The somali's at the Coli have failed us.

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closer to god we africans
You're imitating and worshipping people who referred to your mother and sisters as smelly s.
No amount of "lmaoooo"'s or "haha"'s can mask that.

You're a disgrace sxb.
so they ALL think my mom is a smelly :frdfvsb:

i think i need to rethink some things:rolleyes:
I'm reer waqooyi too so that has nothing to do with it.

If he is from Columbus, then he's a liar for claiming that Somalis don't get hate from the AA's. There are actual reports on this. Heck, even that ODOTMETA punk who went in on Somalis is from Ohio.

It's funny how he is excusing their behavior while chastising us for simply defending ourselves. The presence of Somali trolls online does not justify that extremely degrading stuff that these people were saying about us. These losers literally held nothing back for 30+ pages.

Just stating his background nothing more than that.

The guy worshipps AAs and hates Somalis,. Never seeen such a self loathing c*nt before in my entire life. Outrage over not getting support from the people who he is bashing.LOOOOL!

Look at the logic "we are haters, supremacist and racists" according to him but if we call them out on the same shit we are " made". Waan yabaanahay!
Just noticed their tactics of ''defame and victimhood''. ''Racism'', ''Supremacist,''Oppression'' etc These are political terms used to stall any form of plural disagreement

They become actual misnormers like the political Word "Antisemetic" it was usually used against people who hate jews, but today its used against people who the jews hate. The same thing with African Americans and the poltical word ''Racist''.

So their rethoric they use strategically just to create a ''Fringe Factor'' around any position which is unpleasant to them.
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
lmaooooo i never met somalis so made in my life

damn homie dafuq going on in columbus:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:
Look at those two filthy qaldans, they hate other Somalis more than these Bantu spitting their vermin on this thread do.

When I come across qaldans I never treat them like my own cause I know the hatred they have for me, so I keep them at arms length, that's just my humble opinion.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I have noticed here in the uk the biggest self haters are qaldans & most of the Isaac girls in the uk get married out cause their parents instilled hate for other Somalis in their heart from the cradle, just calling a spade a spade


closer to god we africans
Fact of the matter is that to the AA

Nah just the ones at the Coli (where I'm pretty sure you're a member). That's what this thread is about.
lmaoooo i caught u before a long anti AA diatribe

as for the coli nah i dont post there read like maybe 5 threads in my life

as for the posters on there ill just quote freebandz
Tbh the blacks at coli are level headed and aren't that bad if anything they were :superman:For somalis when that captain Phillips movie was coming out:mjdontkno:
Some troll with the anti somali but they get called out by other posters for being white or coon:wow:
Just stating his background nothing more than that.

The guy worshipps AAs and hates Somalis,. Never seeen such a self loathing c*nt before in my entire life. Outrage over not getting support from the people who he is bashing.LOOOOL!

Look at the logic "we are haters, supremacist and racists" according to him but if we call them out on the same shit we are " made". Waan yabaanahay!
Just noticed their tactics of ''defame and victimhood''. ''Racism'', ''Supremacist,''Oppression'' etc These are political terms used to stall any form of plural disagreement

They become actual misnormers like the political Word "Antisemetic" it was usually used against people who hate jews, but today its used against people who the jews hate.

So their rethoric they use strategically just to create a ''Fringe Factor'' around any position which is unpleasant to them.

I still sympathise with their struggle as a people and have respect and admiration for their historic icons like Malcolm X and Angela Davis. Even some of their current leaders are quite admirable.

But I'm not going to sit back and take abuse from any of them. I stated nothing but facts in my post.
Afro, you're justifying the degrading comments that they made and attacking us for responding. That makes you a hypocrite. If you're going to call people out for unfairly generalizing AA's, you should also call them out for generalizing Somalis based on a few trolls.

You can giggle like a dhoocil all you want, but until you apply the same standards across the board, you will remain a self-hating, self-deprecating hypocrite. Being Somali does not give you a pass.
I still sympathise with their struggle as a people and have respect and admiration for their historic icons like Malcolm X and Angela Davis. Even some of their current leaders are quite admirable.

