Texas becomes majority latino first time since 1850

Omar del Sur

They’re mutts that identify with the rapist of the foremothers.
Look up mejorar la raza or blanqueamieto

there was definitely "violation" that occurred in the initial days of the invasion but the Spanish were numerically actually very tiny. it was mostly rival tribes that defeated the Aztecs as they were fed up with Aztecs oppressing them.

what happened was during the time Mexico was part of Spain, there was some lifting on the restriction of intermarriage (of course it happened from the beginning but at first there was some level of restriction) and so over the New Spain period a bunch of intermarriage took place.

I guess there are some mestizos out there identify specifically with the Spanish but that isn't really normal or mainstream.

In Mexico, there has been zapatismo (I'm not talking about EZLN but original zapatismo) and lots of indigenismo more generally. There was also the theory of the cosmic race, mestizo nationalism, emergence of mestizo identity.

All of this is particularly boosted after the post-revolutionary period that followed the 1910 period. there was some white supremacist stuff amongst elites during the porfiriato but this was not any sort of mainstream ideology after the revolution and I doubt was ever normal amongst the masses.

what you are talking about is something that can exist amongst a weird fringe but it isn't normal or mainstream.

people should not trust what they read in English about Latin America. the Western media is full of junk propaganda, from imperialist stuff to "woke" type stuff trying to paint Latin Americans as white supremacists for political reasons over not being on board with sjw ideology. the reality is way more complicated than these narratives. what is much more mainstream is identifying with being mestizo and then also there's a bunch that identify mainly with their indigenous lineage- and this has been very much promoted by the government since the 1910 revolution.
there was definitely "violation" that occurred in the initial days of the invasion but the Spanish were numerically actually very tiny. it was mostly rival tribes that defeated the Aztecs as they were fed up with Aztecs oppressing them.

what happened was during the time Mexico was part of Spain, there was some lifting on the restriction of intermarriage (of course it happened from the beginning but at first there was some level of restriction) and so over the New Spain period a bunch of intermarriage took place.

I guess there are some mestizos out there identify specifically with the Spanish but that isn't really normal or mainstream.

In Mexico, there has been zapatismo (I'm not talking about EZLN but original zapatismo) and lots of indigenismo more generally. There was also the theory of the cosmic race, mestizo nationalism, emergence of mestizo identity.

All of this is particularly boosted after the post-revolutionary period that followed the 1910 period. there was some white supremacist stuff amongst elites during the porfiriato but this was not any sort of mainstream ideology after the revolution and I doubt was ever normal amongst the masses.

what you are talking about is something that can exist amongst a weird fringe but it isn't normal or mainstream.

people should not trust what they read in English about Latin America. the Western media is full of junk propaganda, from imperialist stuff to "woke" type stuff trying to paint Latin Americans as white supremacists for political reasons over not being on board with sjw ideology. the reality is way more complicated than these narratives. what is much more mainstream is identifying with being mestizo and then also there's a bunch that identify mainly with their indigenous lineage- and this has been very much promoted by the government since the 1910 revolution.

All i know is latin america has had many great leader and people of african descent that have accomplished great deeds and have been buried in the darkest corners of libraries and never talked of.
Look how visceral their disdain and hatred for black people, mexico itself, their 2nd president was an afro-mestizo, Vincente Guerrero. Man abolished slavery mexico wide, and was KEY player in the mexican war of independence against the spanish. Now look at how afro-mexicans are dealt with.
Don't even get me started on the Brazil's/Argentina's/etc.
The only latin americans I have sympathy for are the ones that share my deen, the random natives that have resisted and maintain a level of seperation from cadaans, and afro-latinos who are aware of their past and where they stand.
the rest are mutts :mjpls:

Omar del Sur

All i know is latin america has had many great leader and people of african descent that have accomplished great deeds and have been buried in the darkest corners of libraries and never talked of.
Look how visceral their disdain and hatred for black people, mexico itself, their 2nd president was an afro-mestizo, Vincente Guerrero. Man abolished slavery mexico wide, and was KEY player in the mexican war of independence against the spanish. Now look at how afro-mexicans are dealt with.
Don't even get me started on the Brazil's/Argentina's/etc.
The only latin americans I have sympathy for are the ones that share my deen, the random natives that have resisted and maintain a level of seperation from cadaans, and afro-latinos who are aware of their past and where they stand.
the rest are mutts :mjpls:

what visceral disdain for blacks?

Vincente Guerrero... what percentage are afro-Mexicans??? those people are like less than one percent of the population... they get treated as this super tiny minority because they are in fact a super tiny minority... as being of mixed-race, does anything in Quran or Sunnah say mixed-race people are inferior? there is no evidence of this from Islam and from the Islamic standpoint and in the sight of Allah it is completely irrelevant.

the country in Latin America with a bunch of blacks (besides I think Cuba) is Brazil. over there they are a huge percentage. In Mexico and Central America, it isn't that they're massively mistreated or something it's that they are not a big part of the story because they are simply not numerically a big part of the population, they are extremely tiny minorities in those countries.

Omar del Sur

as far as Vicente Guerrero, he isn't erased from the history books or something. he was a leading player in independence and gets treated so. the real leader of independence is Iturbide, though. Vicente Guerrero gets a perfectly just treatment. as for stories of big, leading Afro-Mexican figures.... they just haven't played a huge role in that country, as they're a very tiny minority percentage wise.

Omar del Sur

some people are weird where they come with black nationalist rationalizations for hating literally every race that isn't black. let them name one race that isn't anti-black according to them. meanwhile they have no issue with themselves being massively racist.
what visceral disdain for blacks?

