The 5th largest city in PL deserves a new Gobol

You might be wondering what the 5th largest city is it’s none other then galdogob It has all the amenities that any city of its size has plus more including a dry port and airport and regional hospital

Similar things have happened before for example buhoodle a similarly sized city was given a gobol called cayn also another gobol was created called gardafuu in northern bari

share your thoughts below on this idea
You might be wondering what the 5th largest city is it’s none other then galdogob It has all the amenities that any city of its size has plus more including a dry port and airport and regional hospital

Similar things have happened before for example buhoodle a similarly sized city was given a gobol called cayn also another gobol was created called gardafuu in northern bari

share your thoughts below on this idea
What are the opinions of your elders?
I honestly think burtinle is bigger than qardho if not the same size negl
It’s a tough one tbh I think there’s a AI mapping thread which shows how many structures are in each city it accurately shows true populations I believe burtinle and qardho might’ve been discussed in that thread
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Buhoodle was given 'cayn' because it is a part of Togdheer. The logical thing would be to make it a part of Sool.
whatever valid reasons cayn had galdogob has aswell I don’t see much difference tbh

You want this red strip of land to become a gobol?

It’s about population that’s strip of land is more densely populated then most places in PL I don’t see why anybody would be against this unless it’s qabyalaad it would benefit everybody


The real reason you want it to be a gobol is qabyaalad, because if it is about density, Gaalkacyo and Bosaso would qualify more. You yourself said that Galdogob is the FIFTH in terms of population.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
I concur with your idea tbh! Badhan is also a gobol according to Puntland. Maybe it's time for rer Galdogob to get their fair share as well. It would be beneficial for the region and whole of Puntland.
I concur with your idea tbh! Badhan is also a gobol according to Puntland. Maybe it's time for rer Galdogob to get their fair share as well. It would be beneficial for the region and whole of Puntland.
Facts this is beneficial for everybody 💯 it would be a genius move by PL leadership
OP, why do you want that tiny strip of land to become a gobol, whilst simultaneously arguing to going back to the previous 18 regions? Seems like it's coming from a place of cuqdad.
OP, why do you want that tiny strip of land to become a gobol, whilst simultaneously arguing to going back to the previous 18 regions? Seems like it's coming from a place of cuqdad.
I don’t think you understand where I’m coming from I want it to be a gobol under PL like karkaar gardafuu etc I don’t have cuqdad towards anybody this is just a proposal

