The somali's at the Coli have failed us.

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@afrosomali i intend to wear an English tailored suit on Monday. I also like Persian, Indian, habeshi food & I really enjoy listening to this track from time to time, in your opinion what does that make me?
kkkkkk it's not cherry picking, if anything the African Americans of Seattle purportedly have the highest IQ of all Aframs. I'm not surprised whatsoever by these results, I'm quite certain this repeats itself throughout the country. There seems to be some cultural issue among African Americans that inhibits their educational attainment.

Somalis are not a self selected immigrant group like the Nigerians or Indians whose cream of the crop reach America. We're refugees, the sons of wealthy officials and the sons of hicks all on the same boat. The fact that our first generation, many who've been here for a decade or less, seems to be performing above expectations bodes well for our future. I don't know if you can say the same.

Trust me sxb give it another generation or two and we will be going head to head with the Self-Selected immigrant groups.
They will learn that we don't have big foreheads for no reason:dabcasar:
Thanks for trying friend.....but really i'm not that important. Your dissertation doesn't clarify sh*t though......for example you started off by saying that you don't like anyone and ended by saying that you don't hate anyone. I know you're trying to be nuanced but....

I still find it strange that a people can boast about how religious they are and how hateful they are in the same phucking breathe. WTF??

I also find it strange how a destitute people fleeing their homeland in such huge numbers and literally dropping dead by the hundreds as they flee their homeland can find the time and temperament to shovel sh*t all over the internet about other groups and by virtue of that seeming to find some sort of pleasure in expanding their dossier of enemy groups in the world. Makers no phuckin sense to me.

So my take on Somalis in general is that....well....its like watching a car know there is mangled metal and bodies in know what you see there won't be a good look.....but something in the back of your head...some devilish proclivities that seems to be within all of us...compels you to go take a look. Yep to me you guys are a phucking appallingly mangled bloodied car wreck....and I can say that because I know that you won't give a sh*t.

Anyway with that i'm out.
^While i find the imagery here interesting, i still think you missed the point. You assumed by my saying Somali's don't like anyone, they must dislike everyone, which is a foolish thing to assume. Least of all when it's clearly expressed in the end that Somali's also don't hate anyone, the logical reasoning then being that if they don't like nor hate any other group of people, then they must be indifferent. I've met africans from all over the world and even AA's and i've never had a problem with them. I actually sat down with my martial arts instructor, an older AA gentleman, and we talked at length about the differences between Africans and AA's. We ultimately came down to the conclusion that there has been a huge misunderstanding on both sides, because unfortunately for most African groups, when they move to the America's they get basically thrown into the ghetto's, and eventually run into trouble there. So when you have a group of people who don't want anything to do with the outside world and were literarily, not figuratively ,forced into such a concession. You think they'll abide by the tyranny of others who look just like them but share none of the same culture? That's figuratively calling war on those African people who've just arrived and have a homeland[not trying to be offensive]. f*ck no they won't. And most african groups in america become close knit communities because there's so few of us all around. So word spreads fast about what happened to who, and ultimately who was responsible for it. And the dysfunctional and chaotic mess that is the AA world[Funny how that comes back around huh?] is usually the prime suspect since it's almost always been AA's who commit crimes against other Africans because of the close proximity to one another. So if i really wanted to, I could attack your people as well, even the Caribbean's, and talk at length about all the corruption, greed, lack of opportunity, hypocrisy, betrayal, and etc... But i won't, as I respect the trials and tribulations of all our people's collectively. The african mindset, including AA's, is that we are a divided group of people who must enact the crabs in a barrel metaphor to bootyclap and receive the praise of our white overlords. But that isn't true. And until we come to understand that, we will never progress as a people. So instead of trying to create division lines that aren't there, why don't you be more productive and read that Stokley Carmichael book like i said before. Then after understanding the logic behind power, use your great motivation[from which i can see from here you have alot of, taking on an entire forum alone bravo bravo] and help educated your fellow African/AA.

