The big jilbaab should be banned in the United States.

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>,,< certified creep >,,<
Basically I'm snatching wigs left and right.

because you wanted to be the centre of attention soooo badly you thought you created your own gravitational field :cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley:

one thing they should deffo ban for sure is people like you and that peahead from having vacuous voice.... is nothing but qaylo

is none of your damn business how others dress... if it bothers you so much, paint your shades black and walk around like the indhoolo you are... ps who gave you the right to judge... only Allah can judge... only He is Al-Hakeem Al-Ghafoor (notice how I inserted Al-Ghafoor cahs Allah knows whats in their heart... He knows their struggle...He knows about their worship.... and He takes everything into account... and how He does it, is beyond your comprehension, hence why you shouldn't be judging in the first place simply cahs you lack the knowledge and wisdom to do so!)

my mum, aunts, my cousins & my friends wear jilbaab and they are far from what you are projecting.... They work and get on with their daily lives just like everyone else.... if jilbaab helps em get closer to their creator, be it so..., They don't need your permission to do that which makes em happy :)

lool don't take credit kulaha... ofc I will.... ya'll go busy going on dislike spree as soon I disliked few of your comments, but the moment ICU posted the attachment, ya'll stopped... hmmm if that aint influence, then I don't know what influence is :jcoleno:...

but yo since i'm vegetarian... I ain't gonna indulge in beef :kanyecute:... save your comment for hawada huuno macaan >,,<

*unwatches thread*


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ

We gather here today to honor and pay tribute to @HalyeeyQaran , we are also gathered here to bring some comfort to those of his family
and friends who are here and have been deeply hurt by his sudden exposing.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
because you wanted to be the centre of attention soooo badly you thought you created your own gravitational field :cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley:

one thing they should deffo ban for sure is people like you and that peahead from having vacuous voice.... is nothing but qaylo

is none of your damn business how others dress... if it bothers you so much, paint your shades black and walk around like the indhoolo you are... ps who gave you the right to judge... only Allah can judge... only He is Al-Hakeem Al-Ghafoor (notice how I inserted Al-Ghafoor cahs Allah knows whats in their heart... He knows their struggle...He knows about their worship.... and He takes everything into account... and how He does it, is beyond your comprehension, hence why you shouldn't be judging in the first place simply cahs you lack the knowledge and wisdom to do so!)

my mum, aunts, my cousins & my friends wear jilbaab and they are far from what you are projecting.... They work and get on with their daily lives just like everyone else.... if jilbaab helps em get closer to their creator, be it so..., They don't need your permission to do that which makes em happy :)

lool don't take credit kulaha... ofc I will.... ya'll go busy going on dislike spree as soon I disliked few of your comments, but the moment ICU posted the attachment, ya'll stopped... hmmm if that aint influence, then I don't know what influence is :jcoleno:...

but yo since i'm vegetarian... I ain't gonna indulge in beef :kanyecute:... save your comment for hawada huuno macaan >,,<

*unwatches thread*

ICU should get the ghost writer of the year, I know you're not capable of talking to me like this. Stay in your lane, frilly lily. I love how you're heated you're. You finally got the attention you wanted lily or should I say ICU since she wrote this.

Speaking of influence, I should take credit on your whole existence on this site. Get back to fapping on Korean pop stars.

I will wait another 2 hours until ICU ghost writes for you.



Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
LOOOOL So this is where it all started. I don't know what's funnier, the exposure or people still discussing jilbaab.

@HalyeeyQaran took the somali saying gabar gus baa la tusaa literal :damedamn:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I finally get it! Barni is promiscuous that's why she want to ban the jilbaab naagta waa freak ileen balo ku aragtey.


because you wanted to be the centre of attention soooo badly you thought you created your own gravitational field :cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley:

one thing they should deffo ban for sure is people like you and that peahead from having vacuous voice.... is nothing but qaylo

is none of your damn business how others dress... if it bothers you so much, paint your shades black and walk around like the indhoolo you are... ps who gave you the right to judge... only Allah can judge... only He is Al-Hakeem Al-Ghafoor (notice how I inserted Al-Ghafoor cahs Allah knows whats in their heart... He knows their struggle...He knows about their worship.... and He takes everything into account... and how He does it, is beyond your comprehension, hence why you shouldn't be judging in the first place simply cahs you lack the knowledge and wisdom to do so!)

my mum, aunts, my cousins & my friends wear jilbaab and they are far from what you are projecting.... They work and get on with their daily lives just like everyone else.... if jilbaab helps em get closer to their creator, be it so..., They don't need your permission to do that which makes em happy :)

lool don't take credit kulaha... ofc I will.... ya'll go busy going on dislike spree as soon I disliked few of your comments, but the moment ICU posted the attachment, ya'll stopped... hmmm if that aint influence, then I don't know what influence is :jcoleno:...

but yo since i'm vegetarian... I ain't gonna indulge in beef :kanyecute:... save your comment for hawada huuno macaan >,,<

*unwatches thread*
True words of wisdom. Naagta caqli bey leedhahi walle
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