Don’t speak on matters you know anything about Bari is shared so is caluula there’s not just one group of people living in Bari and caluula and the reason why cadde muuse divided Bari is cause he is from xamar and doesn’t know much about the demographic of Bari inhabitants so he divided cismaan maxamud Who settle in Bari, karkaar and caluula.Horta are you bipolar.. the OP didn't focus his thread in splitting Mudug..but the entire country..
The current borders do not reflect the factual tribal borders..
He emphasises on long term peace for all, and uses the current autonomous regions as examples that if people within their tribes are recognised as the sole landowners and left to govern within their recognised lands peace could have a chance to prevail..
You said sool iyo sanaag..
Yes some parts of those regions belong to one group of people and the other part belongs to one group of let's shift those artificial lines to a more suitable area..
And we do tht for every region and with in every the reoccurring wars between qarxajis iyo habar jeclo, we can have a Somali proper maps that recognise each square meter of the entire land..
A detailed map.. a small example is Bari, bari in its original form was massive with few different groups of people laying a claim to it with continues hit and run wars..since then Puntland has kind of sorted it out by cutting it in two and even then each group of people within the two have detailed map of their lands..tht has halted a lot of misconceptions between people..
Do we want peace? If no we continue this self destructive course of action
If yes, then I don't see why we can't partition the country according to tribal maps, so tht we can eliminate all misconceptions between a lot of people..a and finally have a country tht resembles us all ..
Because no Somali likes to be feeling dominated by another Somali affiliation..