Ceeri than Damala Xagare 😂 but I excuse you got. You're a retard point blank , you see we vacated when our kids were on tiktok that day video horta ma dumar baa tahay what you posting women for but I excuse you HJ naag

2024 putting naagos as fkd material dayuus

You and your irrelevant tuulos again, what happened to the militia who left to Ceeri a week ago did they also lose their way? We have MI civilians taking over your property like 1991. I don't blame Muuse Ismaciil for that sifican ba la idin karbashay, vacating Ceerigaabo for 2 years 1991 ila 1993.


Two years the Wasakhgali returned to Ceerigaabo like the nijas they are.


Even today when that Boy was killed he was the son of Sultan of one of these irrelevant tuulos you blob about, nothing from Wasakhgali, they all fled again. It must be though be limited into a a corner of a region that's why you keep repeating these 300 people tuulos kkkkkkkkkk.
Even though current fighting was resolved, we all know how it would have ended hadu dagaal beleed ka qarxo degmada Ceerigaabo flashback 91kii Wasakhqaliyoo!



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You and your irrelevant tuulos again, what happened to the militia who left to Ceeri a week ago did they also lose their way? We have MI civilians taking over your property like 1991. I don't blame Muuse Ismaciil for that sifican ba la idin karbashay, vacating Ceerigaabo for 2 years 1991 ila 1993.

View attachment 341124
Two years the Wasakhgali returned to Ceerigaabo like the nijas they are.

View attachment 341127

Even today when that Boy was killed he was the son of Sultan of one of these irrelevant tuulos you blob about, nothing from Wasakhgali, they all fled again. It must be though be limited into a a corner of a region that's why you keep repeating these 300 people tuulos kkkkkkkkkk.

your a fool of epic porportions. you prefer being a inan gumeed since 93 till 2024 in somaliland even though all habar yonis are treated like gob in bosaso.


Ximan iyo Xadeed

I remember now, @Ximan iyo Xadeed is the same Langaab I karbashed 6 months ago on the same topic. Sho he's still butthurt after all this time war wuxu futa jilicsana inalilah

No I don't really remember you , in fact who is you? , don't you have a general in Reer Laascanood custody 😂

But I take that you must be Isaaq to remember too much Diddy