Anyways with that being said I can see at the end of the day you've made up your mind, and whether you were trolling or not, I would suggest taking a good hard look at the state of the world and why you've been made to believe the things you have. And finally you started all this, so don't blame others for defending themselves when you attack them. [Again, funny how these things all come around huh? AA attacks African group, then wonders why they don't like them smh].


closer to god we africans
@Haze ure lying somalis hate many ppl namely midgaan yibir bantus jews gays other gaals hmmmm prob a lot more im missing

nd if u think different u never been to the motherland or ever had significant conversations w/ old school somalis


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Haze ure lying somalis hate many ppl namely midgaan yibir bantus jews gays other gaals hmmmm prob a lot more im missing

nd if u think different u never been to the motherland or ever had significant conversations w/ old school somalis
What about the brown paper test in certain African American areas, they discriminate amongst them selves over the complexion of their skin. For the love of God man get off your knees & stop grovelling, you fickle minded servile creature.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I called you out time ago, you're growing that Afro to hide the fact that you ain't got a brain.
@Haze ure lying somalis hate many ppl namely midgaan yibir bantus jews gays other gaals hmmmm prob a lot more im missing

nd if u think different u never been to the motherland or ever had significant conversations w/ old school somalis
^So you're telling me Somali's knew or even cared about the AA's before coming to america? Really? I'm talking about being wronged and then forming an opinion based on that belief. Only fools believe we all dislike one another without any basis for that dislike.
As for the dislikes of Somali's honestly how many times have you seen Somali's discriminate full on against other groups of people, willfully and with malice? I have yet to see it. But gays, jews, and gaals are disliked because they are all unislamic, along with Somali's being incredibly obsessed with homogeneity/culture/religion.


closer to god we africans
What about the brown paper test in certain African American areas, they discriminate amongst them selves over the complexion of their skin. For the love of God man get off your knees & stop grovelling, you fickle minded servile creature.
ure a fool

^So you're telling me Somali's knew or even cared about the AA's before coming to america? Really? I'm talking about being wronged and then forming an opinion based on that belief. Only fools believe we all dislike one another without any basis for that dislike.
As for the dislikes of Somali's honestly how many times have you seen Somali's discriminate full on against other groups of people, willfully and with malice? I have yet to see it. But gays, jews, and gaals are disliked because they are all unislamic, along with Somali's being incredibly obsessed with homogeneity/culture/religion.
never said that

i love how u conveniently glossed over midgaan nd yibir- and hating jews is actually unislamic jews r ppl of the book


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Closer to God we Africans? Are Algerians, Liberians, Egyptians included?

Miise you're a black power supremacist, on some black people are the chosen people.
kkkkkk it's not cherry picking, if anything the African Americans of Seattle purportedly have the highest IQ of all Aframs. I'm not surprised whatsoever by these results, I'm quite certain this repeats itself throughout the country. There seems to be some cultural issue among African Americans that inhibits their educational attainment.

Somalis are not a self selected immigrant group like the Nigerians or Indians whose cream of the crop reach America. We're refugees, the sons of wealthy officials and the sons of hicks all on the same boat. The fact that our first generation, many who've been here for a decade or less, seems to be performing above expectations bodes well for our future. I don't know if you can say the same.

It is not known the precise immigrant nature of Somalis in the US, but we can safely assume they are self-selected since Somali's native IQ is estimated at somewhere around 68-70. AS such Somalis shouldn't score higher than an African American, whose native IQ is estimated between 85-90.

When we compare the native African Americans and Somali IQ numbers, the African Americans handily win out. This is even true when intellectual achievements, accomplishments, etc are considered. As paltry as their contributions may be in the scientific and technological arena, African Americans' accomplishments in this avenue still eclipse Somalis by a large margin.

This trend correlates with African American's reportedly higher native IQ and Somalia's abysmally low one in comparison. Hence African Americans are smarter, faster, more athletic, etc than Somalis.
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not so sad after all
It is not known the precise immigrant nature of Somalis in the US, but we can safely assume they are self-selected since Somali's native IQ is estimated at somewhere around 68-70. AS such Somalis shouldn't score higher than an African American, whose native IQ is estimated between 85-90.

When we compare the native African Americans and Somali IQ numbers, the African Americans handily win out. This is even true when intellectual achievements, accomplishments, etc are considered. As paltry as their contributions may be in the scientific and technological arena, African Americans' accomplishments in this avenue still eclipse Somalis by a large margin.

This trend correlates with African American's reportedly higher native IQ and Somalia's abysmally low one in comparison. Hence African Americans are smarter, faster, more athletic, etc than Somalis.
That makes no sense, you have to compare the iqs when two groups are in a *controlled* environment, not that it really matters, but what you're doing is apples and oranges
It is not known the precise immigrant nature of Somalis in the US, but we can safely assume they are self-selected since Somali's native IQ is estimated at somewhere around 68-70. AS such Somalis shouldn't score higher than an African American, whose native IQ is estimated between 85-90.

When we compare the native African Americans and Somali IQ numbers, the African Americans handily win out. This is even true when intellectual achievements, accomplishments, etc are considered. As paltry as their contributions may be in the scientific and technological arena, African Americans' accomplishments in this avenue still eclipse Somalis by a large margin.

