The Alt-Right are now more annoying and extreme than SJWs

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I detest the alt right beyond anything. The skeptic community used to be a cool place to hang out but now they've all turned into self righteous raging animals who are bathing in victimhood and can't complete a sentence without saying "cuck", "race realist" or "regressive".

White genocide. White men are persecuted. They get triggered by any slight criticism.

Even the Donald wants safe spaces

Inappropriate place to be criticising him.

It's a musical. People paid good money to see a show, not hear his lefty propaganda.

I have personally weighed into that matter yesterday

It is only a matter of time before AbdiJohnson will be put in a situation where he can no longer defend their actions and what they say.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
That's why I like to call them the Salt-Right.

It is only a matter of time before AbdiJohnson will be put in a situation where he can no longer defend their actions and what they say.

He doesn't actually believe that nonsense. It's his internet persona. That's why he comes up with dumb, non-existent crap to call himself like "Alt-Right Liberal" or "non-denominational Muslim".:cryinglaughsmiley:
That's why I like to call them the Salt-Right.

He doesn't actually believe that nonsense. It's his internet persona. That's why he comes up with dumb, non-existent crap to call himself like "Alt-Right Liberal" or "non-denominational Muslim".:cryinglaughsmiley:

Any proof?

Actually Muslims are not allowed to divide themselves into different sects. Muslims are supposed to be just Muslim with no other labels. I am following Islam the right way. I am Muslim, while you stress that you are Sunni.

Well that's a fair opinion AJ. But the alt right are still morons.

Just because they have a different opinion doesn't make them morons.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
I detest the alt right beyond anything. The skeptic community used to be a cool place to hang out but now they've all turned into self righteous raging animals who are bathing in victimhood and can't complete a sentence without saying "cuck", "race realist" or "regressive".
Also, we have fucking retarded SJWs to blame for these morons. This is all an extreme reaction and over-correction to SJW nonsense. No one would care about them if they kept to their dumb safe spaces on tumblr, but they started pushing that crap everywhere. I'm not an atheist but I remember when they tried to make a huge deal about sexism in the online atheist community, and then started pushing retarded shit like "Atheism +". They tried to do the same thing in the gaming community with gamergate. Which is were that charlatan Milo emerged and gained notoriety at first. I fucking hate both these Alt-Right and SJW morons. The real losers in all this are reasonable people.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
Any proof?

Actually Muslims are not allowed to divide themselves into different sects. Muslims are supposed to be just Muslim with no other labels. I am following Islam the right way. I am Muslim, while you stress that you are Sunni.
In theory yes, but in practice just by taking a stance on certain theological and historical questions, you by default fall into a certain sect. Who do you believe should have succeeded the prophet (SAW) after his death? Abu Bakr (RA) or Ali(RA)? Do you believe that Ahlu-Bayt have a special right as leaders of the Muslim community? What's your opinion on Aisha(RA)? Just by answering these questions you put yourself in a sect, whether you deny it or not.


Inappropriate place to be criticising him.

It's a musical. People paid good money to see a show, not hear his lefty propaganda.

I have personally weighed into that matter yesterday

He's a controversial and elected official. He should expect anyone to voice their opinions, criticism and concerns anywhere. People spinning it to make it seem like he got harassed - 'safe spaces are for weak people', remember?:westbrookswag:

If anything, the audience should be complaining, they didn't sign up for any of that.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
The alt right have turned into what they mocked the SJWs for being :icon lol:

it's funny how a movement is like less than a year old and it already devolves into the retardation they were supposed to oppose

it's like if somebody built a cyborg to beat michael jordan and the nigga just ends up joining the bulls. bickering with mike the whole way through, but he joined the bulls nonetheless :mjlol:


Gaalkacyo Gangster
Can a woman even be a cuck? :mjlol: Isn't it just a catch all phrase for calling another man weak
Cuck is short of cuckold, which originally meant a man with an unfaithful wife. The term has now evolved to mean a man who enjoys watching another man f*ck his wife. :susp:The female equivalent of a cuckold is a cuckqueen.

When the alt-right and the 4chan crowd use the word cuck, they're using it to mean someone who enjoys watching their country get fucked by outsiders. They usually use it against leftist men.
Cuck is short of cuckold, which originally meant a man with an unfaithful wife. The term has now evolved to mean a man who enjoys watching another man f*ck his wife. :susp:The female equivalent of a cuckold is a cuckqueen.

When the alt-right and the 4chan crowd use the word cuck, they're using it to mean someone who enjoys watching their country get fucked by outsiders. They usually use it against leftist men.

Yeah I already knew that :icon lol: but I couldn't figure out why they were throwing it around so much lol your explanation made it clear know :ehh:
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