Terror attack in Mogadishu

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Militant Behind 2015 Garissa Attack Killed in Somalia.

War ninnyow, the Scale of destruction is big. Look at these photos.


Suicidal men adore me.
the point is to kill as many people as you can,USC mooryans did that by levelling whole xamar to the ground,shabab connected to certain clans are blowning themselves up senselly,its time to move the capital to another city,enough is enough,the pariament must pass law to have a city that becomes co-capital and somalia will prosper.

I agree move the capital for a couple of years and do it secretly don't say what city and cleanse Al Shabab from the country.
SubhanAllah why don't they stop? What is it they want. The war has stopped why can't they let us live and let us repair and fix our country? Wallahi this is so sad. Somalia has suffered for so long.

It's deliberate attacks, alshabab are for hire. If they bomb a business, reason = didn't pay their tax. Money that would go to Hassan.


Suicidal men adore me.
It's deliberate attacks, alshabab are for hire. If they bomb a business, reason = didn't pay their tax. Money that would go to Hassan.

Yeah I've heard that a couple of businesses and even politicians support these people. That some attacks on Hotels and restaurants are more related to mob like organized crime than terrorism. Shame that war can be profitable.


It's deliberate attacks, alshabab are for hire. If they bomb a business, reason = didn't pay their tax. Money that would go to Hassan.


It could be Somaliland secretly orchestrating the attacks through alshabaab so that Somaliland could be independent.
SubhanAllah why don't they stop? What is it they want. The war has stopped why can't they let us live and let us repair and fix our country? Wallahi this is so sad. Somalia has suffered for so long.
They are foreign agents.
They do the bidding of the enemies of the Somali people.
Meesha mashruuc ayaa ka socda,
nabadna Soomaalida loo ma rabo.


So you're telling me Somaliland has nothing to do with this? Not even funding them discreetly on the low? :fantasia2:

Dahabshiil and other pan Somali businesses fund Al Shabaab to target rivals. Also Somaliland was losing business to Xamar caddey.

Today's attack was revenge for Jubaland killing some of their highest profile members.


Your superior
Dahabshiil and other pan Somali businesses fund Al Shabaab to target rivals. Also Somaliland was losing business to Xamar caddey.

This is why I get pissed off when dahabshiil donates and feeds these sub human cunts. Keep hating on dahabshiil so that gutless, leftist doqon owner wakes up please.

This is why I get pissed off when dahabshiil donates and feeds these sub human cunts. Keep hating on dahabshiil so that gutless, leftist doqon owner wakes up please.

'feeds these sub human cunts', not by choice and love, but to maintain and keep their business going. They are the most corrupt business, why can't they just operate in a halal way?


Your superior
'feeds these sub human cunts', not by choice and love, but to maintain and keep their business going. They are the most corrupt business, why cant they just operate in a halal way?

Any prove to what you say. How are they the most corrupt
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