The Mad Confessions.Why I Am A Proud Qabili


We need to have a Somali state that is strong in order to take Somali Galbeed back from Ethiopia when it collapses. We have a land area the size of Germany i.e Somali Galbeed ruled by Christian raw meat eaters. Every single Somali should feel terrible shame about this fact.

We need ethnic unity in order to be able to wrest that land back and join it to Somalia. Our long term enemy is Ethiopia and specifically the Oromo. We have unsettled business to finish. Our beef with urur Samaale can wait until we have managed to take back everything between Moyale and Ma’ayso. Rag aan dumarka isa siino cadaawad fog koley inaga ma dhaxeen karto. We can make Somalia a 1,000,000 sq km country.
let’s all love one another


I am qabilist too
Pray Thank You Lord GIF
We need to have a Somali state that is strong in order to take Somali Galbeed back from Ethiopia when it collapses. We have a land area the size of Germany i.e Somali Galbeed ruled by Christian raw meat eaters. Every single Somali should feel terrible shame about this fact.

We need ethnic unity in order to be able to wrest that land back and join it to Somalia. Our long term enemy is Ethiopia and specifically the Oromo. We have unsettled business to finish. Our beef with urur Samaale can wait until we have managed to take back everything between Moyale and Ma’ayso. Rag aan dumarka isa siino cadaawad fog koley inagama dhaxeen karto. We can make Somalia a 1,000,000 sq km country.
We share nothing in common with irir samaale, they aren’t any closer to us than oromo muslims are, both waa cadow nio


Let him cook
I will believe you when you move back home and leave the koalas , kangaroos, and blonde chicks on beaches behind in Australia . Or you gonna be like elders who live here till 80 and then tell family bury me back home like Somalia a cemetery 😆
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Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
@Khaemwaset thoughts????Does Nomad. have anything in common with Irir Samaale
I'll clap his cheeks if he ever says that irl walahi I hate these qabilists.

Disregarding genetics.
According to the Somali story, Darood and Raxanweyn are both Samaale maternally. Oromo are a couple thousand years removed from Somali.

While Dir, Isaaw and Haiwye are Samaale from paternal line.


I'll clap his cheeks if he ever says that irl walahi I hate these qabilists.

Disregarding genetics.
According to the Somali story, Darood and Raxanweyn are both Samaale maternally. Oromo are a couple thousand years removed from Somali.

While Dir, Isaaw and Haiwye are Samaale from paternal line.
exactly like he’s maternally irir samaale 😭😭😭