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Nope I want them to feel guilt when they see my post. That's enough. They will be humiliated on the day of judgment.
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I have relatives that died in the civil war and you don't see me here ing about the clan of the those behind it. You and @SilverL both suffer from an inferiority complex to ajnabis and bringing up some from 30 years ago when we have Somali youth being tortured and held for ransom on FB. You want to compare a country with a Slave Trade in public against Somali clans that were armed and fought each other.Typical for you to try to erase what happened in the civil war, those days are not behind us! People are still being killed, students are still being hunted. Unless you want to discuss what's happening in Somalia then please stop this fake bravado of caring, those Somalis being tortured in Libya ran away from Somalis who would do the same to them in Somalia.
you dont love them that much since the punishment of killing a muslim is jhannam forever, you want him going to hell so you get the (very strange) satisfaction (fetish more like it) of being killed by "your own"...sounds selfish to me!It's much more painful but I have to much love for them to be mad about it.
Everybody is gonna die eventually so why not die in the hands of your people instead of the hands of ajnabis.
She's definitely not justifying it, read carefullyWhy is this creature called @SilverL trying to justify the horrific actions of the despicable Libyans? They the Libyans are racist barbaric scumbags who are selling black immigrants in slave markets.. Walahi I would celebrate it if someone just dropped a nuke on them and turned their desert shit hole of a country into a black spot on map..
Warya @Ayubi stop advocating for the Arabs sxb.. They are an enemy to us.. I refuse to acknowledge any kinship with those scumbags
learn how to read you idiot, subhanallah illiterates galore! Those crimes that happen to our bros and sisters abroad literally makes my stomach turn and only Allah can deal with the criminals, but unlike some of you I feel the same way when it happens in SOMALIA too. am I wrong to point of the hypocrisy of pretending to care for some somalis if you celebrate the deaths or rival clan members like a lot or people here do? (maybe yourself included since your being awfully defensive)Why is this creature called @SilverL trying to justify the horrific actions of the despicable Libyans? They the Libyans are racist barbaric scumbags who are selling black immigrants in slave markets.. Walahi I would celebrate it if someone just dropped a nuke on them and turned their desert shit hole of a country into a black spot on map..
Warya @Ayubi stop advocating for the Arabs sxb.. They are an enemy to us.. I refuse to acknowledge any kinship with those scumbags
She is justifying it. You see a Somali girl who is being tortured and the first thing that comes to your mind is"sOMalis kiLl eAcH oTHer aSweLL "She's definitely not justifying it, read carefully
Whats the point of attacking Somalis and calling them hypocrites? Of course we'll speak on it and seek revenge when our brothers and sisters are being enslaved by dirty desert rat Libyan.. Abihiina cuna.She's definitely not justifying it, read carefully
She is justifying it. You see a Somali girl who is being tortured and the first thing that comes to your mind is"sOMalis kiLl eAcH oTHer aSweLL "
What a sick Ajnabi bootyclapper
Very true you made some very good points. Somalis are well known hypocrites. When something bad happens to Somalis in foreign countries they love blaming it on those “dirty foreigners”. Yet they treat minority’s like the xamar cad cad, madhibaan and barwanis like ordinary slaves the untouchables.
I believe Ilaahay really and truly cursed Somalis of the way they treat minority’s back home. Hypocrites.
@Samaalic Era Caydiid fought a bloodthirsty dictator correct. But the same Caydiid killed hundreds of innocent Somalis aswell. As long as you view your uncle as a “hero” and Siyad Barre as a dirty dictator there will be no Somali unity, thats being a hypocrite. Because theres no big difference between Caydiid and Siad Barre really truly both have alot of blood on their hands and will be questioned by Allah the allmighty.
Save us from your fake crocodile tears this happened in Mogadishu today this video of three brothers and the ex governor of xamarweyne reduced to tears cause their house was robbed at gunpoint and they had bullets fired at them just cause they are from a minority benadiri community and they almost lost their lives somalis are eachothers worst enemies may Allah bless the people of Libya for protecting their lands from the scum from SomaliaThose days are behind us and unlike what is happening in Libya, Somalis fought and then ended the heavy fighting. In Xamar during the 4 month war, HG and Abgaal women and children were not targeted by either side and only the men were fighting it out. Today, Xamar is shared city between and neither side bothers the other but get along, intermarry and are family.
Somalis fight with standards that the Arab pagan does not. They rape little boys and men let alone women. They are cowards and sadistic.
You need to go look yourself in the mirror and re evaluate what morals you have. You just want to score qabiil points and belittle the horrific crimes against humanity in Libya and the Arab world
Those are events of the past and today, most people do not hold MX accountable for what happened. All Somalis suffered from the civil war and its time we move from that and address what is happening right now@Samaalic Era Caydiid fought a bloodthirsty dictator correct. But the same Caydiid killed hundreds of innocent Somalis aswell. As long as you view your uncle as a “hero” and Siyad Barre as a dirty dictator there will be no Somali unity, thats being a hypocrite. Because theres no big difference between Caydiid and Siad Barre really truly both have alot of blood on their hands and will be questioned by Allah the allmighty.
unlike you we can be against both. Go erect the statue of your war hero. may you both end up in the same abode.Those are events of the past and today, most people do not hold MX accountable for what happened. All Somalis suffered from the civil war and its time we move from that and address what is happening right now
Libyans are apostates who made Muslim blood xalal. How can you priorities be this twisted?
Save us from your fake crocodile tears this happened in Mogadishu today this video of three brothers and the ex governor of xamarweyne reduced to tears cause their house was robbed at gunpoint and they had bullets fired at them just cause they are from a minority benadiri community and they almost lost their lives somalis are eachothers worst enemies may Allah bless the people of Libya for protecting their lands from the scum from Somalia
Siad Barre didn't rape, loot and destroy Somalia. Yes he had his flaws, but your uncle wanted sole purpose was to destroy, and guess what, he got what he wanted but in the end he didn't live to see his destruction.I have relatives that died in the civil war and you don't see me here ing about the clan of the those behind it. You and @SilverL both suffer from an inferiority complex to ajnabis and bringing up some from 30 years ago when we have Somali youth being tortured and held for ransom on FB. You want to compare a country with a Slave Trade in public against Somali clans that were armed and fought each other.
Caydiid fought Siad Barre who was killing people in Xamar on a daily basis while you support the Ethiopian dog AY who brought Ethiopian troops to invade Somalia and celebrate it
You are the hypocrite
We are not here to discuss the somali civil war.. Somali immigrants are being humiliated in the worst way possible.. If this doesn't make your blood boil then your nothing but a slave in your mind.. Stop making excuses for your beloved arabs..
When have you seen me celebrate the deaths of innocent people? Why did you feel the need to compare the Somali civil war tragedies to the Libyans mistreatment of Somali immigrants? How many Somali clans have you seen or heard of that put people in cages like animals to be sold in auctions? How many Somali clan have knocked peoples teeth out and send the video to their mothers or fathers to black mail them for thousands of dollars? What about raping small boys Infront of their mothers? If you are not trying to cover up for the dirty cursed Libyans or Arabs why are you here pointing fingers at Somalis instead of speaking on the issue at hand?learn how to read you idiot, subhanallah illiterates galore! Those crimes that happen to our bros and sisters abroad literally makes my stomach turn and only Allah can deal with the criminals, but unlike some of you I feel the same way when it happens in SOMALIA too. am I wrong to point of the hypocrisy of pretending to care for some somalis if you celebrate the deaths or rival clan members like a lot or people here do? (maybe yourself included since your being awfully defensive)
and don't EVER mention my father nacas yahow araga xun