the hypocrisy of somalis that disgusts me most

Someone should repost the poor woman's torture so they can glow in her pain please. These people are sick and disgusting in their defense of the savagery we saw in that video.

People should connect to their sick replies with the same video so they can enjoy and satisfy their sick heart.


Free AhmedSmelly Bliis iyo Bliis
The most disgusting comments are the ones belittling the suffering of Somalis in these arab countries. I cant believe some of them were saying that it's the persons fault for going there.:susp:
Usually people like the thread OP are sick themselves with tribal bigotry. If you see someone blaming somali victims because somalis are allegedly bad themselves, then you know what is up.

They are hyporites and sick themselves. We are getting sick of their hypocrisy.

There is no "ummah". It's a bed time story. Do Somalia passport holders even have visa free travel to any Muslim countries, forget about pathway to citizenship?


Bah Qabiil Fluid
There is no "ummah". It's a bed time story. Do Somalia passport holders even have visa free travel to any Muslim countries, forget about pathway to citizenship?

There will always be an ummah, it doesn't have to be in forms of economically benefits. The Ummah isn't the european union it just means community. Yes it doesn't feel like much of a community these days but it still exists


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Someone should repost the poor woman's torture so they can glow in her pain please. These people are sick and disgusting in their defense of the savagery we saw in that video.

People should connect to their sick replies with the same video so they can enjoy and satisfy their sick heart.
Ayrab bootyclappers always find a way to spread their buttcheeks. Apparently its Somalis fault that Libyans are torturing Somalis:francis:
There is no "ummah". It's a bed time story. Do Somalia passport holders even have visa free travel to any Muslim countries, forget about pathway to citizenship?

Saxib, They can keep and lock their borders to Somalis. Somalis are better off in their country anyway. Arabs are struggling themselves and majority in their country live in abject poverty.

All we need is these savages to leave us alone. The only thing common between us is ISLAM. That is it.

I am getting sick of these tribal bigots blinded by their hate who are justifying the torture we saw in that video. I don't even know what tribe that somali victim belongs. All I cared and I know is that she is somali and looks somali, and was calling out to her Hooyo. If that doesn't move someone as a somali, then they should refrain from their fucked up expressions of somali-blame game.

People should attach the sick vidoe to any sick person'a reply who blames the somalis and the victim. Let them enjoy the poor somali woman's pain.
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Ayrab bootyclappers always find a way to spread their buttcheeks. Apparently its Somalis fault that Libyans are torturing Somalis:francis:

They can bootyclub all they want. If they feel no attachment to somalis, then we deal with them as outsiders themselves.

Just attach the video to their replies, that should take care of their inhumanity and let them enjoy the screams of the poor woman.

Also, you should stop titling threads as Arabs and collectively blaming them. I have zero attachment to Arabs ethnically, but not all of them are savages saxib. Many struggle in their own countries. Many with strong faith would condemn and be ashamed of the video. You are only aiding the sick people who would tribalize everything including the plight of somali victims.

There is bortherhood in Islam that goes beyond the bloodline. Let us not hurt true muslims who would be shocked and sickened by what we saw.

Don't contribute to the ethnic fights between muslims. Post videos and information but avoid generlization.
Nationalism is haram. A Muslim in China is my brother and a Somali atheist from my immediate family is my enemy.

I disagree. Somali atheist who isn't actively anti-islam and who respects their somali culture is my relative too. Faith is not something we grant oursleves and can keep without the will of Allah. It is a gift that can be taken from someone. Whilst the chinese muslim is a bother in faith, the somali ethnic who isn't a muslim but not actively engaged in hostility and hate deserves respect and kindness. Allah guides who he wills, so as muslims we should practice kindness and extend arms to those who can be persuaded. You only fight and make enemies based on other people's choices towards you according to Islam. And as the Quran points out, if nonmulsims choose peace with us, we give them peace. The spirit of Islam is not to fight as a first option but to invite and extend arms to others so they can join the Ummah saxib.
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Samaalic Era

I disagree. Somali atheist who isn't actively anti-islam and who respects their somali culture is my relative too. Faith is not something we grant oursleves and can keep without the will of Allah. It is a gift that can be taken from someone. Whilst the chinese muslim is a bother in faith, the somali ethnic who isn't a muslim but not actively engaged in hostility and hate deserves respect and kindness. Allah guides who he wills, so as muslims we should practice kindness and extend arms to those who can be persuaded. You only fight and make enemies based on other people's choices towards you according to Islam. And as the Quran points out, if nonmulsims choose peace with us, we give them peace. The spirit of Islam is not to fight as a first option but to invite and extend arms to others so they can join the Ummah saxib.
A Somali Gaal who doesnt bash Islam and come after us but is nationalistic I could get along with but a fucking Ayrab donkey is my enemy no matter what he is. To hell with all of them
A Somali Gaal who doesnt bash Islam and come after us but is nationalistic I could get along with but a fucking Ayrab donkey is my enemy no matter what he is. To hell with all of them

Arab ethnicity is the same as Somali ethnicity. No one is guilty or less dignified by virtue of their ethnicity. Similarly, no one is good or better by virtue of them being an Arab or Somali. I do know some Arabs, and some ignorant Somalis think being Arab means being special, but it ain't.

Islam discourages mankind to use something natural and god given like ethnicity against each other. This advise is for those who would advance racial supremacy or degrade other human races.

