The Japanese now have interest in Somali Politics


Not affiliated with HAG, puntland1st, CBB, MBB, SL
“Somalis just don’t know how to govern” if there was a chat forum like this one of the European dark ages niggas would be sayin that same shi about them. Fact is there’s nothing inherently lacking within Somalis that whites or Asians have that allow them to govern. Every nation of people throughout history has gone through dark times, we were born in ours. If what you’re saying is true about Somalis not being able to govern what of Ahmed gurey? Nur ibn mujahid? Mohammed Abdullahi Hassan? Were they incapable? Was something genetically deficient about them? No. Stop doom posting bull shit like a loser. No Somali wants to be under any niggas rule regardless of if they’re from fucking Japan, turkey or Iceland. Technically speaking we’ve been down bad since 1991. There are nations out there who’ve had much worse than we and for far longer. The future is looking ambiguous but there is hope.
Respectfully, none of those names are renowned or well-known. Everyone knows who Haile Selassie is, but if I said Ahmed Gurey in public, it would be crickets. Why do we need to go so far back in history to prove leadership? The truth is every single modern president of Somalia has failed us, and I haven’t seen any potential of a Somali person who can manage a modern state.
“Somalis just don’t know how to govern” if there was a chat forum like this one of the European dark ages niggas would be sayin that same shi about them. Fact is there’s nothing inherently lacking within Somalis that whites or Asians have that allow them to govern. Every nation of people throughout history has gone through dark times, we were born in ours. If what you’re saying is true about Somalis not being able to govern what of Ahmed gurey? Nur ibn mujahid? Mohammed Abdullahi Hassan? Were they incapable? Was something genetically deficient about them? No. Stop doom posting bull shit like a loser. No Somali wants to be under any niggas rule regardless of if they’re from fucking Japan, turkey or Iceland. Technically speaking we’ve been down bad since 1991. There are nations out there who’ve had much worse than we and for far longer. The future is looking ambiguous but there is hope.
Respectfully, none of those names are renowned or well-known. Everyone knows who Haile Selassie is, but if I said Ahmed Gurey in public, it would be crickets. Why do we need to go so far back in history to prove leadership? The truth is every single modern president of Somalia has failed us, and I haven’t seen any potential of a Somali person who can manage a modern state.

Post 1991 governments in Somalia are not legitimate, they are imposed from the outside. How can you judge Somalis effectiveness or ability to govern themselves based on illegitimate governments that are imposed on people from the outside, funded from the outside and through intervention strategies that have effectively destabilized the place as well.

And Somaliland is an isolated unrecognized place that for a long time received minimal to no investment or trade. They didn't even receive any aid. I've seen people try to compare it's development index to Gaza/Palestine , who btw are recognized by 146 states and recieved billions of dollars of foreign aid. Palestine has had trade relations with the EU even and other nations. Somaliland had none of this.

Somalis had to fend for themselves through informal private sector a lot with not much help since 1991. It's only since 2015 when it's been able to open up more and some semblance of stability is returning, institution building and democratization.

The biggest proof that Somalis can build a functional well governed modern governments is with the beginning periods of the Supreme Revolutionary Council regime and the brief rule of Islamic Courts Union. I always refer back to them.

These are important examples to study to determine effective planning and policy actions in the future.
NK is getting help from China, no country in the world can develop nukes without huge investments and cutting-edge science, the only reason the US developed the Nuke quicker than Germany is due to scientific exodus in Germany even with that they still developed rockets and "modern" fighter jets.

For the Stem to develop, you need certain conditions for it to bloom, world class universities, government grants, chasing away competition, keeping talent is hard, America is just great at collecting the best scientists in the world.

North Korea began developing nuclear in the 1950s and they got help from Soviet and China and their military tech and equipment is mostly from the soviet era, it hasn't developed much at all beyond that. It's aging and its extremely outdated

After the end of soviet aid in 1991, its been down hill for them
South Korea and Singapore was one of the least developed countries in the world during 50/60s. Literacy rate 20%, lack of infrastructure and no real industries to speak of. They also didn't have financing capital from agriculture say the way that Japan did. So they to me are two of the biggest points for comparison. Another one would be Oman.

Japan was underdeveloped in the modern sense, before the meiji restoration it was just a feudal mass of villages and had an agrarian economy before it was turned into a modern industralized nation with a highly skilled work force. They had many other advantages though that's not really comparable to Africa.

North Korea wasn't poor to begin with , it used to be rich in the 50s,and 60s/70s and the examples i have shown is how it went from being a rich industrialized nation with natural resources to poor one has impacted it. The guy showed a single district video which the north korean government releases for propaganda when large parts of the city is either crumbling or underdeveloped.
Yeah the reason i susoect thag their literacy rate was artificially low becuase education was extremly restricted when the japanse ruled korea. Or else them going from a 22% literacy in 1945 to a 88% literacy rate in 1970 (something that has no other example of existing) would be impossible . Also Singapores case is somewhat exaggerated. While they weren't rich or devleoped in the 50s. They still had the highest gdp per capita by far in southeast asia and were the most developed in that region.

Japan was actually one of the most urbanized regions in the world actually. Tokyo/edo was the largest city in the world in 1722 with over a million people living in it. Around the 1600s they experienced a massive boom from the peace of japans reunification. They also had some of the highest literacy rates in the world right before the meji period. The fact they could reverse engineer European technology with a couple of years of the europenas forcing open Japan in the early 1800s . Shows they weren't really that behind at all.
Yeah the reason i susoect thag their literacy rate was artificially low becuase education was extremly restricted when the japanse ruled korea. Or else them going from a 22% literacy in 1945 to a 88% literacy rate in 1970 (something that has no other example of existing) would be impossible . Also Singapores case is somewhat exaggerated. While they weren't rich or devleoped in the 50s. They still had the highest gdp per capita by far in southeast asia and were the most developed in that region.

South Korea was basically neglected and North Korea contained basically all of Korea’s manufacturing and heavy industry set up by the Japanese when they “annexed” Korea. Most of this was extensively damaged during the war but the USSR spent a lot re-building it.

Singapore continued to build on the British making it an important international trading port and as a financial intermediary shipping raw materials such as rubber, timber, and spices from the Southeast Asian in exchange for finished goods from both within and, especially, outside the region.

It's was the completely the opposite for Somalia, not only was our trade forcefully appropriated or disrupted but the British destroyed/dismantled key industries/manufacturing plants in the northeast and south and the southern banana export rail way right before independence.

This is why Somalia started out with less wealth and lacked state capital when it first formed as a government. Had to build up new industries and wealth.

Japan was actually one of the most urbanized regions in the world actually. Tokyo/edo was the largest city in the world in 1722 with over a million people living in it. Around the 1600s they experienced a massive boom from the peace of japans reunification. They also had some of the highest literacy rates in the world right before the meji period. The fact they could reverse engineer European technology with a couple of years of the europenas forcing open Japan in the early 1800s . Shows they weren't really that behind at all.

Those cities didn't really have paved roads, railroads, plumbing electricity, factories, non-agricultural industries, deep water ports , modern educational systems and banking etc. Japan was playing catch up as it was still stuck in middle ages when most of Europe and America had emerged out of it almost a century prior.
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