The quality of the Somali man has degraded


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I know we talked many times about Farahs with low testosterones, but just now i reached a peak of madness. I was in this live- this big eyed chuby incel farah was live. I have seen him a couple of times. He seems like a man in a mission to find a xaliimo. He doesn't even respond to English, i have to type in my broken Caaf Somali for him to respond. Today he was explaining about his latest break up with a potentially good Xaliimo for a wife. He says - she was a divorced single mother xaliimo with 4 kids. He grunts and moans mostly asking WHY the xallimo had too much suuro and hard to get with demands. Like --in his logic- she should be cheap get. What made him run away and block her?

Kulaaha she told me she needs a man WHO will put her to sleep.

This doqoon interpreted this very odd request as another attempt of high demands and the suuro of a Xaliimo. That she expected to baby her and tuck her in to sleep like she does her babies. He kept repeating that she is a single mother with 4 kids and i am willing to be step dad to his children.

I immediately asked him-- WHY r u so eager to be a step dad??? 4 kids???

He responded - well the kids have their father -so that is not my problem- i will be a step father of course but my focus is the mother.

Then i asked do u know-what she meant by put her to sleep? He says- No- i just figured she is high maintenance and she no right to be. She wants me to tuck her in or something.

Doqoonyahoow--- when she said she wants a man to put her to sleep is - she wants an alpha man- an animal if u will who can sex her to sleep. Chances is the poor mother has not had good sex for a long time maaskin.

The commenters of course went crazy with laughing emoticons but aboow Xeelow was still clueless.


I know we talked many times about Farahs with low testosterones, but just now i reached a peak of madness. I was in this live- this big eyed chuby incel farah was live. I have seen him a couple of times. He seems like a man in a mission to find a xaliimo. He doesn't even respond to English, i have to type in my broken Caaf Somali for him to respond. Today he was explaining about his latest break up with a potentially good Xaliimo for a wife. He says - she was a divorced single mother xaliimo with 4 kids. He grunts and moans mostly asking WHY the xallimo had too much suuro and hard to get with demands. Like --in his logic- she should be cheap get. What made him run away and block her?

Kulaaha she told me she needs a man WHO will put her to sleep.

This doqoon interpreted this very odd request as another attempt of high demands and the suuro of a Xaliimo. That she expected to baby her and tuck her in to sleep like she does her babies. He kept repeating that she is a single mother with 4 kids and i am willing to be step dad to his children.

I immediately asked him-- WHY r u so eager to be a step dad??? 4 kids???

He responded - well the kids have their father -so that is not my problem- i will be a step father of course but my focus is the mother.

Then i asked do u know-what she meant by put her to sleep? He says- No- i just figured she is high maintenance and she no right to be. She wants me to tuck her in or something.

Doqoonyahoow--- when she said she wants a man to put her to sleep is - she wants an alpha man- an animal if u will who can sex her to sleep. Chances is the poor mother has not had good sex for a long time maaskin.

The commenters of course went crazy with laughing emoticons but aboow Xeelow was still clueless.
Is that the fat ass east guy on TikTok? πŸ˜‚
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Plotting world domination
We got childless Somali men entertaining single mothers with 4 kids :mjcry:

Someone find the dragons balls ASAP AND REVIVE THIS MAN

1_d3Ni8KFCn4Nfzaomb8-N8w (1).jpg

He's the only one that can save these losers


@Chaseyourdreamzz @ATLbound @AbdiFreedom
@Geeljire lotus
We got childless Somali men entertaining single mothers with 4 kids :mjcry:

Someone find the dragons balls ASAP AND REVIVE THIS MAN

He's the only one that can save these losers


@Chaseyourdreamzz @ATLbound @AbdiFreedom
@Geeljire lotus

You fail to remember that the Prophet SAW married a single mother, Khadijah AS, who had 3 daughters from her previous 2 marriages. Meanwhile, he was a virgin when he married her.

There is nothing wrong with marrying a single mother. In fact, it takes a special man, to have the ability to love and raise children that are not his own. Of course, first checking why the first marriage ended and that she's a good person.

Don't forget, you don't know how long you will live, I'm sure you'll want your children to have another responsible father figure if you pass on. Especially, if your children are still young, and your wife is unable to provide for the children by herself.

In Somalia, men would marry the widows of their male relatives (Dumaal practice), to protect and provide for the wife and offspring. Because everybody knows, demonising and marginalising single mothers, widow or not, will only create more children that are lost and impoverished.