Terror attack in Mogadishu

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Your superior
Well some of my far uncles, own huge enterprises/businesses in Kenya, South Sudan. Businesses that include oil refinery, water plantations, one of the biggest cargo hire in Kenya.

Nope you have no businesses. You have always been jealous welfare fiends. You don't have big businesses and your people resort to these allegations


Your superior
She made a song, urging Darod people and Hawiye people not to transfer money through Dahabshill. What would that mean to Dahabshiil, they would be lower than Tawakal express..

A well known qabiilest woman makes a qabiil song?

Do you have any evidence that dahabshiil killed that qabiilest woman
A well known qabiilest woman makes a qabiil song?

Do you have any evidence that dahabshiil killed that qabiilest woman

Her claim was Dahabshiil where arming the Somaliland Army, made a song about it, got the CEO angry, and paid with her life.


Your superior
Her claim was Dahabshiil where arming the Somaliland Army, made a song about it, got the CEO angry, and paid with her life.

Do you actually have evidence, not what some darod said to get paid by dahabshiil. Show me the actual evidence that dahabshiil killed that qabiilest lady (aun)
this is bigger than somalis.every citizen in somalia must be aware of it,gov must do investigation like the daalo airlines or resign and give the presidency to capable military people,dictatorship back.


Your superior
You know how to type the Somali language, so go do your research.

You sound like an idiot, you said dahabshiil did this, so show me the evidence to back it up.

Another rumor was that she was killed by hawiye leadership since she was speaking out against dir land being taken and government military helping clan militias. Of course this is just a rumor so I cant just come out with it.
this is bigger than somalis.every citizen in somalia must be aware of it,gov must do investigation like the daalo airlines or resign and give the presidency to capable military people,dictatorship back.
It's way bigger than Dahabshiil iyo SL.
some people cant see the pace at which somalia is moving and recovering,if peace is strongly maintained we can easily become bussiness hub in africa in less than 5 years but foreign agents dont want that.
there is no country in the world were you have
-limitless fisheries
-million million of arable lands with rivers flowing
-gas and oil
-strategic location
-biggest tourism industry in africa next door-kenya
-livestock in the millions.
-unique people and small population.
-every country in the world wanting to do bussiness with you.
lets reinstate dictatorship and eat like arabs.
some people cant see the pace at which somalia is moving and recovering,if peace is strongly maintained we can easily become bussiness hub in africa in less than 5 years but foreign agents dont want that.
there is no country in the world were you have
-limitless fisheries
-million million of arable lands with rivers flowing
-gas and oil
-strategic location
-biggest tourism industry in africa next door-kenya
-livestock in the millions.
-unique people and small population.
-every country in the world wanting to do bussiness with you.
lets reinstate dictatorship and eat like arabs.

Or we can elect from Puntland at least they are good at security and fighting al kebab and very good at business look at the industries, farms business centre, the port new airport and the security and freedom.
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