The geopolitics of Galmudug

first i would like to explain galmudug:

galmudug is all of galgaduud and half of mudug, the biggest clan in galmudug is HG and second to them is MX (the MX in somalia settle in jubbaland and galgaduud/mudug) 80% of MX in somalia settle in jubbaland while the remaining 20% are in galgaduud/mudug.

but you have other clans like murusade and even abgaal that settle in galmudug.

so we all saw what is happening in galmudug with the election of sheikh shaakir and now xaaf will also elect himself and the government backed qoor qoor will be elected which makes a total of 3 presidents.

the real reason

now you might think why would puntland help and fund xaaf? and why is abgaal helping sheikh shaakir? well this all comes down to the hobyo port which threatens the mogadishu port and the new garacad port in puntland. the tactic of abgaal and mj is simple keep HG busy on internal conflicts and make sure the hobyo port is never build.

both MJ and Abgaal understand there is no such a thing as HG. HG today is 4 clans that will never work together and if the each support a different faction then they will make sure the hobyo port will never see the light of day.

hobyo port

So why are abgaal and MJ threatened by the hobyo port. it is very simple. The port in mogadishu in the future is not a viable option it does not have the space to expand nor does it have the infrastructure it is right on city centre which would make it impossible for movement of the goods. for the port to function it would need access to highway or a railway which is impossible in Mogadishu.

which is the very same reason why a new airport will be constructed for mogadishu. The new airport will replace the current aden adde airport.

if we go back to Hobyo, the project for the port was $170 million dollars, and a highway would be constructed from hobyo to mogadishu and to caabudwaaq to beledweyne to gaalkayco.

overnight this would make mogadishu and garacad port irrelevant. Abgaal know this and cannot rely on the mogadishu port forever therefore they want make the HG busy among themselves and a new sea port will be constructed in warsheikh (abgaal stronghold) abgaal will demand that the project be moved to warsheikh.

if farmaajo loses 2021, then abgaal have won a major victory. i commend abgaals astute politics of how to handle HG which comes from the book of MJ.
All on what you wrote is totally fictional, but since you folks are known for being delusional nothing surprises us of what comes from you folks.

Anyway back to the topic at hand, you said that the reason HG's are in deadlock is because Abgaal and MJ are the cause which is utter lie, the real reason is because the HGs have realised that their Number 1 enemy today till Farmaajo leaves are the Langaab duos (Mx and murursade) that are trying to Govern HG affairs just like they do with the Miskiin Maamuks like the Koonfur galbeed, and for that reason HG have conspired to waste you Abo Farmaajo's time by putting Political deadlocks in Galmudug with their many Presidents.

And Since Somalia is officially an Federal State, no matter what an Abgaal or Mj do as you claim against HG's Maamul is futile and no efforts will bear, even if Mj's build their Port in Garacad or Abgaals built their port in Warsheik, nothing will stop HG Galmudug from closing its Galmudug Border, i.e Galmudug will just order its Galmudug citizens to only use Hobyo port and Tax heavily the Hirshabelle and Puntland Border.

Here is the Galmudug Map without Northern Mudug,as you see its still Massiv Land Mass wise, so with the Land mass and its citizens it has (Plus Ethiopia) will be enough for Hobyo port.


Even after all what you and i wrote, we HAG States of Galmudug and Hirshabelle can always come to agreement with each other, since we are Hawiyes we are always of 1 family.

So what will you Mx do in you landlocked Gedo where you are an ruled second citizens subjugated by the OG and MJ kablaxlax.
there won't be a hobyo port. HG have no allies they won't win the election in 2021 it will be between farmaajo or abgaal.

and abgaal will move the project to warsheikh. and no there is nothing you can do. you don't even understand whats going on or even what is good or bad for you.

you are 4 different clans and abgaal will buy one of you off and the other will be bought by MJ, which is what is currently happening right now.

