The real jabarti is Oromo


Oromo are diluted group. They have no real identity.
They have No genetic identity. No cultural identity, no single historical narrative. The only thing that makes them oromo is the language. That's their only claim to an ethnicity


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
These ethiopians in recent times have tried to Co opt this irrelevant ethnicity called argobba to claim Ifat and Adal as "ethio semetic"

But argobba and their like are pagan habasha who got xooged and chased out of the Highlands but north ethio semite Crusaders and came to our kingdoms as refugees. And they never had any large numbers throughout history, nor has a single noble or king been named argobba or any "ethio semite" inside the lowland kingdoms.

The only point of contestion then is the Harla as that's the last tribe they can hotep. However Somalis can trace several clans to Harla whilst no ethiopians can do the same.

Here's a Somali lineage that has Harla present View attachment 316361
They claim adal as different ethnicities because they don't want to and are ashamed to admit that they got destroyed by Somalis.


β™šSargon of Adalβ™š
These ethiopians in recent times have tried to Co opt this irrelevant ethnicity called argobba to claim Ifat and Adal as "ethio semetic"

But argobba and their like are pagan habasha who got xooged and chased out of the Highlands but north ethio semite Crusaders and came to our kingdoms as refugees. And they never had any large numbers throughout history, nor has a single noble or king been named argobba or any "ethio semite" inside the lowland kingdoms.

The only point of contestion then is the Harla as that's the last tribe they can hotep. However Somalis can trace several clans to Harla whilst no ethiopians can do the same.

Here's a Somali lineage that has Harla present View attachment 316361
As much as I don't like grave digging, this is for archaeology, we need to put it to rest, and kill these nigguhs off for once.

Harla were most likely Somaloid, we need more genetic testing to unearth the truth.


Dna makes what clear?

Bro even Amhara and other south etho semites were pagans forced to pay tribute to Axum which became chrisitan. Only descendants of Axumites are the Tigrayans and Eritreans.
DNA makes it clear most Oromo are Ethio-Semites


Yep, Hararis are our allies but they need to be humbled
Hararis fought with us during the Ogaden war and even helped us during the SYL.

The Somali youth league opened its branch in Harar during the 1940s and there was even talks of making Harar the capital of Somaliweyn. When menelik II and his Gaal army took over Harar Sultanate and savaged the city, Somali sultans are far as majerteenia were planning the reconquest.


DNA makes it clear most Oromo are Ethio-Semites
Sure if you test an Oromo from Wollo. But an Oromo from hararghe is Somali. Their culture is Somali, their genetics is Somali.

You think they came to hararghe and chopped off every Somali living there? Or do you think hararghe is habasha?


You guys are playing the wrong game, I lived around these people. They don't care about DNA or genetics like we do, even Amharas care about 'Semetic lineage'. The Oromo or 'Galla identity was built around fighting Muslims and Christians, this is why these people talk so much about decolonisation. The ones that are actual believers think everything non Waqq/Cushitic in the HOA is foreign

I've always said Amhar Habesh are the biggest threat due to international connections, but Oromos are the biggest "existential threat
When I'm talking to Oromo supremacists, I found it very effective to tell them they're most likely gudifacha'd and mogassa'd Abyssinians.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch



They claim adal as different ethnicities because they don't want to and are ashamed to admit that they got destroyed by Somalis.
Every time I talk to one of them habasha they yap about a new minority tribe. Just the other day I met one who told me about Balaw. And before that they yapped about argobba.


Hararis are getting assimilated right now by them, the English fucked us big time, we could of built our capital out near Harar to keep them at bay.
Many if the hararis that are chatting on twitter and such are actually just Amhara and Oromo settlers.

