The spread of the Dumarland feminist movement

Why you remove that sentence? I thought it was good. Yes your right I’m wary of the minority of rapist men and I would not risk it with my kids.

It was too dark for my liking.

Look, I believe that good men and good women, should do more, to fight the deplorables among us. It's not enough for us to be 'good', we must police our gender in a correct manner when we think our gender is doing wrong.
Normal men, that actually view women as human beings, aren't put on trial during relationships.
'normal men' arent interested in navigating unhealed daddy issues and general cuqdad about men subjugating women, and that comes with the territory of being with a rad fem, what the other poster was commenting on in your quote.

rad fem men for the rad fem women, 'normal men' for 'normal women'

Unless the implication is normal women are rad fems
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'normal men' arent interested in navigating unhealed daddy issues and general cuqdad about men subjugating women, and that comes with the territory of dating a rad fem, what the other poster was commenting on in your quote.

rad fem men for the rad fem women, 'normal men' for 'normal women'

Unless the implication is normal women are rad fems
Yup basically, I would hate to deal with that in a relationship. Although dating is haram and don’t do that. I’m more of a believer in the elder match making process.
Yup basically, I would hate to deal with that in a relationship. Although dating is haram and don’t do that. I’m more of a believer in the elder match making process.
Snitched on myself
face facepalm GIF by The Boss Baby
'normal men' arent interested in navigating unhealed daddy issues and general cuqdad about men subjugating women, and that comes with the territory of being with a rad fem, what the other poster was commenting on in your quote.

rad fem men for the rad fem women, 'normal men' for 'normal women'

Unless the implication is normal women are rad fems

The truth is, most women are very much aware of the patriarchy, which is why most healthy women, run away at the first sign of misogyny. Even if some women don't know the terminology, they sure know how to spot signs of it.
The truth is, most women are very much aware of the patriarchy, which is why most healthy women, run away at the first sign of misogyny. Even if some women don't know the terminology, they sure know how to spot signs of it.
So rad fem sympathies are common in women is what youre getting at?

Because thats what the brother was talking about, rad fems with daddy issues and cuqdaad that women themselves havent come to terms with, that a normal man wont be interested in

I dont understand the tie in of running away at the first sign of misogyny. They should, misogyny is a poison. Whats that to do with not dating a rad fem?
So rad fem sympathies are common in women is what youre getting at?

Because thats what the brother was talking about, rad fems with daddy issues and cuqdaad that women themselves havent come to terms with, that a normal man wont be interested in

I dont understand the tie in of running away at the first sign of misogyny. They should, misogyny is a poison. Whats that to do with not dating a rad fem?

If radical feminism is recognising that Patriarchy is very real, then yes, most learned women are very much aware of this concept and do not disagree. Normal women, do tie in patriarchal concepts with misogyny because it's one and the same.

Even if a woman has a good father, it doesn't mean the men she is talking to are good men, and thus, a woman who is wise, will make sure she can recognise toxic traits.

Finally, I don't know why normal men would be concerned with this.
If radical feminism is recognising that Patriarchy is very real, then yes, most learned women are very much aware of this concept and do not disagree.
Now its most learned women, earlier was most women. I mention because that was the heart of my question, are rad fem beliefs common in women in your opinion. common in the enlightened ones makes sense, but most women or 'normal women' identifying with rad feminism is a tough sell.
Normal women, do tie in patriarchal concepts with misogyny because it's one and the same.

Even if a woman has a good father, it doesn't mean the men she is talking to are good men, and thus, a woman who is wise, will make sure she can recognise toxic traits.
Yes even with a great dad and family she may go out and the men that she gets with / get with her are frogs. That doesnt automatically make women become rad fems

I guess the part thats missing is this: there is a sizeable segment of women who as a result of unhealed trauma from their relationships with family or romantic partners, champion the rad fem mantle and use it in substitute if figuring out why they are hurting. Thats the type of ppl bro is saying not to waste time with, and to me it seems reasonable to all parties, not some trojan horse to power up the patriarchy
Finally, I don't know why normal men would be concerned with this.

