I will always regret that our ancestors never migrated south or east. They sat their behind on a desert land.
Bantu get a rare W![]()
Somalia is actually has one of the most advantageous geographies , its not a desert it has extensive farmland that can grow a variety of crops & support surplus production and vast grazing ranges/pastures that can sustain a large livestock population of various kinds.
Somalia's Historical Geographical Advantages over Sub-Saharan Africa: (Summary) Part 1
I was asked to make this one last thread that i had planned, before i exit. I shared this video to @Midas in another thread, but then i came to realize that many of the setbacks and geographical disadvantages underscored in this video for Sub-Saharan Africa does not apply to Somalia at all...
Other Africans like Bantus had it rough because of the lack of pastures for grazing, draft animals and testy flies that prevented it and thick jungles made it hard for them to produce surplus crops and made them isolated from eachother into seperate tribes confined to pockets of small locations.
Aside from thick jungle forests It also has tetsy fly, like it's really a bad drawback. Not only is it bad for draft animals(work animals) like cows/cattles, donkeys, camels or horses, but also agriculture as a result.
The tsetse-vectored trypanosomiases affect various vertebrate species including humans, antelopes, bovine cattle, camels, horses, sheep, goats, and pigs.
I mean why would do you thinks our Somali ancestors expanded into the fertile plains of Awash, the Shabelle zones, mountains/highlands and Juba-Tana. But not go further south ? The answer is pretty obvious when you look at that map of Tetsy Fly distribution. The tetsy fly discouraged intense farming activities and prevented the use of draft animals
Somalia was unlike the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa, on the other hand was a place that exported food and had a surplus agricultural production that sustained local villages, towns and cities.
While much of Africa struggled with seasonal droughts, unreliable water sources, or swampy overflows, Somaliaβs rivers, seasonal streams, and groundwater reservoirs ensured long-term productivity.
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