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Respectfully, none of those names are renowned or well-known. Everyone knows who Haile Selassie is, but if I said Ahmed Gurey in public, it would be crickets. Why do we need to go so far back in history to prove leadership? The truth is every single modern president of Somalia has failed us, and I haven’t seen any potential of a Somali person who can manage a modern state.“Somalis just don’t know how to govern” if there was a chat forum like this one of the European dark ages niggas would be sayin that same shi about them. Fact is there’s nothing inherently lacking within Somalis that whites or Asians have that allow them to govern. Every nation of people throughout history has gone through dark times, we were born in ours. If what you’re saying is true about Somalis not being able to govern what of Ahmed gurey? Nur ibn mujahid? Mohammed Abdullahi Hassan? Were they incapable? Was something genetically deficient about them? No. Stop doom posting bull shit like a loser. No Somali wants to be under any niggas rule regardless of if they’re from fucking Japan, turkey or Iceland. Technically speaking we’ve been down bad since 1991. There are nations out there who’ve had much worse than we and for far longer. The future is looking ambiguous but there is hope.