Texas becomes majority latino first time since 1850


California I think is majority Latino too Florida will follow soon as well
When Rome declined the barbarian Germanics flooded in as migrants and destroyed the empire.

America the germanic Rome, made of a dominant Anglo tribe with over a hundred million Germans who also assimilated.
The Latino barbarians are now flooding this germanic empire after it's decline has started.
Latins are getting payback 2,000 years later.
When Rome declined the barbarian Germanics flooded in as migrants and destroyed the empire.

America the germanic Rome, made of a dominant Anglo tribe with over a hundred million Germans who also assimilated.
The Latino barbarians are now flooding this germanic empire after it's decline has started.
Latins are getting payback 2,000 years later.
A lot of latinos are white passing they have a high intermarriage rate in a few generations they will assimilate into whiteness there’s been articles written about it white Americans are getting new blood lool


A lot of latinos are white passing they have a high intermarriage rate in a few generations they will assimilate into whiteness there’s been articles written about it white Americans are getting new blood lool
Latinos are a mixed race people. Hardly a "race" in the way white or black is.

White America has always assimilated peoples. Italians and irish weren't white and lived in ghettos beefing with blacks. Then they got assimilated into Anglo culture and became white. As long as you have "white skin" or are passing you can easily become one of them. Lots of Latinos are just varying mixtures of Spanish/Portuguese, Native American and sometimes Black African.
When Rome declined the barbarian Germanics flooded in as migrants and destroyed the empire.

America the germanic Rome, made of a dominant Anglo tribe with over a hundred million Germans who also assimilated.
The Latino barbarians are now flooding this germanic empire after it's decline has started.
Latins are getting payback 2,000 years later.
They’re not Latins. They’re a bunch of Mestizos, many even purely Native American.

Calling those people ‘Latin’ is an insult to the real Latins from Northern Italy.
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Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
When Rome declined the barbarian Germanics flooded in as migrants and destroyed the empire.

America the germanic Rome, made of a dominant Anglo tribe with over a hundred million Germans who also assimilated.
The Latino barbarians are now flooding this germanic empire after it's decline has started.
Latins are getting payback 2,000 years later.

Do these boons look roman to you?


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
God take me to Jannaah when White population in America goes down and is beat by disgusting minority! :bell:
Now I understand why they're always complaining about the border lol. USA white minority country very soon at this rate. Maybe even by 2050? Most Americans will be mixed race or otherwise non-white. Wonder how Europe & the rest of the world would react.

If Whites aren't the majority, will America's reputation get worse? We all know white countries are seen favourably and portrayed favourably by mainstream media. Would international media paint America in a bad image when its majority mixed? Or will it stay the same since America will still be more powerful than the rest of the world?

Since USA is the only superpower, I'd assume international media would be forced to continue to portray it favourably? Who knows?
Mexican wa landheere I remember talking to one and he told me nearly 40% of his villages lives in Texas
Doesn't help that South America is broke, expect many more illegals coming through the southern border. Even Chinese are coming too for some reason. America seriously needs to take control of its Southern border.


Mexican wa landheere I remember talking to one and he told me nearly 40% of his villages lives in Texas
Those states used to be Mexican empire begore the US took all of it. Back when Anglos were xoogsters now they are cucks.
Mexicans got balls and are coming back for their land.
Those states used to be Mexican empire begore the US took all of it. Back when Anglos were xoogsters now they are cucks.
Mexicans got balls and are coming back for their land.
Nah they'll be waving American flags and will be on the next poster for immigrant success story or some other bs, as they tell their story. You forget these people want to be American lol. They probably know more about the USA than White Americans

Omar del Sur

Nah they'll be waving American flags and will be on the next poster for immigrant success story or some other bs, as they tell their story. You forget these people want to be American lol. They probably know more about the USA than White Americans

don't tell anyone this but Mexicans are inherently one of the most anti-US peoples on earth.... but some of the ones who get born in US and assimilate do turn into those US flag waver types.