The offensive against Al-Shabaab in Central Somalia


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada

Pop Corn GIF by WWE
I’m tired of these international partners. I want Hassan to have his pen armada of bayraktar with one akinci and grow the gall to tell parliament to kick them all out.


I’m tired of these international partners. I want Hassan to have his pen armada of bayraktar with one akinci and grow the gall to tell parliament to kick them all out.
Won't happen but since these international partners (mostly US and Turkey) are entangled businesses in Somalia then the supply of support will be more. I would like for us to be in charge of all of this but beggars can't be choosers. In due time we'll be back on our feet inshallah.
⚠️⚠️⚠️ Somebody make a thread out of this if it comes true Al shabab will not survive this year they will be eradicated ⚠️⚠️ ⚠️⚠️
The year is 09/3/2024
9:45 Australian time
ps : this is a estimation I am not saying I’m a 100 % sure of this but if it does come true make a thread of this
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⚠️⚠️⚠️ Somebody make a thread out of this if it comes true Al shabab will not survive this they will be eradicated ⚠️⚠️ ⚠️⚠️
The year is 09/3/2024
9:45 Australian time
ps : this is a estimation I am not saying I’m a 100 % sure of this but if it does come true make a thread of this
I like your optimism.
I like your optimism.
Huh Wayaaaa this an estimation no way they gon survive we just acquired new drones, embargo’s been lifted and advances are being made with few normal setbacks. ( loses are normal nobody wins on a streak and natural disaster who else decides except the most high


Huh Wayaaaa this an estimation no way they gon survive we just acquired new drones, embargo’s been lifted and advances are being made with few normal setbacks. ( loses are normal nobody wins on a streak and natural disaster who else decides except the most high
Nah bro I'm here for it. Inshallah it will come to be.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Won't happen but since these international partners (mostly US and Turkey) are entangled businesses in Somalia then the supply of support will be more. I would like for us to be in charge of all of this but beggars can't be choosers. In due time we'll be back on our feet inshallah.
I don’t see why it won’t happen, we had drones last term which turkey gave us for free. When the government increases revenue across the country and doesn’t just steal it TG this would be a fairly easy thing to do.


I don’t see why it won’t happen, we had drones last term which turkey gave us for free. When the government increases revenue across the country and doesn’t just steal it TG this would be a fairly easy thing to do.
Inshallah it will.

They need to train specialist on drones and then I'll be game on.


I want this khawarij destroyed but a war without plans is a failed war it seems Somalia will be the new Afghanistan.
This not the govt fault sxb. Its those who are inbetween fgs and macawiisleey such qoor qoor, al cadaala, sadaq jon in this case.

The macawiisleey and the shabab in these areas are the same subclan so if they vacate SNA will follow.


Arbaco, Maarso, 27, 2024 (HOL) - Ciidanka xoogga dalka Soomaaliyeed, dadka deegaanka iyo maamulka degmada Xarardheere oo is kaashanaya ayaa deegaanka Bacadka Faarax Aadan oo 7km u jira degmada Xarardheere, ku weeraray Alshabaab, waxaana halkaas ka dhacay dagaal culus.

Guddoomiyaha degmada Xarardheere Maxamed Yuusuf oo laftiisu dagaalka ka qeyb qaatay ayaa sheegay inay dhowr jiho ka weerareen Alshabaab, isla markaana ay halkaas ku laayeen tiro badan oo Shabaab ah oo ay ku jiraan Ajaanib.

Guddoomiyaha ayaa sheegay dagaalku inuu socday muddo saacadood oo xiriir ah, isagoo xaqiijiyay inay haatan ku sugan yihiin goobihii lagu dagaalamay.

Guddoomiyuhu wuxuu sheegay inay jiraan askar ciidanka dowladda kaga dhintay howlgalka. wuxuu tilmaamay in labada ciidan ay gacanta iskula tageen markii ay uu ku dhamaaday rasaastii ay ku dagalaameen.

Wuxuu sheegay in Alshabaab ay ciidamo badan kusoo daaduleen degaanka Bacadka Faarax Aadan, si ay u weeraraan degmada Xarardheere. laakiin wuxuu sheegay ciidanka oo ku dagaalamayay mooral inay ka guulasyteen inay jebiyaan Alshabaab.​