The Holy Land of Israel

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Having 'common middle eastern' ancestry is most likely alluding to their autosomal DNA, not their lineages. All you read is that they have 'common Middle Eastern ancestry' and then you jump to conclusions... Wtf dude? That's very vague to begin with and it's certainly not a legitimate premise for your argument. Their haplotypes are clearly not of 'Semitic origins'. Overall, the J1 haplogroup constitutes ~14% of the haplogroups carried by Jews. Logically J1c3d would be a lot less than that.

As for their MTdna, studies suggest that ~80% of their MTdnas may be pre-historic European and not Levantine.

I only mentioned the Cohanim as they're the only ones that can be considered to be 'Israelites' in our age. They are a minority amongst the Jews. Majority of modern 'Jews' are not the physical descendants of the ancient Israelites man... Spare me this nonsense.


Every ethnic group on this planet including Somalis has different haplotypes in their population and the Jews are no exception. It's impossible to keep a population pure especially when you are expelled from your land and mix with foreigners for centuries all over the globe. Modern Jews will continue their Aliyah to the Holy Land and their's nothing you Anti-Semites can do. You gentiles need to support coexistence and stop denying the Jewish people's right to return. :damedamn:
Every ethnic group on this planet including Somalis has different haplotypes in their population and the Jews are no exception. It's impossible to keep a population pure especially when you are expelled from your land and mix with foreigners for centuries all over the globe. Modern Jews will continue their Aliyah to the Holy Land and their's nothing you Anti-Semites can do. You gentiles need to support coexistence and stop denying the Jewish people's right to return. :damedamn:
Most modern 'Jews' are not Israelites. They'd need to be Semitic for me to be anti-Semite. Btw, over 80% of Somalis carry the same haplotype.

The middle sentence was a joke.
Yes but the Jews were scattered to Eastern/Western Europe, North Africa, Ethiopia, Middle East, India, while Somalis only stayed in the Horn of Africa . A more comparable ethnic group would be the Greeks with a half dozen different haplotypes found in their population. My last reply for now, I need to go study for my exams. Shalom
Yes but the Jews were scattered to Eastern/Western Europe, North Africa, Ethiopia, Middle East, India, while Somalis only stayed in the Horn of Africa . A more comparable ethnic group would be the Greeks with a half dozen different haplotypes found in their population. My last reply for now, I need to go study for my exams. Shalom
Thus they're not Israelites... There are many people who are Israelites but are not aware of it. Some Mexicans for instance, have emerged with the CMH.
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