The geopolitics of Galmudug

you are right about the leaders not continuing the legacy of the previous leader. but i do think the current have laid a strong foundations for the next government.

as for hobyo i think it is game over also, the government wont be hijacked by a few, the project will move to another location it all depends on who wins 2021. if there is an abgaal president it will move to warsheikh without doubt.

Baidoa today is developing fast and southwest will become a superpower the current guy is laysaan which is the laandheere of digil iyo mirifle. N&N is temporary but whats important is development and the people of Baidoa understand that.

Laftagaren is b0nti Harin, not Leysan. Robow is Leysan. Both Leysan and Harin are subclans of Siyeed Mirifle.


Galmudug will never work because you have a braindead clan that cant even agree with each other let alone anyone else. We should build a massive wall around Cabudwaaq and cordon off these people. They are worst than the Corona Virus because they lack any semblance of civility.

I think your right and take note @Lex Luther this doesn't seem to be an insult but 'advice'. Every clan tried to cut a deal with u and hates you now. @Macalin M tried and his abgaal. @Samaalism @Bohol and his Isaaq tried(omar arte n tuur), marehan tried(for decade). HG can't even agree with itself. If this doesn't send you a 'message' something needs to change for the clan, then good luck and accept a 'treaty' so Somalis can move on and declare it 'organized' reserve park like native indians and u can live there how u want while the rest of us can move the hell on.

The only one who hasn't bothered with any deal with u is MJ and I think Rahanwayn also kept their distance.
Only a few sub clans within wagardhac live in mudug. The rest of MX are in galgaduud.
You can hardly call cabudwaaq galgaduud. :mjkkk:

You're on the border my guy.

Be a man and fight to get your lands back, have the same balls you have for Gedo, for your stolen lands in gg or you just gonna quit like a ?:umwhat:
I was told he was laysaan.

So is b0nti harin as big as laysaan?

Lol I said bon as in he is a Madow. They're both one of the bigger Mirifle clans but I would say Leysan is bigger, but not by much. Unlike Harin, Leysan are spread out, they're a much more nomadic clan which is why you can find them in Mandera for example.


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
I think your right and take note @Lex Luther this doesn't seem to be an insult but 'advice'. Every clan tried to cut a deal with u and hates you now. @Macalin M tried and his abgaal. @Samaalism @Bohol and his Isaaq tried(omar arte n tuur), marehan tried(for decade). HG can't even agree with itself. If this doesn't send you a 'message' something needs to change for the clan, then good luck and accept a 'treaty' so Somalis can move on and declare it 'organized' reserve park like native indians and u can live there how u want while the rest of us can move the hell on.

The only one who hasn't bothered with any deal with u is MJ and I think Rahanwayn also kept their distance.
Dadkan meel loo raaco malahan they dont understand leadershipn requires is tanaasul. I wondered how Suldan of Hobyo controlled these xoolo, the Abgaal used to say "ninka sarta saran Suldaan Cali weeye, ninkii dhulka jooga adoonkiisi weeye."

We have to study how Suldaanka Majerrten tamed these wild orcs.


Dadkan meel loo raaco malahan they dont understand leadershipn requires is tanaasul. I wondered how Suldan of Hobyo controlled these xoolo, the Abgaal used to say "ninka sarta saran Suldaan Cali weeye, ninkii dhulka jooga adoonkiisi weeye."

We have to study how Suldaanka Majerrten tamed these wild orcs.

Exactly they don't seem to 'negiotate' well and accept 'concessions'. Sometimes u won't get everything u want but it's better then 'getting nothing' or having a failed process, usually if all sides understand this a comprise can be reached. I would tell the 'centralist' in Somalia go write up the sort of nation you want to see based on the constitution and shows us your 'draft' constitution and what you amended. I would tell the federalist to do the same as the centralist and prepare a draft constitution an the sort of federalism they want to see.

Once I have both sides views on the constitution and can see what that looks like on the 'draft'. I will bring in negiotators from both sides and say what can be 'amended, conceded' on either side. I would prefer this style of negiotations rather then the 'style' the puntland adopted which is too draft the constitution and lock people into it as if its a treaty of an enemy defeated not an equal stakeholder, similar to what the jews do the palestinians they 'dictate the terms'.

