The rise of Hijabis becoming non hijabis

I know some girls genuinely struggle with it, they think they look ugly with the Hijab or smth but may Allah make it easier for them. Sometimes I go to weddings without my hijab and feel naked lol, I don’t think I could ever take it off even tho sometimes I do think I look better without
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Yes, I've seen so much girls either take off their hijab or change it up to be less covered (showing hair in front, wearing khimar to expose neck, switching to pants or tighter clothes)

And just being female, young and beautiful there is a pressure to "flaunt it while you got it" I actually see more women dressing less modestly as they get closer to their mid/late 30s cause I guess that is waswas from shaitan telling them they will only be hot for a few years longer. There is a hadith about how there is a time following the deen will be like holding a hot coal, May Allah keep us steadfast and our eyes on the real prize 😞
I’ve been wearing hijab and abaya since I’ve been 3. Never had a choice. I once asked to wear *loose* pants and got beat by my dad. It makes me not want to wear it at all. Every hijabi at my uni wears pants but me and my sister. I’m Muslim in appearance but I don’t pray or even make dua. I try to become religious but the trauma is there. When I get the first opportunity I’m taking it off


Shaqo la'an ba kuu heysaata
I’ve been wearing hijab and abaya since I’ve been 3. Never had a choice. I once asked to wear *loose* pants and got beat by my dad. It makes me not want to wear it at all. Every hijabi at my uni wears pants but me and my sister. I’m Muslim in appearance but I don’t pray or even make dua. I try to become religious but the trauma is there. When I get the first opportunity I’m taking it off
Same walahi. hooyothey acts like jeans are the work of the devil walahi


Somali parents shouldn't let their children wear hijab until they go to secondary school, and even then shouldn't force upon them but rather highly encourage their daughters to wear the hijab and warn them highly about disobeying Allah etc. Although they should make them wear hijab 1 to 2 years before they go to secondary school like when they go to the mosque, or just sometimes in public spaces so they can get used to it once they're in year 7 and above. This is the best method In your daughters not regretting to wear the hijab and instead appreciate it. Teach them the meaning of the hijab and don't be ignorant about it.
It is both normal and expected to have parents raise their children with their own ideals and have them dress and believe a certain way. The thing is, it does not always translate into adulthood, people grow up and may or may not follow the exact traditions/belief system of their family.
Of course they wore a hijab at 13 when it was expected of them and raised in that environment, its different when you are older.
i have been wearing a hijab since i was 9 i never liked it and I knew from day 1 I was going to take it off. I'm taking it off when my hair is thicker again from getting enough iron. i waited it out until I was 18 because I'm def not going to dhaqan celis.


Hot take: Hijab isn’t something most girls choose for themselves hence why you see alot of them take it off. Obviously I get it’s fardh but it’s human nature to not want to be confined to rules.