Ask the most normal men you know if theyd care if their partners were rad fems. You know inherently why they would, everyone cares about what the beliefs of the person they end up with.

My mistake if i misunderstood what you meant with this
I warn my sisters, from taking lessons from men, when it pertains to your femininity and rights in Islam and so forth. Whether they call themselves Gaal or Muslim, many of them share the interest in subjugating women. They are all threatened by women having agency over themselves, because it means they cannot get away with neglect or even abuse.
Ask yourselves why the term 'feminism' angers them so much? When at its root, feminism is just aimed at achieving harmless goals such as equal pay, equal rights and so forth. The only issue Muslim women should have with feminism, is when it conflicts with Islam. But where it relates, why should we take issue with it?

Especially those of us women who live in the West, why should we not figure out who to ally with, when it serves us? Not every woman has a mahrem to provide for her. Many women are single mothers, who need to raise children. Do they not deserve equal pay? These are the things that feminist movements have fought for;

1. Voting Rights
2. Equal pay
3. Anti-Sexism

Ask yourself why this movement bothers these men.

You’ve stated things that women already have in the modern day and even have in a lot of non first world countries. I’d say you’re being a bit dishonest when talking about feminism if you accentuate purely only these points. Feminism in its modern form is a massive trap for Muslim women as they initially get you with these talking point then go on and Brianwash you with it’s more degenerate teachings later on, don’t be fooled.

Walale, you said the issue is radical feminism. But when radical feminists say that men are the ones who subjugate women. Is this actually a lie? Is the 'patriarchy' a made-up concept?

Are men not the ones who oppress women, and abuse them? Or is there another species on earth, that subjugates women?

patriarchy exists sure, but it’s for the good of women as it’s for the good of men too, without patriarchy you don’t have strong leaders who protect women’s rights and the patience women need for their physical disadvantages in law as women aren’t capable of holding such positions like men are in order to protect women. Men can also suffer because of other men due to the patriarchy, only the most powerful men really benefit while most other men will suffer due to it if the men at the top aren’t good men, although it does have some benefits to all men.

That doesn’t mean that patriarchy can’t be used as a position to oppress women too (this only happens in cultures where women’s rights aren’t protected though), but patriarchy doesn’t naturally mean “women oppressed” and instead in many cases means women are protected especially in Islam. It’s also important to remember that women love the patriarchy, they love strong men who are leaders who they can follow and protect and provide for them, while they hate weak men with no power and no ability to do anything for them, in other words women are just as responsible for upholding the patriarchy as men are.

Also women also oppress other women and sometimes even men with their own form of power (the matriarchy) with backbiting, ostracizing, belittling and dehumanizing other women and men. Women have a social power that men tend not to have, women are much more socially adept and better at controlling the social sphere in a way men don’t (men’s control tends to be more economic and status based) people tend to be much more empathetic towards a women’s needs and wants which gives them a kind of social power men don’t have.
I heard a saying once: 'It's not all men, but it's always a man'

I'm glad you are a good man, and that the men in your family are good also. But ask any girl or woman in your life, if anyone ever harmed or scared them, and guess what? It's always a boy or a man.

All us women want, is to be left in peace and to be treated like human beings.
This is a lie, women tend to be harmed by other women throughout their life much more than men, the people who ostracize them are other women, the people who bully them are other women, the people who tend to ruin their name and reputation tends most of the time to be other women. All that being said obviously the harm a man can cause a women tends to be different and more severe but it’s also much more rare than what women go through with other women. Stop pretending in this la la world where women all come together and leave in peace, it doesn’t happen.
It's not ridiculous. When a girl or a woman is abused, it's a male that did it.
Wrong, women are much more likely to abused by other women if you count any kind of abuse.
In fact, when young boys are raped or abused, it's a male that did it.
Well yeah, when it comes to sexual violence it tends to be males who commit it towards females and other males
The female gender has its faults, but if the world was only filled with women, there would be far less sexual or violent crimes and that's a fact.
You’re right there would be less sexual violence and obvious violent crimes but there would be an uptick in social segregation, the oppressing of women by other women and non obvious violent crimes e.g. using poison (the most easiest and secret method) to kill someone rather than doing it in a clear and obviously violent way like with a knife.

