Tensions in Ceerigaabo

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Even though current fighting was resolved, we all know how it would have ended hadu dagaal beleed ka qarxo degmada Ceerigaabo flashback 91kii Wasakhqaliyoo!

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Using Somaliland lol no ones voting for iidooria

when they let toddlers vote

Voters as young as 15 sometimes 12

But ofcourse a gunxajis doing what a gunxajis does best flexing non-existent numbers. Talk to me when you stop getting vasectomies left and right

You're either a Gunxajis or Habar Maxbuus πŸ€”
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Ximan iyo Xadeed

High profile from the 10 Warsangeli odayaal I recognize

Garaad Yuusuf Harbeeye Gutaale the first oday Garaadka Muxumud

Maxamud Xaaji Dirir Bulqaas the young guy Garyaqaanki Bah Ogayslabe Reer Sharmarke


Siciid Bidaar Beesha Nuux Cumar Jibril Axmed

Caaqil Xuseen Xasan Karsey the richest family Reer Karsey in Ceerigaabo Beesha Axmed Cumar
