The buufis in Somalia is ridiculous!

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Some people back home got it good.

Think about it. You have siblings in the west constantly sending you money every month so you won’t have to work again.

You wake up at 2-4pm hit your friends house or restaurant and just chat shit with your friends all day.

Yeah it’s boring but it’s bashaal everyday. everyone got a phone too so your on tiktok 24/7
Some people back home got it good.

Think about it. You have siblings in the west constantly sending you money every month so you won’t have to work again.

You wake up at 2-4pm hit your friends house or restaurant and just chat shit with your friends all day.

Yeah it’s boring but it’s bashaal everyday. everyone got a phone too so your on tiktok 24/7
Bro what pple are these guys talking about 😂😂
Waalaahi i go to to the city streets everyday and evryone is a hustler they make money for ther families . Waalhi what a paralel world do i live .
@Step a side came answer this

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Bro what pple are these guys talking about 😂😂
Waalaahi i go to to the city streets everyday and evryone is a hustler they make money for ther families . Waalhi what a paralel world do i live .
@Step a side came answer this
mashallah to the hustlers.

my family don’t live in xamar they live in gaalkacyo and smaller places outside of it. lifestyle there is different
@Step a side
I wish this girl met me here in xamar she wil have never said i am random joe the only thing is that since it internet we cant reveal our real life we only tel tiny bit.
She doesnt get it its isue of privacy. Specialy here im xamar u wont post such things online. Imo.
ur in xamar rn?

what are jobs looking like for future soil scientists, hydrologists or meteorologists and the like?

feel like ima move out to khaleeji countries in the future but I'd love to set up camp back home.

might have to work with an NGO though :deadrose:
I’ve only been here less than a month but it’s enough time to notice that the people here HATE being here and want to move abroad. It doesn’t help that the people vacationing here have money and land and have the autonomy to leave and go wherever they want.

My siblings on my dads side want to leave badly and keep begging him for citizenship but he wants to keep them there forever. He has two wives and both want to leave badly even though he made it clear it will never happen.

I live with him and his new wife and her nephew. Her niece came for a week to help with the cooking and helping, they both thought I couldn’t understand Somali in the beginning and while I was in another room they were talking about me and the girl said “she’s useless with cooking and cleaning but if you work on her well she’ll be able to give you citizenship” they’re being that disrespectful in my dads home mind you!!

I’ve had so many people including my dad try and set me up with relatives, the only problem is they are broke and have no money and won’t inherit any land. What am I, a sugar mama?

These people expect me to marry a man that I can barely understand and support him to have citizenship and send money every month and not get anything in return? So he can go abroad and then abandon me? Last time I checked that’s not how the world works, it’s an exchange!

I won’t marry a charity case for ‘potential’, the potential is he will probably abandon me the girl he actually wants who didn’t want him cause he’s broke!! The girls here don’t marry without citizenship or money but I’m supposed to?

Uuf I wish they’d stop doing this, there are SOOO many Somali men in the diaspora who want a wife and we have similar upbringing, I’d rather relocate or he can come to America rather than marry a fob and be Bob the builder!!!

I’ve enjoyed my time so far here but that really pisses me off!!
My cousin tried fleeing abroad to Europe going across Syria! & He's been held captive now for money, but my dad made it clear we'll not be helping him further..