The Ajnabi Myth and Other Inconveniences

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31/12/16 - 04/04/20
I have a question, do younger generation Somalis still do what their older generation families do - marry at young age and breed 6-10 kids or have they changed?

Why not? Make my own subclan inshallah
Marriage is overrated tbh I prefer my single life haha I get to keep all my wages plus I don't pay rent, benefits of staying with parents. Aah life is great, I go out have fun no worry in the world.

I was listening to an academic who argued that if marriage is as bad as people make it seem, why is it that the wealthiest and most successful people stay getting married?. He had a good point. Plus, you can't stay with your parents forever.

The next generation just needs to learn from our parent's mistakes.
There is no guy that would let his child have his mother's name as his surname, unless he is a cuck :siilaanyolaugh:

Who said he'd have any say:siilaanyolaugh:
Not one person in my entire blood line has married an ajnabi...I still have subsections of my family where marrying out of qabil is a faux-pas.

Good to hear I'm not the only one.

The people I know have 2/3 but they are starting later in life due to building career first.

Exactly ppl here like to exaggerate


Somaliweyn Unionist
I have yet to attend a Somali female/ajnabi wedding. People here love to exaggerate lol

To this day I know only of one such unions in my family, the girl married a cadaan and got disowned meanwhile no one said shit to her brother when he took an ajnabi as a second wife :drakelaugh:
Yeah, it hurts my heart. I want to marry an ajnabi but I'll probably get disowned. If I choose a faarax it won't be enough for my parents, I'll have to marry within the qabiil, I can never please them.
Interesting, i have several uncles in Ajnabi marriages and now as a result i have half Russian, Japanese, Filipino cousins..
My family is littered with Ajnabi marriages but its mostly the men that are in them.
Its not really a myth tbh i have seen many Somalis in interracial marriages, but then again we all have different experiences


As i live and breathe
Interesting, i have several uncles in Ajnabi marriages and now as a result i have half Russian, Japanese, Filipino cousins..
My family is littered with Ajnabi marriages but its mostly the men that are in them.

How about sending your half Russian female cousin my way :win:Provided she's above 18 :stevej:


I see plenty of mixed marriages on both ends where I am. It depends on your surroundings, I guess. Areas with high Somali populations should see a healthy majority of Somali-Somali marriages.
I've seen to much hardcore I know what will you do to him. I'm watching you :notsureif:

Who said anything about

And why did u just admit to watching it urgh.png

Not even normal stuff at that but hardcore
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