Regardles of having an Hobyo port or not, we Have our own State Galmudug with many Potential of richness, what do you have in your landlocked Gedo other then Ogadens Orders and rule coming from Kismaayo?

The differences between HG and MX, is that HG are State Power and Leader, while you Mx are stateless, landlocked and ruled serviles in Jubaland.

You Mx folks are nothing in comparison to us HG, so gtf out of here with your daily calacal about the Mighty HG's.


Bantu Liberation Movement
It has to do with federalism. Puntland supports Xaaf cause he's pro-federalism and the others are pro-Farmajo/Kheyre which are anti-federalism.

Hobyo port will not become a reality. No country is going to put 200 million into a land with no governance whatsoever. Garacad has had more chance of getting FDI but ended up raising the money itself. If I was to guess I think Kheyre made the Hobyo port stunt to appease HG while he was in office and seeking re-election.


@Lex Luther the Marehan and HG unity has been to stop the 'abgal n mj faction' who cut deals in the 60s to share power between mj(for darod side) and abgal for hawiye side. This idea GM will be state is futile and your trying to show a 'brave face' to Marehan or even other Darods. The divisions are to 'deep' to be rectified, it's better u co-exist rather then force a union that isn't coming and waste precious time. If I was HG I would discuss with tolka sidee aanu kala noolana and propose 3 options.

1. Go under the SFG as a dependent federal region
2. Go with PL very unlikely to happen but u never know
3. Propose the 'treaty reserve' solution where the region is declared a 'reserve' since a govt is absent. It will fall under 'treaty' laws signed by SFG/GM how it can co-exist and cooperate as a 'state' and 'reserve area'

Wallahi if you don't present options to HG and just allow them to meet and hold conferences, waxay ku dhamanaysa mar walbo 'in lagu kala kaco' and hence you wasted time. Say this time meel loo kala kacay ma jire, 3dasi option waa inay mid dortan, if u allow them to select no option, it just continues the cycle of nothingness.

In PL Islam Mahamed who held our conference said lets agree to one principle before we hold the conference 'waa in aan lagu kala kicin oo wax la dorta' and we agreed to that. It tooks months of back n forth but everyone knew the stipulation(laguma kala kici karo illa wax la dorto). It actually works as long as all agree to the stipulation.

PS - I think your stretching GM land mass rather then finding 'photoshopped maps'. South Galkacyo to Dhusomareeb is literally a 1 hour drive, that's like going to the outskirt of my 'city' lol.
It has to do with federalism. Puntland supports Xaaf cause he's pro-federalism and the others are pro-Farmajo/Kheyre which are anti-federalism.

Hobyo port will not become a reality. No country is going to put 200 million into a land with no governance whatsoever. Garacad has had more chance of getting FDI but ended up raising the money itself. If I was to guess I think Kheyre made the Hobyo port stunt to appease HG while he was in office and seeking re-election.

sxb everyone supports federalism, if a toilet is build by the government in mogadishu i will demand it to be biuld in kismaayo iyo caabudwaaq. but thats not whats going on here.

plus the 200 million was investment from qatar and hobyo would be perfect place for transport of livestock.


@nomand I noticed when-ever an ogaden speaks 'marehan rise' up but when-ever marehan speaks @Lex Luther is there waiting for them. I see the Marehan topics totally 'avoid habar gedir' and when they do mention it from time to time, the HG rise up. What's the deal with this. It's obvious nomand sees no threat in GM and there is no possibly mamul coming ever
and what about the 2015 galmudug election? when xaaf could not even visit dhuusamareeb?

they are being used and they have no idea what going on. you have the like of @Lex Luther who does not know the game being played.
What are you smoking, please stop with the lies and present facts!

Xaaf was elected in 2017, and YES he did enter Dhusomareeb, Infact his HQ was in Dhusomareeb as the Capital of GM and it was also him that brought Ahlu-sunnah into Galmudug.

