The unholy feminine Neo-feminism & the satanic EPI-EUGENICS AGENDA

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What's so funny about that? War aniga Ma walaan miise caden ba laga heesayaa :oh6b81q:
It's funny because Edward Bernays co-opted the women's empowerment movement to sell cigarettes to women in the 1920's. In short, he ate off the back of feminism!

Nowadays, like all else (popular concepts) before/after it, the free market and advertising often uses feminism or it's principles to sell. There's no mastermind "Illuminati" or whatever forcing these concepts down our throats. The free market and big media simply exploit what's popular or has already gained traction with society to sell it's goods and products, without a care for what's being propogated. There is no greater hoax/conspiracy to be had here.

Watch this ad for the Rio Olympics. Let me know what you notice...


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
It's funny because Edward Bernays co-opted the women's empowerment movement to sell cigarettes to women in the 1920's. In short, he ate off the back of feminism!

Nowadays, like all else (popular concepts) before/after it, the free market and advertising often uses feminism or it's principles to sell. There's no mastermind "Illuminati" or whatever forcing these concepts down our throats. The free market and big media simply exploit what's popular or has already gained traction with society to sell it's goods and products, without a care for what's being propogated. There is no greater hoax/conspiracy to be had here.

Watch this ad for the Rio Olympics. Let me know what you notice...
Edward Bernay believed in a conspiracy theory, I suggest you read it thoroughly & muse over what he said.

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind."

I think you're not ready for the blue pill, cognitive dissonance is a , it's easier to remain asleep, don't let me disturb you my g by all means remain asleep.


Here's another very brash example of how cigarettes aka lung cancer were marketed to women in the footsteps of Edward Bernays lool.

You're confusing simple, everyday marketing techniques for some kind of worldwide "New World Order" type conspiracy. Enjoy your tinfoil hat.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Here's another very brash example of how cigarettes aka lung cancer were marketed to women in the footsteps of Edward Bernays lool.

You're confusing simple, everyday marketing techniques for some kind of worldwide "New World Order" type conspiracy. Enjoy your tinfoil hat.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

The authentic women has been socially engineered to want to be placated, revered and pampered. Princess programming is huge in western culture and starts at very early age. Through this programming young women are often taught to value only what can be gained for themselves through relationship with men, to seek only men who "Provide for them" to place paramount importance on their own physical appearance to "lure" a male, to devalue the importance of their own intelligence, to seek money as their main value system and even think that no man is good enough for me.

The inauthentic women (women under mind control) is largely motivated by the psychological desire for attachment & security. To them love is seen primarily as a form of permanence & attachment rather than deep familial bond with another human being. Money and government are often perceived by them as assurance of comfort, prosperity and long term security. The primary desire for financial security as a resource for safety can be most readily seen in our western culture in the most frequently asked question by a woman to a man when first meeting, which is "what do you do for a living" ultimately the desire for security is the desire for an illusion since there is no such thing as true security as long as you live in physical reality.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

The search for security with a man with money, or the desire to be simply "taken care of" by someone else is an integral part of the ego-gratification, ME-ME-ME, satanic mindset. Very few want to see and admit the truth regarding this. Most will attribute this to Darwinian-theory biological response, when in fact this behaviour is deeply ingrained social conditioning. sadly, most people desire a state of safe and secure slavery, as opposed to one of dangerous freedom and its associated personal responsibility. Most men are also in this manipulated mindset. The realisation that death lurks around every corner is the state of reality that authentic man an authentic woman live in at all times for tomorrow is never promised, death waits for nobody.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane


The formal institution of marriage is often favoured by the conditioned woman, since it brings a perineal relationship into union with the violence of the state which has been traditionally used & steered to the benefit of the female especially when a marriage ends in divorce. Over 80% of all divorces are initiated by women mostly because real world men don't live up to their programmed expectations. Divorce courts rule drastically in favour of women over 95% of the time. Divorce rates will predictably rise astronomically as long as conditioned women remain attached to types of unrealistic cultural expectations they have regarding relationships. These expectations are part of the "no man is good enough for me" princess programming. Money & the maintenance of a lifestyle is almost always valued above emotions, feelings and moral issues in modern relationships. Such a system is institutionally structured to break down the strength of both genders and therefore negatively impact future generations.
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

Women largely drive the worlds corporate economy, being responsible for over 85% of total purchase of all goods & services according to corporate and consumer advocacy studies. This is not only well passed the natural expected median, but it is ridiculously skewed and it shows just how much corporate advertising is completely geared towards the manipulation of women, their purchasing power and their power to influence societal trends.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
And they say acid turns you insane...
If it ain't the violent Buddhist kkkk Horta how's your crusade going against xalimo's? What kind of fake fat indho yar meditating worshipping mofo are you, I think you missed the memo from your sanam instructing you to be peaceful & refrain from insulting others, I suggest you get back to meditating otherwise f*ck around & I just might might smash me a few Buddha statues kkkk
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