Thats Africa for you

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Suldaanka Gobyare


I truly worry for Africa that their low IQ may be genetic and not just environmental. If so, this will open up a can of worms. :bell:
I truly worry for Africa that their low IQ may be genetic and not just environmental. If so, this will open up a can of worms. :bell:
Haha, I don't think so. After all most diaspora Africans are quite smart on the contrary.


Not your typical Farah
I truly worry for Africa that their low IQ may be genetic and not just environmental. If so, this will open up a can of worms. :bell:
Yeah, I'm curious about race and IQ. Most studies I have seen on this subject has been done by White Nationalist, so itself makes the studies unreliable. However, Flynn argued it's environmental- so I'm guessing that averages of Africans 70- Black Americans 85 - Indians/Hispanics/Arabs 89 - Whites 100 - East Asians 106 is accepted among some of these people on these researches. I wonder why independent institutions don't research this topic, is that taboo? I mean by not researching, you're not doing those people a justice. If these were real facts, then scientists can move onto studies on gene editing etc to improve the IQ of these races.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
H-how exactly do you progress after centuries of colonialism, slavery, and the countries who perpetuated that shit using the funds and resources to spearhead industrialization that they themselves control and operate?

All you do is create a vacuum for warlords to spring up. Look at Congo. Brutalized for decades and then the only vestige of control was uprooted and disappeared overnight.

You don't get to rape, pillage and vilify an entire continent and then wait 40 years and go "well where's the progress guuuuuuuys?"

Wish I could neg sometimes.

>Africans sold their own into slavery

Just... :snoop:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Yeah, I'm curious about race and IQ. Most studies I have seen on this subject has been done by White Nationalist, so itself makes the studies unreliable. However, Flynn argued it's environmental- so I'm guessing that averages of Africans 70- Black Americans 85 - Indians/Hispanics/Arabs 89 - Whites 100 - East Asians 106 is accepted among some of these people on these researches. I wonder why independent institutions don't research this topic, is that taboo? I mean by not researching, you're not doing those people a justice. If these were real facts, then scientists can move onto studies on gene editing etc to improve the IQ of these races.

Essentially the best method for testing IQ is to administer it to the wealthiest areas (because of access to progressive education).

You do it my setting your sample size and having individual ethnic groups present (genetically close individuals) and then adjust for anomalies and so on.

The issue is IQ tests gauge adaptability as well as affinity for learning, so genuinely smart and able individuals are incapable of competing if they don't have access to the same resources.

This is proven by the staggering number of Nigerians in Ivy League schools yet somehow the South would probably collectively lose to a well educated toddler in Toronto.

Gene editing would first need to identify "smart genes" and when the vast majority of human genetics is paritited you probably aren't going to find many.
African Americans, breh. They are an epic failure as well in comparison to other Americans.
What do the two have in common? a systematic oppression that went on for 100s of years. it is unrealistic to enslave people for almost 400 years and then expect them to perform as well as you when they are free. even to this day AAs are undermined and kept poor. they are not stupid nor are they innately stupid. as for Africans...well some of them pay taxes to European counties to this day. theit resources are exploited so how can one say "despite the vast natural resources". if white people kept it to themselves and stopped keeping people of color down through invasions and exploitation black people would have performed just as well.

If black people got the upper hand today and enslaved whites and oppressed them for the next 500 years, people would be asking if whites have low iq.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Amun my dude these people got the right to vote without restriction in the 60s

Think about that sxb. Three hundred years of uninterrupted slavery only to met with a hundred years of further deprecation. What kind of widespread success stories are you looking for, sxb?


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
IQ doesn't measure your intelligence, the only thing it measures is your adaptability to modernity. So if you come from a country that lacks alot of it, for instance poor regions in Africa.

Then its no surprise if you score low. If that wasn't true the same populations inside and outside of low social-economic indication would at least score similar but they don't.

Lack of ''Technology'' or ''Modernity'' and overall social-economic status then you will surely score lower on the IQ scale.

One should check out the Flynn Effect. as it illustrates perfectly how modernized world view & conceptual thinking is what is warranted for one to do well in an IQ test
"The hypothesis that best fits the results is that IQ tests do not measure intelligence but rather correlate with a weak causal link to intelligence." (Flynn, 1987). Based on the presence of the effect on nonverbal tests such as the Raven's Matrices, Flynn believes that the increase is actually an increase in abstract problem solving rather than intelligence. Flynn (1994, 1999) favors environmental explanations for the increase in test scores.
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Africans are among the stupidest in the world, and Somalis are at the very top along with the Ethiopians and Equatorial Guineans.


Your superior
Low IQ is the reason unfortunately.

Colonial rule isn't an excuse as much of Asia was colonised


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
It isn't about IQ. In Somalia we protect our criminals. We do our darn best to protect our warlords, we make them senators and generals. We protect and elevate the worst among us. Even these Garaads, many of them are corrupt and would encourage intra/interclan conflicts. We have a sick mindset that only impairs the ability of this country to rebuild itself. I can't even blame Ethiopia and Kenya for what goes in Somalia anymore. This mess is our doing, and nobody can fix it but ourselves, not even Turkey. Look at what Turkey has done for Mogadishu. Even they couldn't change Mogadishu, it is still the worst city in the world.


Pepe Trump
Islam will cure them from the cannibalism, rape, HIV, witchcraft and rest through education.

Actually from a statistical point of view, the more educated a society becomes the more irreligious it becomes as consequence. This is a well founded trend.

Anyways, Africa's problem arises from the continent that it inherited. Africa for the most part breeds nomadic people and nomadic people aren't capable of building societies build on education and sciences, they wouldn't be nomads if they could.

Studies have found that the brain size of Africans living in subsaharan Africa compared to that of Africans living in the west are much smaller.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Actually from a statistical point of view, the more educated a society becomes the more irreligious it becomes as consequence. This is a well founded trend.

Anyways, Africa's problem arises from the continent that it inherited. Africa for the most part breeds nomadic people and nomadic people aren't capable of building societies build on education and sciences, they wouldn't be nomads if they could.

Studies have found that the brain size of Africans living in subsaharan Africa compared to that of Africans living in the west are much smaller.

Peadophillia and sexual harrassment have become common place in godless societies. It is due to a lack of religion. These studies about people having smaller brains is just racist. Its like saying these people are less human or more ape-like.
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