What is the origin of the word "cushite''?yet ur annoyed at those who would rather consider themselfs cushites instead of black ur hypocrite
Worship the Arabbecause somalis are related to afar amhara hararis etc we aren't related to nearly all peoples outside the horn they are completely foreign to us even arabs across the red sea have more in common with us (inb4 someone calls me arab wannabe coon)
"Cushite" is a group created by the white man who colonised your people.
so is black so whats ur point
R u Kikuyu??? U must be sexy, that Kenyan tribe is the sexy of that adoon nation
Worship the Arab
Why is this Bantu on our site? Go to thecoli or something.Worship the Arab
They think there so desired when they are only fetishized. No Somali girl with a bit of dignity would ever want any of them. They need to understand this and go back to there women and leave us the f*ck alone.When will these Bantus understand that no decent Somali woman wants them. Get the f*ck of our website.
I could tolerate if they only talked about development but they don't. Hunguri perverts.
Walahi they just want naagaha Soomaliyeed.
He won't understand you are joking, watch him slide in your luuq
Ayeeyo did you check into the longterm care facility I recommended?
Ayeeyo did you check into the longterm care facility I recommended?
pick cottonWorship the Arab
pick cotton
pick cotton
poor girl went on a hiding. She made the whole forum unite against her.Everyone vs Destiny on this thread
somebody should tell them we used to sell them like cheap foot wear