If that doesn't work, I will ask them to propose both sides 'constitution' centralism, federalism and put it towards a 'vote' based on a democratically elected parliament. @Teeri-Alpha

I doubt the south will come up with 'decision' on what they want, they only know how to 'reject' everything, I've never seen them propose anything as a solution over the 30 year civil war except 'refusal, rejection, conflict'. I honestly don't think they know what they want and that's probably why it's quicker 'deciding' for them and what is in they're best interest. They seem to operate from a perspective of 'opposition' they don't work from a perspective of 'what is it hawiye wants' and sitting on down among themselves. They are always fighting from a perspective 'their going to be colonized' wallahi


@TekNiKo I personally do not think we need to even share 'common system'. Most nations have 'complex' systems to address their local matters. We can allow PL/JL to have their type of regional system while the south enjoys a more centralized system if that is they're wish. Sometimes it's good to give people what they want rather then 'forcing' on them what u want as it can lead to a failed process again. China has two systems one nation.

America has multiple systems from treaties, state, federal, local. UK is also adjusted to their unique situation. We can adjust our system to make PL/JL Autonomous and the South(federal territory). GM a 'treaty' reserve area where they only have to uphold the treaty agreement. We can then sit down and harmonize it. U want a federal govt that is the will of their people, if the will of the people is different, then we simply adjust the system for that 'zone' to address their will. The other option is we try to force our will on regions who don't want it


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
All on what you wrote is totally fictional, but since you folks are known for being delusional nothing surprises us of what comes from you folks.

Anyway back to the topic at hand, you said that the reason HG's are in deadlock is because Abgaal and MJ are the cause which is utter lie, the real reason is because the HGs have realised that their Number 1 enemy today till Farmaajo leaves are the Langaab duos (Mx and murursade) that are trying to Govern HG affairs just like they do with the Miskiin Maamuks like the Koonfur galbeed, and for that reason HG have conspired to waste you Abo Farmaajo's time by putting Political deadlocks in Galmudug with their many Presidents.

And Since Somalia is officially an Federal State, no matter what an Abgaal or Mj do as you claim against HG's Maamul is futile and no efforts will bear, even if Mj's build their Port in Garacad or Abgaals built their port in Warsheik, nothing will stop HG Galmudug from closing its Galmudug Border, i.e Galmudug will just order its Galmudug citizens to only use Hobyo port and Tax heavily the Hirshabelle and Puntland Border.

Here is the Galmudug Map without Northern Mudug,as you see its still Massiv Land Mass wise, so with the Land mass and its citizens it has (Plus Ethiopia) will be enough for Hobyo port.

View attachment 92492

Even after all what you and i wrote, we HAG States of Galmudug and Hirshabelle can always come to agreement with each other, since we are Hawiyes we are always of 1 family.

So what will you Mx do in you landlocked Gedo where you are an ruled second citizens subjugated by the OG and MJ kablaxlax.
Manshallah Galmudug is huge....
You can hardly call cabudwaaq galgaduud. :mjkkk:

You're on the border my guy.

Be a man and fight to get your lands back, have the same balls you have for Gedo, for your stolen lands in gg or you just gonna quit like a ?:umwhat:

name one city mx lost?

where not ogadeen who cry about other peoples land. what seperates MX and HG is the high way.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
name one city mx lost?

where not ogadeen who cry about other peoples land. what seperates MX and HG is the high way.
Don't don't be a coward habargadir ba kismayo ku qabte waliba cayr mantana iyaga baryeesa Wayo wax ogtahay ina kaliga mel maari Karin war ogaden iska la hiishi nacala ku dhale


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@nomand this is mareexan Boowe kismayo magaalo mareexan add ka digto wa kaga dhamate manta kismayo wa magaalo ogaaden see you later

weren't you the coward that said MX killed 40 of your uncles in kismaayo, sxb similar fate waits you when we take the city back.

@Jablibax see you in kismaayo in a few months. MJ calacaal is like music to my ears

name one city mx lost?

where not ogadeen who cry about other peoples land. what seperates MX and HG is the high way.
The capital of Galmudug, dhuusomareeb where farmaajo was born.

ogaden brought down your afwayne uncle and smashed you like 10 times in kismaayo when your baby sitters left.

wax isku fala and fight back in GG.:drakewtf:

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

AUG 25, 2023
Lol I said bon as in he is a Madow. They're both one of the bigger Mirifle clans but I would say Leysan is bigger, but not by much. Unlike Harin, Leysan are spread out, they're a much more nomadic clan which is why you can find them in Mandera for example.
Digil N mirifle is a confederation. How can a Madow clan be related to a somali? I assume most leysan look like robow right?