Thats Africa for you

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Pepe Trump
Peadophillia and sexual harrassment have become common place in godless societies. It is due to a lack of religion. These studies about people having smaller brains is just racist. Its like saying these people are less human or more ape-like.

Could you provide sources to suggest that godlessness creates peadophillia and sexual harassment? Rape is "normal in Somalia" according to human rights watch.

Egypt has one of the highest sexual assault stats on the planet.

Child marriage is common place in Muslim countries. Saudi Arabia requires no age limit, Yemen allows marriage of 9 year old (based on the teachings of the prophet, as does Iran and many others. Bangladesh also has the highest number of child marriages.

It's not racism to state facts. Subsaharan have smaller brains due to malnutrition. As I have suggested, European African have much larger brains.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Could you provide sources to suggest that godlessness creates peadophillia and sexual harassment? Rape is "normal in Somalia" according to human rights watch.

Egypt has one of the highest sexual assault stats on the planet.

Child marriage is common place in Muslim countries. Saudi Arabia requires no age limit, Yemen allows marriage of 9 year old (based on the teachings of the prophet, as does Iran and many others. Bangladesh also has the highest number of child marriages.

It's not racism to state facts. Subsaharan have smaller brains due to malnutrition. As I have suggested, European African have much larger brains.

Ok you guys win. Im out.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Could you provide sources to suggest that godlessness creates peadophillia and sexual harassment? Rape is "normal in Somalia" according to human rights watch.

Egypt has one of the highest sexual assault stats on the planet.

Child marriage is common place in Muslim countries. Saudi Arabia requires no age limit, Yemen allows marriage of 9 year old (based on the teachings of the prophet, as does Iran and many others. Bangladesh also has the highest number of child marriages.

It's not racism to state facts. Subsaharan have smaller brains due to malnutrition. As I have suggested, European African have much larger brains.
if that's the case, maybe issues pertaining to malnutrition should be addressed instead of "africans have a low iq". it's clear what the intentions behind that are


Pepe Trump
if that's the case, maybe issues pertaining to malnutrition should be addressed instead of "africans have a low iq". it's clear what the intentions behind that are

I made the initial post to clarify that point. It is malnutrition that hinders the IQ level of Africans not just "they're stupid."

In fact, subsaharan Africa has the fastest growing IQ in the world. By the end of the century, the IQ level of Africa will be equal to that of the developed world if it doesn't surpass them.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I made the initial post to clarify that point. It is malnutrition that hinders the IQ level of Africans not just "they're stupid."

In fact, subsaharan Africa has the fastest growing IQ in the world. By the end of the century, the IQ level of Africa will be equal to that of the developed world if it doesn't surpass them.

Where are you getting this from



Pepe Trump
Where are you getting this from


It is a fact that malnutrition hinders the development of children. Subsaharan Africa suffers from widespread malnutrition which hinders the proper development of the brains of its inhabitants as well as all their other organs.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
This saying how Africans have smaller brains and therefore are inherently more stupid. You're whole family is African you fking retarded white booty clapping atheist.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
It is a fact that malnutrition hinders the development of children. Subsaharan Africa suffers from widespread malnutrition which hinders the proper development of the brains of its inhabitants as well as all their other organs.

Yeah imma need a study on this. The human body is incredibly adaptable and will prioritize specific aspects of human development over others to ensure survival.

You might be shorter, more prone to health conditions but dumber? I dunno


It is a fact that malnutrition hinders the development of children. Subsaharan Africa suffers from widespread malnutrition which hinders the proper development of the brains of its inhabitants as well as all their other organs.
This actually makes sense.


Pepe Trump
This saying how Africans have smaller brains and therefore are inherently more stupid. You're whole family is African you fking retarded white booty clapping atheist.

What did I even say that could constitute such a reply?! When did I bloody imply that Africans having smaller brains implies they're stupid?! Stop being a butthurt little c*nt!!

I was pointing out that the environment plays a role in the IQ levels of Africa. Europeans of subsaharan African origin, like Somalis and Nigerians, tend to have larger brains then those back home. Why is that? Malnutrition plays a role. For the same reason that those suffering from malnutrition tend to be shorter, they also tend to have smaller brains. A change in social conditioning would change that.

East Asians have a higher IQ then white people, am I an East Asia booty clapper now?


Pepe Trump

Found a study. Mostly deals with early age malnutrition in the beginning stages of childhood.

So yeah it is a feasible correlation. It just doesn't state the level of malnutrition required to reach that stage.

So there's a threshold

I'm not suggesting it's the only reason but one of many. Some even suggest that a genetic factor also plays a part. Scientists are split on this. However, as I have suggested earlier, the IQ of Africans is rising much faster then the rest of the world.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I doubt there's a genetic component. Not enough deviation in modern humans. And you'd see parity rather than outliers in communities where richer parts can send their kids to schools (see West Africans in higher learning institutions abroad).

Prolly a combination of abject poverty, malnutrition and no government structure.

AKA what colonialism cemented


Pepe Trump
I doubt there's a genetic component. Not enough deviation in modern humans. And you'd see parity rather than outliers in communities where richer parts can send their kids to schools (see West Africans in higher learning institutions abroad).

Prolly a combination of abject poverty, malnutrition and no government structure.

AKA what colonialism cemented

I agree. However, research is required and is being hindered by people being afraid of sounding or appearing 'racist'.


In many African countries an obesity problem is more of a danger than malnutrition. Especially South Africa and Nigeria. Only African countries with malnutrition issues are those in the Sahel belt. The Bantus in the greener areas are well fed.

The third world has many fat people these days.
You can be obese and still lack proper nutrition. Its a interesting topic and I wonder when this colonization card will be dropped. It had its effect on africa no doubt but it dont count for the blatantly corruption that exist or lack of morality, even including "muslim" countries were rapes are prevalent.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
You can be obese and still lack proper nutrition. Its a interesting topic and I wonder when this colonization card will be dropped. It had its effect on africa no doubt but it dont count for the blatantly corruption that exist or lack of morality, even including "muslim" countries were rapes are prevalent.

There isn't a card to play here. African colonies were the worst and the people there were either enslaved and shipped or broken down in their own homes.

It absolutely counts for all that because desolate wastelands rich in resources give rise to barbaric human beings because the only people with the inherent power to oppose them were the ones that gave them the agency to do this in the first place.

50 years isn't enough time to circumvent all of that. Not even close tbh.


There isn't a card to play here. African colonies were the worst and the people there were either enslaved and shipped or broken down in their own homes.

It absolutely counts for all that because desolate wastelands rich in resources give rise to barbaric human beings because the only people with the inherent power to oppose them were the ones that gave them the agency to do this in the first place.

50 years isn't enough time to circumvent all of that. Not even close tbh.
So how many years is enough time? 100 years? Or thousand?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
So how many years is enough time? 100 years? Or thousand?

No clue.

But if we're talking about societies standing back up after calamity and/or rejuvenating their standing or starting new empires and dynasties entirely...historical precedence tells us 50 years ain't shit.

With global cooperation and nation unions obviously things aren't the same, which is why we're already seeing countries like Angola and Rwanda make disturbingly quick progressions.

Point is, if someone alive today can remember the grim reality of colonies then we're probably not anywhere near the point of those times still having widespread impacts on some of these countries.

No real excuse for Arab countries acting like shit though. The Islamic world has minimal excuses for why they cannot progress I will at least admit that.

But people like Congo? Nah they had a legitimate grievance as far as I'm concerned.
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