This trend correlates with African American's reportedly higher native IQ and Somalia's abysmally low one in comparison. Hence African Americans are smarter, faster, more athletic, etc than Somalis.

First there was not any IQ test done on Somalia because of civil war but they combined ethopia and Kenya results and divided by two.
Lmao@this highschool dropout KingGeno. The idiot doesn't even know the meaning of "pre-selection".

"IQ" has been proven to be an inaccurate instrument for measuring intelligence, but let's put that aside for now.

The very fact that this fool is willing to accept that his people are below 90 on average, which puts them at the bottom of society in the US, just to score a few cheap points against Somalis is prove of the inferiority complex that many AA's suffer from. They are literally willing to degrade themselves just to prove that they are not as bad as "those other black folks". Pitiful.

As for the Somali community in the US, most of them have been in the states for less than 20 years. That's not even a full generation. Add to this the fact that the community continues to be replenished with new arrivals every year, which makes it hard to measure how well-functioning the community is.

With that said, Somalis have set up businesses (400+ in Columbus alone) and have generally been noted for having an unusually high level of entrepreneurship. Plus we do not have a crack epidemic, HIV epidemic, high crime rates, etc.. We control our own money and are not being preyed upon by other communities who extract money out of the AA community. We've established institutions that serve our needs as a community and we do not have to rely on Koreans, Chinese and Arabs to serve us. We even have our own banking system which allows us to transfer money all over the world within seconds.

We managed to do all of that while still taking care of our people back home. We send something like 1 billion dollars a year back home. That's a constraint that AA's do not have plus AA's have something like a 400 years headstart. The fact that we're even in the same conversation should tell you something! These losers should be competing with the whites, Latinos, Asians etc. instead of competing with a community of recent arrivals from a war-torn country. This is why they will always be at the bottom, complaining that the white man ain't doing enough for them instead of building their own communities. They're always looking for handouts.

Are we perfect? No, not even close. We have our own issues to deal with. But we've come pretty far in 20 years. We all know that within a generation we will have outpaced the AA's like every other community has done in the past. They worship these black musicians and athletes who only represent a small fraction of their people and in all honesty couldn't care less about them, instead of focusing on building strong economic foundations, small businesses etc. Instead, most of them are chasing that illusive dream of becoming singers and athletes or they turn to a life of crime.

Those bitter losers at thecoli need to focus on building their communities and saving their crackhead mothers from prostitution instead of whining about Somalis, who make up a small fraction of the US population.

I have no hate in my heart for these people and they definitely do have a lot of admirable qualities and have produced some admirable people such as Malcolm X and Mohammed Ali. But this level of animosity and hate, that they exhibit for other Africans, is just pathetic. You know that they have no issues with submitting to white immigrants, but the moment that an African shows any signs of pride they're quick to knock him down and "put him in his place". They still have that slave mentality.
It is not known the precise immigrant nature of Somalis in the US, but we can safely assume they are self-selected since Somali's native IQ is estimated at somewhere around 68-70. AS such Somalis shouldn't score higher than an African American, whose native IQ is estimated between 85-90.

When we compare the native African Americans and Somali IQ numbers, the African Americans handily win out. This is even true when intellectual achievements, accomplishments, etc are considered. As paltry as their contributions may be in the scientific and technological arena, African Americans' accomplishments in this avenue still eclipse Somalis by a large margin.

This trend correlates with African American's reportedly higher native IQ and Somalia's abysmally low one in comparison. Hence African Americans are smarter, faster, more athletic, etc than Somalis.

Second AA had failed the black and African youth around the world, you introduced the rap music the gang violence and exported to African youth around the world. Really not only Somalis that do not like but all Africans. We are just protecting our youth and showing your negative live style. In past we respected the AA and your struggle in 70s, I can show you pictures of Somali women protesting for angela Davis. Plus we had huge respect to Maclom X and Mohamed Ali black panther Nation of Islam and we still admire them for trying to change your society. Just put in mind your dangerous life style is reflecting bad on our black or African people. Nothing personal we Somalis are also black African people.
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As for the Caribbeans who posted in that thread: everything that I said about the AA's applies to them as well. They've been in the West since the 60's (at least). The very fact that we're even in the same conversation is a strong indication of how much they've failed as a community.

But hey, they have good athletes and singers so I'm sure everything is OK.. lmao.. they're content with being glorified court jesters and see that as some type of accomplishment.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The Caribbean have been in the uk since the early 50's, today Somalis who arrived in the 90's have more business than them, if I was that Caribbean guy, I would remain silent. I'm from the uk & their condition here is ridiculous that it's pitiful, surely nothing to brag about.
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