Vincente Guerrero... what percentage are afro-Mexicans??? those people are like less than one percent of the population... they get treated as this super tiny minority because they are in fact a super tiny minority... as being of mixed-race, does anything in Quran or Sunnah say mixed-race people are inferior? there is no evidence of this from Islam and from the Islamic standpoint and in the sight of Allah it is completely irrelevant.

the country in Latin America with a bunch of blacks (besides I think Cuba) is Brazil. over there they are a huge percentage. In Mexico and Central America, it isn't that they're massively mistreated or something it's that they are not a big part of the story because they are simply not numerically a big part of the population, they are extremely tiny minorities in those countries.

i need to sleep, but this covers it well.

The legacy of racism against Blackness and dark skin continues today. In 2017, Daniel Zizumbo-Colunga of Vanderbilt University, an expert in political psychology and behaviour, published a study confirming “darker skin is strongly associated with decreased wealth and less schooling,” and “race is the single most important determinant of a Mexican citizen’s economic and educational attainment.”

Omar del Sur

I clicked to see what national post is and it is apparently some Canadian sjw outlet.... you have to be really clueless to take what they say at face value.... those people would tell you Martians are homophobic anti-black racists and talk about "the white supremacist history of air conditioning"
may Allah heal you from the aspects of jahilliyah in you.
its true sometimes i have to much hatred, may Allah rinse it out of my heart. wallahi 99% of these non-muslims i wouldn't give a cup of water too, and even some of the muslims i would do it not for them but strictly for the sake of Allah

Omar del Sur

its true sometimes i have to much hatred, may Allah rinse it out of my heart. wallahi 99% of these non-muslims i wouldn't give a cup of water too, and even some of the muslims i would do it not for them but strictly for the sake of Allah

hate kaffirs because they're kaffirs not because of race.
hate kaffirs because they're kaffirs not because of race.
wallahi i've seen muslims make fun of somalis or other africans while they were in the direst hours of need.
there was a senegalese guy i went to uni with and was cool with for a while, then one day out of anger because he was loosing a pool of game and couldnt take a little shit talking, he started going off on starving somalis and laughing as if it was the funniest thing in the world.
wallahi o billahi i was so shocked and heartbroken by it i just dropped the cue stick, and never talked to him again.

a lot of people don't see most of us a human beings and wallahi i fear that i become like them


East Africa UNUKA LEH
there was definitely "violation" that occurred in the initial days of the invasion but the Spanish were numerically actually very tiny. it was mostly rival tribes that defeated the Aztecs as they were fed up with Aztecs oppressing them.

what happened was during the time Mexico was part of Spain, there was some lifting on the restriction of intermarriage (of course it happened from the beginning but at first there was some level of restriction) and so over the New Spain period a bunch of intermarriage took place.

I guess there are some mestizos out there identify specifically with the Spanish but that isn't really normal or mainstream.

In Mexico, there has been zapatismo (I'm not talking about EZLN but original zapatismo) and lots of indigenismo more generally. There was also the theory of the cosmic race, mestizo nationalism, emergence of mestizo identity.

All of this is particularly boosted after the post-revolutionary period that followed the 1910 period. there was some white supremacist stuff amongst elites during the porfiriato but this was not any sort of mainstream ideology after the revolution and I doubt was ever normal amongst the masses.

what you are talking about is something that can exist amongst a weird fringe but it isn't normal or mainstream.

people should not trust what they read in English about Latin America. the Western media is full of junk propaganda, from imperialist stuff to "woke" type stuff trying to paint Latin Americans as white supremacists for political reasons over not being on board with sjw ideology. the reality is way more complicated than these narratives. what is much more mainstream is identifying with being mestizo and then also there's a bunch that identify mainly with their indigenous lineage- and this has been very much promoted by the government since the 1910 revolution.
Uff those Tlaxacan langaabs

Omar del Sur

wallahi i've seen muslims make fun of somalis or other africans while they were in the direst hours of need.
there was a senegalese guy i went to uni with and was cool with for a while, then one day out of anger because he was loosing a pool of game and couldnt take a little shit talking, he started going off on starving somalis and laughing as if it was the funniest thing in the world.
wallahi o billahi i was so shocked and heartbroken by it i just dropped the cue stick, and never talked to him again.

a lot of people don't see most of us a human beings and wallahi i fear that i become like them

wallahi we all have to be Muslim first- right? we aren't going to be asked about race in the grave... a Muslim brother from Senegal told me there are good and bad people amongst every race and this is the truth.

therefore what truly matters is being Muslim. we have to love and hate for the sake of Allah.

Al-Wala wal-Bara is part of aqeedah. we love our fellow Muslims for the sake of Allah and we hate the kuffar for the sake of Allah.

we have to love and hate for sake of Allah. as far as race, what the brother from Senegal told me is the truth- you will find good and bad people amongst every race.
wallahi we all have to be Muslim first- right? we aren't going to be asked about race in the grave... a Muslim brother from Senegal told me there are good and bad people amongst every race and this is the truth.

therefore what truly matters is being Muslim. we have to love and hate for the sake of Allah.

Al-Wala wal-Bara is part of aqeedah. we love our fellow Muslims for the sake of Allah and we hate the kuffar for the sake of Allah.

we have to love and hate for sake of Allah. as far as race, what the brother from Senegal told me is the truth- you will find good and bad people amongst every race.

i truly only love my own kin, and only love muslims for the sake of Allah and in moments of where I find myself having disdain and hatred, I remind myself that they are muslims.

i honestly don't care much for race, i down talk or wish destruction on many western nation because i truly hate them for they have done and doing. me rooting for niger/mali/burkina faso doesn't mean i don't recognize the struggles that say our muslims brothers and sister have faced in say in bosnia or even in india. i have the same ill will towards serbia, ethiopia and india like i do towards france or america


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