The False notion that Most Somalis are light skin


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Depends on the region I’ve noticed certain clans tend to be darker or lighter on average
Didnt they make a map depicting the average skin tone in somaliweyn? some of the lightest were in werder province? (correct me if I am wrong)


Didnt they make a map depicting the average skin tone in somaliweyn? some of the lightest were in werder province? (correct me if I am wrong)
Geography plays a large part. The clans that settle the Hawd/Ciid (the red soil part of central Somaliweyn) are the lightest Somalis on average. The Ogaden, Isaaq, Dhulbahante etc from there are lighter on average than their clansmen from other regions. And different clans do on average have slightly different phenotypes. This was even seen by the European travellers that visited before colonisation


A man without a 🐪 won't be praised in afterlife
Geography plays a large part. The clans that settle the Hawd/Ciid (the red soil part of central Somaliweyn) are the lightest Somalis on average. The Ogaden, Isaaq, Dhulbahante etc from there are lighter on average than their clansmen from other regions. And different clans do on average have slightly different phenotypes. This was even seen by the European travellers that visited before colonisation

This zone is where the lightest somalis are and I can attest to it since I have a reer bicidyahan friend and him and his family are lightskin especially him and his siblings whereas the father is also lightskin as well as the mother who is dhulbahante and it makes sense considering the approximate zone I circled is where both of these clans reside this is all a theory though so dont take it seriously.


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This zone is where the lightest somalis are and I can attest to it since I have a reer bicidyahan friend and him and his family are lightskin especially him and his siblings whereas the father is also lightskin as well as the mother who is dhulbahante and it makes sense considering the approximate zone I circled is where both of these clans reside this is all a theory though so dont take it seriously.
Yep, even the MJs from there are way lighter than other MJs
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This zone is where the lightest somalis are and I can attest to it since I have a reer bicidyahan friend and him and his family are lightskin especially him and his siblings whereas the father is also lightskin as well as the mother who is dhulbahante and it makes sense considering the approximate zone I circled is where both of these clans reside this is all a theory though so dont take it seriously.
Interesting theory, what makes those clans in Hawd lighter on average, is Hawd the red soil areas only or?


A man without a 🐪 won't be praised in afterlife
Interesting theory, what makes those clans in Hawd lighter on average, is Hawd the red soil areas only or?
Probably the different terrain or living conditions but it definitely has to do with geography or genetics mabye the bicidyahan and the clans there have something else in their DNA, Where they tested? @The alchemist @Reformed J


A man without a 🐪 won't be praised in afterlife
Yep, even the MJs from there are way lighter than other MJs
It is peculiar I dont know if its genetics, geography/terrain or how the people live there we should just tag the geneticists on this forum mabye they can provide insight on this peculiar phenomenon.
Somalis come in all shades.

Some Somalis have adopted the talking points and victim mentality of madows with this whole dark vs light conversation. Always moaning about any Somali lighter than Alek Wek. Even mariin Somalis who are probably the majority of Somalis get dismissed as too light by insecure miskeens.

Ethiopians are exclusively portrayed as light skinned even though many of them are brown/dark. Yet you don’t see them argue about this on the many light skin only Habesha compilation videos.
Somalis come in all shades.

Some Somalis have adopted the talking points and victim mentality of madows with this whole dark vs light conversation. Always moaning about any Somali lighter than Alek Wek. Even mariin Somalis who are probably the majority of Somalis get dismissed as too light by insecure miskeens.

Ethiopians are exclusively portrayed as light skinned even though many of them are brown/dark. Yet you don’t see them argue about this on the many light skin only Habesha compilation videos.
Abaayo there’s also a huge junk of ajinabis on this forum. These comments don’t make any sense at all.
My younger cousin is drake’s skin colour and has timo jileec hair. Both his parents are brown/dark skin.

Although I have noticed some Somalis who are very light when they are young get darker as they get older.
this is bc we dont use sunscreen. you can literally get a shade by using sunscreen
It's those hideous fob males who hate their own skin and those bleached self-haters, who have a problem with Qalanjo Somali, because she dares to be dark, beautiful and dark at the same time.
The misreadigs of Arawelo and its consequences have been a disaster for the Halimo race.

Beyonce with her fuuto caag has replaced the qalanjo silhouette, bleak ;( Growing up with that woke politically correct qashin made Lizzo the ideal archetype of a strong woman and now its indirectly hotep-ing our sublime somali history, driven by hype and mob media machines of somali gisl sloganing "Dumar-land".
The modern halimo and her moms' generation have a different definition of "naag nool" and they've wok-ified the Arawelo epoch of what a somali womans' ideal moral disposition should be.
The modern zeitgeist misinterprets Arawelo as morally degenerate and smug as Beyonce, (a practioner of black hotep hustling), due to Somali girls' media illiteracy mixed with black narcissism, pure mental subjugation
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I don’t think there is a notion that Somalis are light at all, the opposite because of western media.

I’m light and 90% of the time ajanabis assume I’m Ethiopian because they believe Ethiopian are light and Somalis are dark. I even had one chick at work ask me if a very dark Amhara guy was really Ethiopian.

As Africans we should know that skin colour isn’t associated with country. I met plenty of super light west Africans, many dark East Africans and most of us are in between.