TERROR ATTACKS: Why do these people do it? What can be done to stop it?

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So By The Book I Preach & By The Sword I Implement
Yes, I think you might be right about 666.

I haven't been here long enough to know certain people but he does come across as gaal.

I brand Kafir on anyone solely on their remarks, since face value has no input on the cyber world i take their comments very seriously.
My nigga Iftin is trying out a new tactic. Making 2 accounts at the same time so that his other account won't be banned if his first is. :chrisfreshhah:


As i live and breathe
What happens in a war when one side is bombing the other, brother? The other side is naturally, and i will say it again, the other side is naturally, going to bomb them back (that's not terrorism, that's realities of war).

If you want to put an end to the cycle of violence then you must put an end to the war itself. I want end to war & end to so-called "terrorism".

It's normal and healthy to hate the "other team" so to speak & i'm pretty sure they hate us too.

Please, i see these "kuffars" that you hate so much protect Muslims every chance they get, especially the liberals. Hundreds of thousands protested the Muslim ban in the US, which is an odd thing of them to do since they apparently hate Muslims like you claim.

Don't call me brother sxb, people like you piss me off. What are you even doing in kuffar land? If you hate them so much, leave, and stop using their kuffar inventions while you're at it.
What happens in a war when one side is bombing the other, brother? The other side is naturally, and i will say it again, the other side is naturally, going to bomb them back (that's not terrorism, that's realities of war).

If you want to put an end to the cycle of violence then you must put an end to the war itself. I want end to war & end to so-called "terrorism".

It's normal and healthy to hate the "other team" so to speak & i'm pretty sure they hate us too.

yeah they definitly do. see how in the west they always attact muslim sisters. like that somali pregnant sister in milton keyns UK. who got beaten up by a white rascist and lost her baby. they hate us alright even on every news flash on facebook there are some haters blaming muslims. They even blame the muslims for the whole black pete banning in the netherlands :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:
There is a difference between free speech and crazy shit, how do you defend this?

@666 wallahi kan jamal wax aya ka si ah

666 did call him a heathen. Fully provoked.

yeah they definitly do. see how in the west they always attact muslim sisters. like that somali pregnant sister in milton keyns UK. who got beaten up by a white rascist and lost her baby. they hate us alright even on every news flash on facebook there are some haters blaming muslims. They even blame the muslims for the whole black pete banning in the netherlands :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:

"And they will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion if they are able. And whoever of you reverts from his religion [to disbelief] and dies while he is a disbeliever - for those, their deeds have become worthless in this world and the Hereafter, and those are the companions of the Fire, they will abide therein eternally." {Quran 2:217}

Sadaqallahul azim.
are you making it haram since Allah didn't say it is haram in the Quran

I've watched the video and he hasn't provided any daleel from Quran & Sunnah as to why voting for a Non-Muslim who will rule by other than they Shariah is permissible. Rather all he said was that he doesn't know of any, but here they are:

“Have you seen those who claim to believe in what was sent to you and sent down before you? And they wish to go to judgement in their disputes (At Tahakum) to the Taghout (someone who rules by other than the Shariah is a Taghut) while they have been ordered to reject them, but Shaytan wishes to lead them far astray.” (Nisaa 4:60)

“And verily we have sent among every Ummah a Messenger (proclaiming): “Worship Allah (alone), and keep distance from Taghout.” Then of them were some whom Allah guided and of them were some upon whom the straying was justified. So travel through the land and see what was the end of those who denied.” (Nahl 16:36)

“There is no compulsion in the deen, the right path has become distinct from the wrong path, whoever rejects taghout, and believes in Allah, he has got a firm hold of the most trustworthy handhold that will never break, and Allah is the All hearing, all knowing.” (Baqarah 2:256)
@Hugo i expected better from you @Strawberryshuffle

You can keep thinking voting is xaaram, but i will vote for Labour on June 8th, so hopefully when they win, it will make tuition free and so Muslims will not be forced to take riba and fight against Allah.

I'm shocked you put that Qatari Emir as your photo, clearly you've changed.
I've watched the video and he hasn't provided any daleel from Quran & Sunnah as to why voting for a Non-Muslim who will rule by other than they Shariah is permissible. Rather all he said was that he doesn't know of any, but here they are
brother do you know what daleel is?
do you know who this Sheikh is?
we are talking about voting for a non Muslim with non Muslim candidates
@Hugo i expected better from you @Strawberryshuffle

You can keep thinking voting is xaaram, but i will vote for Labour on June 8th, so hopefully when they win, it will make tuition free and so Muslims will not be forced to take riba and fight against Allah.

I'm shocked you put that Qatari Emir as your photo, clearly you've changed.

People are making avoidable choices and crying compulsion that is nonexistent.

Nobody is forced to take tuition fees, nor are you forced to vote.

brother do you know what daleel is?
do you know who this Sheikh is?
we are talking about voting for a non Muslim with non Muslim candidates

I know exactly what you are talking about and I've responded accordingly.

Avoid blind following.
People are making avoidable choices and crying compulsion that is nonexistent.
Nobody is forced to take tuition fees, nor are you forced to vote.
If they do not go to university, they will end up in low paid, low status jobs forever. University is practically essential in this day and age. Maybe you never and that's why you're ignorant.
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