The lack of self respect and inferiority complex towards Arabs needs to be spoken about


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Imagine being this deluded

Him being an Andrew Tate fan says it all really. Just another incel.

This is coming from a person who has previous tweets saying this about Madows, the hypocrisy.


Look at these 2 Adoons trying to justify and humourise their arab futo leefing satisfied they served their arab masters who are insulting their people. Twitter and Reddit somalis have been diseased with a cucked adoon mindset.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife

Another post of this filthy adoon subhuman protecting his arab masters and calling us hypocrites for defending ourselves knowing damn well we clap back against all races who insult us, this dhoofar draws the lines when its his arab owners though. We need these niggas purged.

Another post of this filthy adoon subhuman protecting his arab masters and calling us hypocrites for defending ourselves knowing damn well we clap back against all races who insult us, this dhoofar draws the lines when its his arab owners though. We need these niggas purged.
Wow, chill man, the world is not gonna end on us because of a couple of racist Palestinian tweets or comments on social media.. I know Palestinians in real life, some of them are the sweetest people you could ever meet and some are the worst human beings, why it is hard to judge them all as good or bad..
It's kind of disgusting.
The natural attitude amongst all somalis 40 to 60 years ago was the everyone is beneath somalis even europeans.
We are more racist than they are and only Islam regulates this and keeps it from getting out of control.
It's kind of disgusting.
The natural attitude amongst all somalis 40 to 60 years ago was the everyone is beneath somalis even europeans.
We are more racist than they are and only Islam regulates this and keeps it from getting out of control.
Thr old generation of somalis have through their actions given a reputation and I think the new generation has lost some of their spunk.

One of my earliest memories was abu Dhabi in the 90s.
Their was a big traffic accident near where I play football so I joined the small crowd that was forming and the police set up a barricade. They told the people to disperse and when they came to where I was standing rhe police officer respectfully asked me to leave while he bictchslapped the Indian man next to me.
The Indian dude was in his 30s while I was 12.
I could see respect in his eyes and a little fear, why would an armed police officer be scared of a 12 year old?

From my experience the only arabs that didn't know their place where arabs that were new to the gulf and haven't met a somali, like Egyptians, Lebanese and Palestinians.
Every racist encounter with a somali 100% lead to violence and even death.

Somalis in the past would always answer racism and disrespect with overwhelming violence. They did not care about jail, about losing their jobs and deportations they did not care if their families starved, nothing mattered more than their pride.
I don't know if it's a good thing or bad but I feel guilty benefitting from their sacrifices because i hardly ever faced racism.

That's was a long time ago and I think the new generation is just too soft.

Myself I was facing serious jailtime and deportation on 2 occasions but only escaped justice due to corruption and nepotism.
My father knew some powerful people and squashed the case against me.

The biggest case against me was grievous assault, home invasion and kidnapping .

It all started when an Indian who was new in the country never met a somali before and called me kala or black.
This was in the bus heading home from school.
I attacked him and the bus driver intervened . I threaten him telling I will be coming after you and my cousins too if you don't stand aside.
The Indian got off the bus and started walking home I got off and followed him.
Caught up to him just outside of his apartment as his father opened the door as I was kicking his head in and then I was in a fight with his father and mother and it was brutal.
Neighbours called the police and I was arrested.

I was an intervert and a chill dude and hated conflict but racism and disrespect turns me into a monster.
My brother and cousins on the other hand were bullies they were the one that always instigated conflict and they were the ones that were racist towards arabs .
They used racist terms to provoke them into a fight becuase they were bored and it was allot of fun.
They were also street smart and always avoided legal issues .Well apart from one cousin that murdered a colleague at his work place for insulting somalis and he got on a plane to xamar and was never prosecuted.
Thr old generation of somalis have through their actions given a reputation and I think the new generation has lost some of their spunk.

One of my earliest memories was abu Dhabi in the 90s.
Their was a big traffic accident near where I play football so I joined the small crowd that was forming and the police set up a barricade. They told the people to disperse and when they came to where I was standing rhe police officer respectfully asked me to leave while he bictchslapped the Indian man next to me.
The Indian dude was in his 30s while I was 12.
I could see respect in his eyes and a little fear, why would an armed police officer be scared of a 12 year old?

From my experience the only arabs that didn't know their place where arabs that were new to the gulf and haven't met a somali, like Egyptians, Lebanese and Palestinians.
Every racist encounter with a somali 100% lead to violence and even death.

Somalis in the past would always answer racism and disrespect with overwhelming violence. They did not care about jail, about losing their jobs and deportations they did not care if their families starved, nothing mattered more than their pride.
I don't know if it's a good thing or bad but I feel guilty benefitting from their sacrifices because i hardly ever faced racism.

That's was a long time ago and I think the new generation is just too soft.

Myself I was facing serious jailtime and deportation on 2 occasions but only escaped justice due to corruption and nepotism.
My father knew some powerful people and squashed the case against me.

The biggest case against me was grievous assault, home invasion and kidnapping .

It all started when an Indian who was new in the country never met a somali before and called me kala or black.
This was in the bus heading home from school.
I attacked him and the bus driver intervened . I threaten him telling I will be coming after you and my cousins too if you don't stand aside.
The Indian got off the bus and started walking home I got off and followed him.
Caught up to him just outside of his apartment as his father opened the door as I was kicking his head in and then I was in a fight with his father and mother and it was brutal.
Neighbours called the police and I was arrested.

I was an intervert and a chill dude and hated conflict but racism and disrespect turns me into a monster.
My brother and cousins on the other hand were bullies they were the one that always instigated conflict and they were the ones that were racist towards arabs .
They used racist terms to provoke them into a fight becuase they were bored and it was allot of fun.
They were also street smart and always avoided legal issues .Well apart from one cousin that murdered a colleague at his work place for insulting somalis and he got on a plane to xamar and was never prosecuted.

No it's not a good thing. This is the type of pride the Arabs of jaahiliyyah had. They would go to wars that lasted decades and wiped out generations of men over someone killing a camel. It's not something to boast about and Islam came to remove this ignorance from people. If the Arabs of old could be tamed through Islam and unite under its banner so can Somalis.

Well apart from one cousin that murdered a colleague at his work place for insulting somalis and he got on a plane to xamar and was never prosecuted.

Wow. This is deranged. It's no mystery why our country is the way it is. If you want to see the fruits of the type of pride you boast about look no further.


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