Also if you think men aren’t protected/upholded by women when it comes to men committing crimes that only men tend to commit then you’re solely mistaken. Are you really going to back up a stranger female over your brother/husband etc if she accused him of sexual assault? Of course you wouldn’t, especially if you’re close with them, all the females in that guys life will get protection from those women and they’ll defend that guy socially and stake their word at it. So to say that it’s only purely the XY chromosomes that are responsible for such behaviour is silly, there’s so many women out there that are much more responsible for the behaviours of what men did than some random guy that has nothing to do with the situation.

E.g. do you think I’m more responsible for what Jeffery Epstein did because I hold a XY chromosome over the guys wife Ghislaine Maxwell, cause she’s holds XX chromosomes? Even though she helped felicitate his behaviour? Very silly thinking, this is what feminism does to the mind. It absolves women of all fault and puts all blame on men and misguides women and their judgment. You’re already infected somewhat with the black and white thinking feminism gives you. It’s honestly a shame.
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Gabar Majeerteen 💙🤍💚
If Muslim men are offended at the concept of feminism, why not take offence at the issues that women face, such as sexism, and gender-based violence. Have you ever asked yourself why women even need movements to be treated like normal human beings.

Or do you only take issue when women dare to speak up, or *GASP*, fight back? I tried not to even respond to this thread because I get so bored of telling men that us women are human beings. My goodness, how tedious it is.

It's against Islam this feminism filth... obviously you support that ideology


Gabar Majeerteen 💙🤍💚
Why are they branding it as some sort of new movement and ideology lol.

It's the same old text book version of western Feminism. Has no place in Muslim country like somalia and no one should entertain this kuffar ideology in somalia


♚Sargon of Adal♚
It's not ridiculous. When a girl or a woman is abused, it's a male that did it. In fact, when young boys are raped or abused, it's a male that did it.

The female gender has its faults, but if the world was only filled with women, there would be far less sexual or violent crimes and that's a fact.

I don't think all men are crazy, I think there are plenty of lovely ones, but I cannot ignore facts.
One of my close friends was SA by his babysitter, the girl was in her early teens, and he was 6 or 7 at the time, he confided in me when we were teens, his since gotten therapy and is engaged.
We need the 4b movement in south korea until this niman can come to their senses!:fittytousand:
The 4b movement was created by the Jews. To stop every civilization from growing. For instance Korean race is dying there will be no Koreans in Korea in 2100 and that less than 80 years abyo. Please don't believe 4b will aid you in anyway it's a nation killer


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
The 4b movement was created by the Jews. To stop every civilization from growing. For instance Korean race is dying there will be no Koreans in Korea in 2100 and that less than 80 years abyo. Please don't believe 4b will aid you in anyway it's a nation killer
It wouldnt have gained traction if men werent such pieces of 💩. Better there be no more babies than have them with deadbeats
It wouldnt have gained traction if men werent such pieces of 💩. Better there be no more babies than have them with deadbeats
So your stance is end the society due to your experience. You can't think like that yes there are trash people, but there are also good people also. Your life isn't done yet so keep trying .


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
So your stance is end the society due to your experience. You can't think like that yes there are trash people, but there are also good people also. Your life isn't done yet so keep trying .
Women dont owe men reproduction. If they dont want babies then they wont have babies simple as that. Besides there will be always people popping babies out. a decrease in population wont change anything besides the size of economy
Women dont owe men reproduction. If they dont want babies then they wont have babies simple as that. Besides there will be always people popping babies out. a decrease in population wont change anything besides the size of economy
Ok everyone has there own decision in life and that it. We can agree that this a difference in view point, but I wish the best of luck on your endeavors besides the 4b ideology abyo 🥰🥰🥰


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Ok everyone has the own decision in life and that it. We can agree that this a difference in view point, but I wish the best of luck on your endeavors besides the 4b ideology abyo 🥰🥰🥰
Don’t hate the player hate the game 🤷‍♀️