But I'm not going to sit back and take abuse from any of them. I stated nothing but facts in my post.
I meaan that guy @afrosomali would call ''Malcom X'' a racist and backward. Even tho i find him to be brilliant intellectual man . He is atheist also and hates muslims as well. He spends his time romanticizing ''Hood culture'' .

.Tbh I have no malice against them largely just indifferent. What they do or say is inconsequential to us and all i want to make clear is we do not operate under the same reality. We are not alike or share the same struggles. They have their issue we have ours. We are Somali and they are African Americans.

African Americans even agree with me on this, the only reason there is any bad tension or beef between them and us is because Somalis want to Imitate them.

In addition, three out of four youth participants from Minneapolis have affirmed that the actions of Somali boys imitating African-American youth may heighten the tension between the two groups, deteriorate relationships, and eventually lead to fighting. This is because African Americans want Somalis to retain their own culture and keep their self-esteem up, instead of imitating them, which could make them lose their identity. “They say to Somali boys, ‘Excuse me! You just came from other country we do not know about, so why do you imitate us? Take off, you know,’ [then] Somalis fight back. Somalis like fighting” (a female youth participant).
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I meaan that guy @afrosomali would call ''Malcom X'' a racist and backward. Even tho i find him to be brilliant intellectual man . He is atheist also and hates muslims as well. He spends his time romanticizing ''Hood culture'' .

.Tbh I have no malice against them largely just indifferent. What they do or say is inconsequential to us and all i want to make clear is we do not operate under the same reality. We are not alike or share the same struggles. They have their issue we have ours. We are Somali and they are African Americans.

African Americans even agree with me on this, the only reason there is any bad tension or beef between them and us is because Somalis want to Imitate them.

In addition, three out of four youth participants from Minneapolis have affirmed that the actions of Somali boys imitating African-American youth may heighten the tension between the two groups, deteriorate relationships, and eventually lead to fighting. This is because African Americans want Somalis to retain their own culture and keep their self-esteem up, instead of imitating them, which could make them lose their identity. “They say to Somali boys, ‘Excuse me! You just came from other country we do not know about, so why do you imitate us? Take off, you know,’ [then] Somalis fight back. Somalis like fighting” (a female youth participant).
I agree that we have many cultural differences and that we need to retain our own Diin iyo dhaqan.

But in cities where you have large AA and Somali populations such as Columbus, our interests are bound to conflate. Especially in a society like America which is based on race and where you are classified based on your skin color.

There's nothing wrong with cooperating based on mutual interests, but we should definitely strive to preserve our own cultural identity.
@Raganimo @Cognitivedissonance

He is not Somali just changed his name but an old user called Seth
Also, even though I agree that we should defend ourselves when attacked, I don't understand why some Somalis love to antagonise other Africans. Why do we feel the need to degrade them and mock the features that Allah created them with? There is literally an army of Somali trolls on almost every popular black website who refer to them as slaves etc.. This is unnecessary and makes us look pathetic and insecure. If we're proud of our culture, we don't have to put others down in order to celebrate it.

Let these people be.
I also dislike the superimposition of ''Blackness'' because i consider it to be a western Identity trap that alienates people and put barriers on social development.

Many Pan-Africanists agree on ''Black'' being a dehumanizing regressive term for describing African people. It is akin to a slave name . If the only difference is skin-complexion and being at the bottom of every social-economic indicator then how is that an identity? .

Some are willing to make their ancestral Somali identity sound redundant just so they can fit into a meaningless abstract color construction from the west.

I have no problem with cooperating on mutual interests if they actually exist, we have already done that in minneapolis when we helped elect an African American Muslim.

Most of the times it's hard because AAs are less united and they dont have any collective agenda so its hard to tell what their interests are compared to us and we have way too many differences. But we should respect eachothers differences and spaces. If somalis want to have good relations with them then don't imitate them and don't lump yourself up with them.
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