The Japanese now have interest in Somali Politics


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
1000 politicians with swedish, norweigian and finnish citizenship. how much are we actually learning from these countries? do you think these guys will create the next saab or volvo?
Nah we just get incompetent leaders, faulty government system and uncivilised uneducated fobs running the country. Somalia needs to come under a elitist diaspora rule that makes all the cawaans back home dependent on the government so nobody can act up.


Ride The Lightning
Praying that people who actually think we should be ruled by (foreign nation) they are always in my dua for their brain to be replaced
If I said turkey (which is also a good option) mfs would be quietly agreeing, one of them said “we even got Italy”. Somalis just don’t know how to govern


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
If I said turkey (which is also a good option) mfs would be quietly agreeing, one of them said “we even got Italy”. Somalis just don’t know how to govern
Bro we need elitist diaspora thats it, we need somalis that grew up and got educated in the west to come back and civilise the xayawaans back home


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
If I said turkey (which is also a good option) mfs would be quietly agreeing, one of them said “we even got Italy”. Somalis just don’t know how to govern
“Somalis just don’t know how to govern” if there was a chat forum like this one of the European dark ages niggas would be sayin that same shi about them. Fact is there’s nothing inherently lacking within Somalis that whites or Asians have that allow them to govern. Every nation of people throughout history has gone through dark times, we were born in ours. If what you’re saying is true about Somalis not being able to govern what of Ahmed gurey? Nur ibn mujahid? Mohammed Abdullahi Hassan? Were they incapable? Was something genetically deficient about them? No. Stop doom posting bull shit like a loser. No Somali wants to be under any niggas rule regardless of if they’re from fucking Japan, turkey or Iceland. Technically speaking we’ve been down bad since 1991. There are nations out there who’ve had much worse than we and for far longer. The future is looking ambiguous but there is hope.
“Somalis just don’t know how to govern” if there was a chat forum like this one of the European dark ages niggas would be sayin that same shi about them. Fact is there’s nothing inherently lacking within Somalis that whites or Asians have that allow them to govern. Every nation of people throughout history has gone through dark times, we were born in ours. If what you’re saying is true about Somalis not being able to govern what of Ahmed gurey? Nur ibn mujahid? Mohammed Abdullahi Hassan? Were they incapable? Was something genetically deficient about them? No. Stop doom posting bull shit like a loser. No Somali wants to be under any niggas rule regardless of if they’re from fucking Japan, turkey or Iceland. Technically speaking we’ve been down bad since 1991. There are nations out there who’ve had much worse than we and for far longer. The future is looking ambiguous but there is hope.
I agree. Somalia has seen better times but it does not mean we should bow down to the ""Superior"" Japanese who can ""Govern"" us better. Somalia has a bright future ahead of itself if it uses its resources right and eventually crushes Al Shawarma inshalaah, we could eventually overcome Kenya and Ethiopia economically. Ethiopia is crumbling and fights itself every 4 years, and the Kenyan population is stagnating everywhere except for extremely rural areas AND the somali majority regions, meaning Kenya might become the next Djibouti in the near future.
Japanese had beheading civillian contests this is actually real. Search up "hundred man killing contest." They were extremely barbaric to the occupied regions that they colonized and conducted chemical and biological weapon tests on people aswell as gruesome things in their unit 731 project. Wallahi somalia would be 500x worse with the japanese, alhamdulillah we got the Italians they did not know how to run a colony let alone massarce the people in such ways and they failed to impose their language on us too.


Ride The Lightning
If what you’re saying is true about Somalis not being able to govern what of Ahmed gurey? Nur ibn mujahid? Mohammed Abdullahi Hassan?
do you actually think simply ruling over land is the same as running a modern state in the 21st century? i love all of these guys but you are acting like their methods are lost to time, in real life you can just look at Ximan iyo Xeeb era galmudug and you'll find their tradition. a people don't suddenly "forget" how to govern, they fail to adapt.

I believe if the adal had held onto their conquered lands, we'd actually see political and sociological development that would propel the somali culture forward and have us be second world at the very least, but that didn't happen. you can not just have a barren land of skirmishing clans and expect people to just "get it" when it comes to the difficult question of modern state creation. that has NEVER happened in history.

alhamdulillah we got the Italians they did not know how to run a colony let alone massarce the people in such ways and they failed to impose their language on us too.
you are aware that italian stupidity is partly why the south is a mess right? elders were targeted to stengthen the colonial influence in the fertile area, if you ever wonder why al shabab is powerful there you got your answer. you also got people telling everyone that the national dish is pasta. Italy itself has always been a political laughing stock and we learned a lot of the worst aspects of our political culture from them.
lul who gives a f*ck about GDP

north korea has lower GDP per capita than haiti, ethiopia and pakistan. UN says its lower than somalia. does this look like any of the places i mentioned to you?

This is like me showing video walk through of wealthier districts of Addis, Mogadishu and Islamabad

When most of people in North Korea live in abject poverty and the situation looks like this in most places



North Korea used to be a rich industrialized country, both the soviets and japanese built key industries there. Whereas South Korea was poor like @Zak12 said , had to build these things from scratch.

But now you have a lot of Urban poverty and the urban infrastructure in many places are crumbling or being abandoned.


Large parts of what used to be developed areas of Pyongyang now consists of abandoned or crumbling, apartments, buildings, houses, roads

This used to be one of the tallests hotels and buildings in North Korea and now its abandones and large part of it is crumbling

You can see this in many high rise buildings.
It reminds them of how Japan used to be before the Meiji Transformation the way they know about all clans is quite shocking to me

Pay attention to the term ''Meiji Restoration'' and it's literally them turning the emperor from a figurehead into a dictator. With a dictatorship they attempted to unite the whole of Japan and force Japanese to change and confirm. They implemented long term economic plans and strategies. There was rebellions against it and the perceived threat of modernization to their traditional lives.