But it was you Abo farmaajo that destroyed all that, and today we have a mess created by Farmaajo.


@nomand that is why I don't consider marehan leader 'visionaries' and only build upon what is already established for them, waa in jidka loo jeexa basically. Why not save HG the hassle, time, lives and declare a 'reserve' solution is workable. Sign a treaty with dhusomareeb, cadaado, south mudug and say the SFG is the government of the land and your 'state less' and therefore 'select your representative for the treaty' discussion which will be passed as in the SFG and managed by 'environment ministry'.

U can even allocate them parliamentary spots based on 'treaty areas' of Somalia. While some regions are fully functioning states while other regions opt for 'treaty' based governance option as building a government is not possible.

Wallahi if it didn't work, I wouldn't suggest it. As long as we know everywhere in Somalia has some sort of governance it doesn't mean it has to be identical governance. Somalis first problem is they don't understand you can co-exist in difference, less sophisticated societies believe in 'conformance' which sometime isn't suitable. Hassan sheikh ayaa ku daalay GM, Farmajo is wasting his time, that's when I realized 'farmajo isn't visionary' repeating a 'past mistake'.

Then we can classify the 'Galmudug area as a reserve' areas under the environmental minister who will speak to allocated representative of the treaty.


Bantu Liberation Movement
sxb everyone supports federalism, if a toilet is build by the government in mogadishu i will demand it to be biuld in kismaayo iyo caabudwaaq. but thats not whats going on here.

plus the 200 million was investment from qatar and hobyo would be perfect place for transport of livestock.
Farmajo and Kheyre lack what all Somali leaders have lacked so far and that's that they don't build upon the achievements of their predecessors. They came in from the diaspora ignorant of the subtleties of Somali politics/rivalry etc. They had the Ethiopians to do their dirty work in Baidoa, the Kenyans chose not to in Kismayo and Galmudug was a free for all. Now time is running out on them both.

Hobyo port would be ideal and much needed there's 1000 miles between Bosaso and Mogadishu but Garacad is coming into existence now, they lost their chance for the forseeable future.
Farmajo and Kheyre lack what all Somali leaders have lacked so far and that's that they don't build upon the achievements of their predecessors. They came in from the diaspora ignorant of the subtleties of Somali politics/rivalry etc. They had the Ethiopians to do their dirty work in Baidoa, the Kenyans chose not to in Kismayo and Galmudug was a free for all. Now time is running out on them both.

Hobyo port would be ideal and much needed there's 1000 miles between Bosaso and Mogadishu but Garacad is coming into existence now, they lost their chance for the forseeable future.

you are right about the leaders not continuing the legacy of the previous leader. but i do think the current have laid a strong foundations for the next government.

as for hobyo i think it is game over also, the government wont be hijacked by a few, the project will move to another location it all depends on who wins 2021. if there is an abgaal president it will move to warsheikh without doubt.

Baidoa today is developing fast and southwest will become a superpower the current guy is laysaan which is the laandheere of digil iyo mirifle. N&N is temporary but whats important is development and the people of Baidoa understand that.


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
Galmudug will never work because you have a braindead clan that cant even agree with each other let alone anyone else. We should build a massive wall around Cabudwaaq and cordon off these people. They are worst than the Corona Virus because they lack any semblance of civility.
Galmudug will never work because you have a braindead clan that cant even agree with each other let alone anyone else. We should build a massive wall around Cabudwaaq and cordon off these people. They are worst than the Corona Virus because they lack any semblance of civility.
Hawiye is ur biggest enemy in central somalia never trust them
Galmudug will only work if Dhuusamareeb, Cadaado & Gaalkacyo unite. In 2015,2016 & early 2017 Cadaado people & Gaalkacyo people were united and working from the temporary capital of Cadaado with the rest of the clans except reer Guriceel/Dhuusamareeb. Maybe the solution to all of this mess is to make a seperate state for Ahlu-Sunna.


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