As long as an Arab is a good Muslim who understands they are no different from non-arabs, am cool with them. I do not recognize Arab supremacy because it is non existent. And , most of them if not half of their population are Africans in Origin.


you guys see how everyone is outraged (and rightfully so) at the crimes that happen to somali migrants in libya. but I can't stand the false bravado and pseudo unity :hova: everyone is soooo ready to rally against libyans and any other foreigners they forget one key issue, SOMALIS ARE DOING THE SAME TO EACH OTHER!!!!! you can talk about how "somalis are hard against each other but soft on foreigners" or how "we need to be united" but its all empty because who ever is saying that will later celebrate the death of another somali as long as their people get to do the killing. So when are some of you gonna admit you dont care about somali blood and that its cheap to you and that you just dont like the idea of "ajnabis" doing it?

I know some people here think its cute an funny thing to joke about but Ill give you a good example of something very similar to the migrant trafficking situation in brutality, like the civil war. how many people here had family members who were killed, raped, violently attacked or otherwise had their wealth and property stolen? why is it okay for some sick people on here to joke ahout this when if affected so many people in horrible ways and the wounds are still fresh? and these same people will turn around and wonder why we "arent united" :draketf:

I very much understand that this occur often , but who is more hypocritical the one hysterically laughing at the suffering of a fellow Somali but weep a river if Palestinians were killed by the IDF , I very much agree with that statement a Somali will not value himself despite all of that
He will certainly have an utmost respect for outsiders since he values a Non Somali life the most , it's due to clan chivalry etc
However the circumstances that lead to this catastrophe shouldn't be blamed on Somalis in particular

I survived the civil war , witnessed clan members killing and torture my own people , at most part I vied for revenge , and wished for their demise
but that's typical among all Somalis this vicious cycle is embedded in our brains
I see these same clan members everywhere I go and they still endorse the mass killings or tribal killings
I always had a higher regard for my countrymen despite the revenge I want to avenge
Its all the same for Somalis wherever region they inhabit the civil war caused causalities in their hundreds of thousands
reconciliation can occur , if Somalis were held their heads high and not bow down to outsiders

You mention pseudo nationalism perhaps it exists in your habitat Minnesota since they are generation 90's you should question them why they celebrate the first of July if they have deep hatred , then you might find the answers you are looking for, solace and closure.
But don't assume all nationalists are hypocrites some of these individuals lost something
from tragedy and are willing to reconcile like the Tutsis and Huutus

Samaalic Era

I very much understand that this occur often , but who is more hypocritical the one hysterically laughing at the suffering of a fellow Somali but weep a river if Palestinians were killed by the IDF , I very much agree with that statement a Somali will not value himself despite all of that
He will certainly have an utmost respect for outsiders since he values a Non Somali life the most , it's due to clan chivalry etc
However the circumstances that lead to this catastrophe shouldn't be blamed on Somalis in particular

I survived the civil war , witnessed clan members killing and torture my own people , at most part I vied for revenge , and wished for their demise
but that's typical among all Somalis this vicious cycle is embedded in our brains
I see these same clan members everywhere I go and they still endorse the mass killings or tribal killings
I always had a higher regard for my countrymen despite the revenge I want to avenge
Its all the same for Somalis wherever region they inhabit the civil war caused causalities in their hundreds of thousands
reconciliation can occur , if Somalis were held their heads high and not bow down to outsiders

You mention pseudo nationalism perhaps it exists in your habitat Minnesota since they are generation 90's you should question them why they celebrate the first of July if they have deep hatred , then you might find the answers you are looking for
But don't assume all nationalists are hypocrites some of these individuals lost something
from tragedy and are willing to reconcile like the Tutsis and ****s
We all lost family members to the civil war. What some folks here want to do is instead of trying to sympathise with Somali victims across the world is engage in clan rhetoric. I remember reading your post about the battle where you lost many relatives and that is something only you can truly know its pain.

The Civil war is a tragic past but what has that got to do with a Somalis being tortured in Libya today. They want to blame Somalis for Libyans torturing rather than the savage criminals


The day I saw the bloody corpses of an old lady and man with white in their hair and henna in his beard displayed in the politics section, for their qabil (Isaaq, of course), by Western Somalis sitting in London, is the day I realized there was never such a thing as Somali nationalism. Right after I threw up.

It actually never existed. Isaaq and other Northern clans were exceedingly naive in giving anything up for such a thing as a greater Somalia. It went up in flames as it was destined to, and it still burns. Somalis are not hard on outsiders and soft on themselves, they’re hard/evil equally, if not more on Somalis. My own parents could’ve told me that, probably any of ours could’ve with their own images of horror they experienced directly or indirectly. But like they say, a picture is a thousand words. And I could still describe the old, dead couple to you.
The day I saw the bloody corpses of an old lady and man with white in their hair and henna in his beard displayed in the politics section, for their qabil (Isaaq, of course), by Western Somalis sitting in London, is the day I realized there was never such a thing as Somali nationalism. Right after I threw up.

It actually never existed. Isaaq and other Northern clans were exceedingly naive in giving anything up for such a thing as a greater Somalia. It went up in flames as it was destined to, and it still burns. Somalis are not hard on outsiders and soft on themselves, they’re hard/evil equally, if not more on Somalis. My own parents could’ve told me that, probably any of ours could’ve with their own images of horror they experienced directly or indirectly. But like they say, a picture is a thousand words. And I could still describe the old, dead couple to you.
wooow.. thats disgusting. the crazy part is the delusional nationalists on this forum will act like that stuff doesn't happen or sweep it under the rug as an "off comment" by a crazed individual, when itpaints the picture of a bigger issue. I don't believe in isolated incidences