Japan went through literally the same transformation Somalia was going through in the 70s in terms of their implementation of state policies
When i see videos like that they border on historical mythology because they are devoid of any economic or structural analysis. It's more for entertainment i guess than being educational.

A better video is this one. Japan was still stuck in the middle ages during the early-to mid 1800s and was pretty feudal. Until the Meji revolution which abolished the medieval feudal structure and tried to modernize it.

Reforms that made Japan a modern state:

- Set up large industrial state enterprises in key sectors.

- Modern educational system , universal education was promoted leading to a more skilled and knowledgeable workforce capable of supporting industrial growth.

- Infrastructure development, roads, ports, electricity, communication lines

- Legal institutional and reforms to support economic and industrial development.

- Selective Westernization: Japan actively studied and adopted Western technologies, administrative practices, and industrial techniques. Japanese officials and scholars were sent abroad to learn from Western countries, and foreign experts were invited to Japan to help establish modern industries and educational systems.

- State capital was initially gained from agriculture, taxation , banking credits and postal saving schemes, becuase they didn't lack substantial capital they mainly used foreign loans to finance infrastructure projects such as ports, railroads and telegraph lines.

- They sold off state owned enterprises to private entrepreneurs after developing them into profitable ventures, which made the government recoup their loans and initial investments and kept the money inside their economy.

After world war 2 they recieved additional help by the west and the united states to rebuild. The united states help rebuild a lot of European economies as well.

Somalia's transformation in the 70s
Meanwhile Somalis were doing great when they were in-charge and ran their own affairs.

It's even more apparent if you look at Mogadishu. The Italians and the previous regime inherited two historical districts, and it remained as two districts that lacked development.
They didn't build new roads, new neighborhoods or districts.

Italians/UN trustee basically kept Somalia underdeveloped and barred us from employment opportunities , it was soo bad that Prime Minister Abdullahi Isse lodged a complaint to the UN highlighting them.
The United nation also made their own report highlighting the lack of Somali political representation and voice during the Italian trusteeship. Italians continued to control and monopolize much of the economy.

Modern Mogadishu was pretty much built and expanded by the Kacaan government, same with Hargeisa . The British and Italians didn't build anything significant at all
The top is how Mogadishu looked under the UN trustee/Adde Aden , the bottom is after it was expanded and built by the Kacaan government. Zoom in and you will see how small the two districts(Hamarweyn and Shingani) are incomparison to the many more created he also expanded on the existing two and they only had one road for banana export during the UN/Adde Aden government, but many during the Kacaan


This is the only two side by side outlined maps u need to show if they start their hyper rabies infused slander campaigns and false accusations about the revolutionary regime.

Believe it or not most was actually built through self-help schemes and through mobilizing domestic resources.

They built several affordable social housing units and apartment blocks in other places like Lafoole and Afgooye . But also in Hargeisa and Mogadishu.



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We need to stop bringing in east asias as comparison . There has never been a period where east asia is not one of the most developed parts of the world. When i was reading about the group of thinkers in ethiopia who were trying to copy japnas modernization I laughed. Why? Because japan was not some undeveloped backwards place before the 19th century. They had guys inventing calculus in japan in the 1600s. The same time as Newton. Even north korea as poor and as cutoff from the rest of the world as it is today. Is able to develop nuclear weapons and other technologies. Which no country in africa Even with the help of others would be able to replicate currently.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
We need to stop bringing in east asias as comparison . There has never been a period where east asia is not one of the most developed parts of the world. When i was reading about the group of thinkers in ethiopia who were trying to copy japnas modernization I laughed. Why? Because japan was not some undeveloped backwards place before the 19th century. They had guys inventing calculus in japan in the 1600s. The same time as Newton. Even north korea as poor and as cutoff from the rest of the world as it is today. Is able to develop nuclear weapons and other technologies. Which no country in africa Even with the help of others would be able to replicate currently.
NK is getting help from China, no country in the world can develop nukes without huge investments and cutting-edge science, the only reason the US developed the Nuke quicker than Germany is due to scientific exodus in Germany even with that they still developed rockets and "modern" fighter jets.

For the Stem to develop, you need certain conditions for it to bloom, world class universities, government grants, chasing away competition, keeping talent is hard, America is just great at collecting the best scientists in the world.
We need to stop bringing in east asias as comparison . There has never been a period where east asia is not one of the most developed parts of the world.
When i was reading about the group of thinkers in ethiopia who were trying to copy japnas modernization I laughed. Why? Because japan was not some undeveloped backwards place before the 19th century. They had guys inventing calculus in japan in the 1600s. The same time as Newton. Even north korea as poor and as cutoff from the rest of the world as it is today. Is able to develop nuclear weapons and other technologies. Which no country in africa Even with the help of others would be able to replicate currently.

South Korea and Singapore was one of the least developed countries in the world during 50/60s. Literacy rate 20%, lack of infrastructure and no real industries to speak of. They also didn't have financing capital from agriculture say the way that Japan did. So they to me are two of the biggest points for comparison. Another one would be Oman.

Japan was underdeveloped in the modern sense, before the meiji restoration it was just a feudal mass of villages and had an agrarian economy before it was turned into a modern industralized nation with a highly skilled work force. They had many other advantages though that's not really comparable to Africa.

North Korea wasn't poor to begin with , it used to be rich in the 50s,and 60s/70s and the examples i have shown is how it went from being a rich industrialized nation with natural resources to poor one has impacted it. The guy showed a single district video which the north korean government releases for propaganda when large parts of the city is either crumbling or underdeveloped.


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