AUN to our brave soldiers, everyone should read this. A man who returned from the UK to fight AS, a colonel, and many others were killed.
We lost a hero AUN. Many others like him have perished.
We lost a hero AUN. Many others like him have perished.
syria can afford to do this because of this :Somalia needs to learn from Syria government , they used to suffer heavy losses initially trying to defend dusty tulos but they changed tactics. Now when the rebels will attack they will withdraw and call in air strike and counter attack with the support of airforce
I’m just saying before Hassan’s term rarely hear of stuff like this happening, it was rare for massacres of SNA to take place.Yeah defeating Al shaydaab Nacala a comes with a price. Somali government needs to get its act together or we’ll lose even more
I was aware of the two colonels aun to them both. It's the 59 soldiers that is cap. Most causalities were from AS side as US airstrikes carpet bombed them. Others were also ambushed when they tried to escape by reinforcement troops further south.I’m just saying before Hassan’s term rarely hear of stuff like this happening, it was rare for massacres of SNA to take place.
Also, so far the two dead colonels have been confirmed. @Fisherman 75
The part that is bs for me is them capturing the town. They ambushed them with 20 technicals according to the civilians running away, so 59 is a really high number, but possible, we’ve seen bigger massacres this term.I was aware of the two colonels aun to them both. It's the 59 soldiers that is cap. Most causalities were from AS side as US airstrikes carpet bombed them. Others were also ambushed when they tried to escape by reinforcement troops further south,
These young men are sitting ducks waiting to be overrun if they lack aerial support.syria can afford to do this because of this : View attachment 331058
unlike somalia which has no airforce and only relies on foreign allies for airstrikes and even then they are stretched thin and cant be everywhere at once
QQ is shameless 30 people died today in caabudwaaq has he made a statement?![]()
Galmudug oo ka hadasha dagaal culus oo ka dhacay Ceeldheer, wareysi
Dagaal qaraar ayaa saaka magaalada Ceel-Dheer ku dhexmaray malayshiyada Al-Shabaab iyo ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya. Dagaalkan ayaa bilowday ka dib markii ay Al-Shabaab weerar ku qaaday xeryo ay daafaha magaalada ku leeyihiin ciidamada
Al shabab achieved their objectives in today battle, they killed considerable number of govt forces and took spoils of war. Govt need to learn how to do organized retreat until air support arrivesSNA and especially the macawiisleey did a great job masha allah those who died are shahiids if the macawiisleey don't stand their ground sna will retreat.
The colonels did not hold any positions in SNA so they may as well be macawiisleey and most wear army fatigues in east galgaduud.
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Gabadhaan macawiisleeyda shahiiday ee ku jirtay aun
QQ is shameless 30 people died today in caabudwaaq has he made a statement?
It’s tough because alot of the clan soldiers and weapons outside state control , there is to many parallel powers in SomaliaSNA and especially the macawiisleey did a great job masha allah those who died are shahiids if the macawiisleey don't stand their ground sna will retreat.
The colonels did not hold any positions in SNA so they may as well be macawiisleey and most wear army fatigues in east galgaduud.
View attachment 331067
Gabadhaan magaceed ah Rahma Abdullahi Sheikh macawiisleeyda shahiiday ee ku jirtay aun
QQ is shameless 30 people died today in caabudwaaq has he made a statement?
Gaylan posting Liban Shuluq as if he is a cbb candidate for GM is elite propaganda lol libaan shuluq paid of many of fb influencersIt’s tough because alot of the clan soldiers and weapons outside state control , there is to many parallel powers in Somalia