Texas becomes majority latino first time since 1850


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
worse than that, is the indifference many muslims and muslim nations have towards their struggling brothers and sisters.

I have heard many stories of Arab and Desi racism against Somalis and other Africans. The frequency of it happening just tells me there is a concerted effort in the community to hide it for the appearance of unity. When is it ever spoken about? White people are no where near as racist to Somalis and Blacks as other Muslims are. They are the least racist but they're the ones we only complain about.
I have heard many stories of Arab and Desi racism against Somalis and other Africans. The frequency of it happening just tells me there is a concerted effort in the community to hide it for the appearance of unity. When is it ever spoken about? White people are no where near as racist to Somalis and Blacks as other Muslims are. They are the least racist but they're the ones we only complain about.

Even at work, so much akhee talk and then you find out they're literally xaaring on you behind your back. There was a muslim syrian guy who was a coordinator at a company in the oil field i worked at and this guy would regularly favor indian sikhs/hindus over somalis that were just as qualified or better. those hindis would get longer and more comfortable projects, while most mali get xamali and short projects. and the syrian was big on that akhee talk too:francis:
When Rome declined the barbarian Germanics flooded in as migrants and destroyed the empire.

America the germanic Rome, made of a dominant Anglo tribe with over a hundred million Germans who also assimilated.
The Latino barbarians are now flooding this germanic empire after it's decline has started.
Latins are getting payback 2,000 years later.
VIVA LA RAZA ! They doing it for Eddie
i truly only love my own kin, and only love muslims for the sake of Allah and in moments of where I find myself having disdain and hatred, I remind myself that they are muslims.

i honestly don't care much for race, i down talk or wish destruction on many western nation because i truly hate them for they have done and doing. me rooting for niger/mali/burkina faso doesn't mean i don't recognize the struggles that say our muslims brothers and sister have faced in say in bosnia or even in india. i have the same ill will towards serbia, ethiopia and india like i do towards france or america
Asian Muslim shopkeepers have always treated me like a criminal despite the fact they for sure know I’m Muslim. There is no unity and to believe they see us as “ brothers” is Disney dreaming.

Omar del Sur

Latinos are white idk why they talk about white people like they aren't white themselves

I think it makes sense that there's these very inaccurate takes such as this because race in Latin America and in Latin American culture does not work the same way as for example anglo countries.


Cushite Arab
I think it makes sense that there's these very inaccurate takes such as this because race in Latin America and in Latin American culture does not work the same way as for example anglo countries.
When the Americans took over the southern states did the Latinos remain or did they get kicked out?
Doesn't help that South America is broke, expect many more illegals coming through the southern border. Even Chinese are coming too for some reason. America seriously needs to take control of its Southern border.
Doesn’t matter cause of laws. They end of leaving or work cheap labour. These latinoball love in the same house together and go to work together doing cheap labour.
I have heard many stories of Arab and Desi racism against Somalis and other Africans. The frequency of it happening just tells me there is a concerted effort in the community to hide it for the appearance of unity. When is it ever spoken about? White people are no where near as racist to Somalis and Blacks as other Muslims are. They are the least racist but they're the ones we only complain about.
Its probably cuz muslims are already talked bad about so they dont want to come out and tell non muslims about the racism some muslims have. Basically lets keep this problem in the house
Literally expected. When you have an open border policy and hundreds of millions of Hispanics/Latinos south of your border, you’re just asking for a Reconquista. The South is lost, America will become Spanish.
Literally expected. When you have an open border policy and hundreds of millions of Hispanics/Latinos south of your border, you’re just asking for a Reconquista. The South is lost, America will become Spanish.
the native americans need to reclaim their lands too. being reduced to small reseverations in the north is a disgrace. a lot of the women in the reservations are also routinely graped by the local cops and nothing happens to the corrupt pigs. its a shame a lot of the scattered natives across the states have married outside of their race which is why you have so many mutts say 'yeah im 1/4 Lakota and half italian teehee'
the native americans need to reclaim their lands too. being reduced to small reseverations in the north is a disgrace. a lot of the women in the reservations are also routinely graped by the local cops and nothing happens to the corrupt pigs. its a shame a lot of the scattered natives across the states have married outside of their race which is why you have so many mutts say 'yeah im 1/4 Lakota and half italian teehee'
They are too small and spread out, they are the biggest losers in the new America.
They are too small and spread out, they are the biggest losers in the new America.
waa dhamataay for Geronimo and the other indian war chiefs. his lifes purpose of fighting for his people was ultimately in vain. i liked the game red dead redemption 2 for not sugarcoating how the cadaan's were relentless in their day by day conquering of their lands


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